

When Victoria Grimborn imagined her mate it was never her alpha apparent. Having been abused and mistreated her whole life, Victoria never saw herself as strong or outspoken as many other she wolves in her pack. A born omega, she was an easy target for bullying and abuse at the hands of others. This caught the unwanted attention of her alpha. His still unmated son has set his sights on her and he fully intends to get what he wants at the gathering of the packs. But when Victoria meets a dark mysterious man from another pack, will she find the strength to fight for herself? Titan North took over his pack at a very young age. This has made him hard and given him a terrifying reputation. Having run the pack on his own for almost two decades, Titan does not need or want a mate. In a place where the strong go to find themselves and the weak do not survive, Titan does not want the burden of a Luna. But when he meets a young beautiful and soft spoken omega from Oklahoma all that seems to fade away. How can he resist the draw of the bond between them? How far is he willing to go to save her? Can they learn to survive in this harsh unforgiving world? Will they be consumed by the past? Or will they find solace in the North Wind?

Emily_Knudsen · Fantaisie
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8 Chs

The alpha's bed

Victoria woke to the sound of a knock at the door. She stretched and looked around her groggily. The room she was in now was definitely not the one she had fell a sleep in. A beautiful fireplace decorated the wall just to her left and a door stood ajar next to it, steam bellowing out as what she assumed was hot water gushed inside. The knock sounded louder and a deep dominant voice cursed from what she thought to be the bathroom. "Oh for fuck sake! Don't they have any decency!" The water shut off and a glass door slammed. A few seconds later the door swung fully open and she gasped in shock as it finally dawned on her that she was naked in a strangers bed.

"I'm so sorry! I'll-" She stopped short when she saw her wallet with her pack badge half hanging out of a pile of khaki rages. "My clothes." She whimpered as she looked closer, tears springing to her eyes. "I'll just go!" She said jumping out of the bed and backing away as he crossed the room towards her. "Please don't hurt me! I'll leave and I won't bother you again! I promise." She half sobbed as he took her arms and sat her on the bed.

"Don't be ridiculous. You don't have any thi-" The knock sounded again. It was angry this time. "Oh fuck off!" He shouted when she flinched and squealed in fright.

"You first!" A cheerful voice responded through the door.

"We brought what you asked for now let us in!" A vaguely familiar male voice sounded after. "Kole, don't be a jackass." Victoria heard him say as the alpha moved over to the door but stopped short.

"It's my beta and one of the elders. Is it okay if I let them in?" He asked.

"You know, these stairs are steep and this box is awkward stop asking and Ouch! What was that for?" She nodded slowly and pulled the blanket over her large exposed breasts. He waited until she was somewhat decently covered and opened the door. Out side on a small landing in a narrow hall were the father and son from last night.

"Because you are being a jackass! Don't listen to him alpha you did the right thing asking her." The elder said as he set down a covered tray on the round table in the middle of the room. "Now, Luna normally we don't do breakfast in your room but the alpha didn't want you to feel overwhelmed by the pack. So we brought you something in here. Also in the box you'll find some clothes that used to belong to my daughter. She got them out for you seeing as... pitch...well...."

"He got pissed at your clothes and shredded them." The beta rolled his eyes at the alpha who flipped him off.

"I had trouble with your shirt and Pitch got frustrated. He can be hard to control sometimes. Honestly I was trying to put you in my shirt." He sighed when he saw she hadn't stopped shaking. "Okay he was pissed because your clothes smelled like someone else."

"That's better alpha. Always best to be honest." She was surprised that she hadn't been dragged naked through the halls of the pack house as an example of what happens when you disobey the alpha.

"Um... am I not being punished?" She asked weakly.

"Of course not sweet heart! Why would you even ask that my love?" The dark haired alpha asked as he sat on the edge of the large king sized bed and looked at her.

"But I'm not su-suposed to be in yo-your room." She half whimpered.

"Well if anyone is going to be punished for that it will be me. I brought you up here after all."

"Yeah shocked every one that saw us. 'Ohmigods! The alpha final crossed the line and killed that poor girl!' Or was it 'Is he planning on desposing of that body in his room? No wonder he doesn't let anyone in there!'" The beautiful brunette form the night before giggled.

"Why the hell didn't you knock, Hannah? This is still my room isn't?" She giggled again.

"You know I never knock. And if Pitch kills me the entire pack will know exactly what you are working with and all the names of the slots who can confirm its size." She glanced at his crotch still only clad in a towel before laughing maniacal at his flushed embarrassed face. This pack was a far cry from her pack that had been so displined.

Victoria was half way up to throw herself between the alpha and his subordinate when he spoke. "Are you black mailing me?"

"Hannah?" The elder spoke around his shock.

"Yes daddy?"

"How do you know how big his junk is?" The beta almost growled.

"We were drunk and played a game of spot the difference." She shrugged and moved around te now blubbering alpha to the bed. In her hands were two Victoria's secret bags. "Okay if these don't fit blame that idiot. He was not very clear on the sizes so.... I got you five sizes and the ones that don't fit we can take them back later and exchange them for ones that do."

"Excuse you Hannah! I'm not dressed!" Alpha growled.

"Neither is she and you still let daddy and Kole in." She said snarkily.

"Your dad is happily mated and I don't know how to tell you this but Kole is gay!"

"I remember." She said as she started to pull scraps of fabricout of one of the bags. "And, in case you forgot, I am also happily mated."

"What will Dracus think when he finds out you were in my room while I was wearing nothing but a towel?"

"'If Pitch hurt her I will decimate this entire pack of mutts.'? I don't really know. It's hard to tell what he is thinking sometimes. Now sweety, why don't you lower that blanket so I can get a good look at what we are dealing with here." She smiled sweetly at her and almost immediately Victoria began to tremble again as she was suddenly the center of attention.

"Stop!" It was Pitch that spoke. She would recognize that demonic growl any time any where. "You upset her! Now leave!" The friendly woman glanced at her brother and father who both waved her out of the room.

"Y-yes, alpha." She stammered submissive as she half courtched and moved as quickly and quietly as she could to the door and out to the landing beyond.

As the door shut behind Hannah Pitch moved around the bed holding out his hand to show he was not a threat. Once he reached her she tucked her arms tightly to her chest and allowed him to pull her into his arms. She sobbed for the first time since her parents had been killed in a rouge attack 13 years ago. Soon her sobbed of pain and fear were all one could hear as she let loose and cried while Pitch rocked her back and forth, holding her tightly against his body as if he was trying to shield her from the whole world.

"Out!" He growled at the other two in the room and they left silently and Victoria was alone with this hard cold alpha. She wondered how long it old be before he got tired of her and sent her back to Texas Storm. Oh how Erle would beat her. She was in alot of trouble when this man was done with her. That thought only made her cry all the harder. Alpha just held her till she cried herself out. "Are you okay now, my love." He asked as he pulled away. She had been silent for a while and it was clear she was done crying.

"I'm-I'm sorry." She sniffed and looked down at his chest. It was muscular and unblemished, Not a mark on it. She was sure a man his age would have a mate. 'We're his mate, Victoria. Us. He is the one I have been calling out to for the past year! He will protect us.' Snow said triumphantly. "I just-" She scrambled out of his arms and let the blanket fall to the floor as she looked around for something to excuse her behavior. "I should...." He put his finger on her lips to silence her.

"You should eat something. Judging by your weight, or should I say lack there of, you don't get a lot to eat." He said standing up and pulling her over to the table as his towel finally took the plunge of doom to the floor.

"Oh! No! I-I'm fine r-really! I can get breakfast in my packs bunk house! Don't let me disturb yours! I'll- I'll just go! And I won't bother you again!" She pleaded as she tried, and failed, to get away from him for the fourth time in the last 24 hours.

"Don't run away!" He snapped ruthlessly, causing her to stop her attempts to free herself from him. "I'm- I'm sorry. It's just I can't keep up with you. Pitch is fast but we were eating your snow last night. No pun intended." His expression softened as he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly and she was surprised. Most alphas would never admit to such a weakness.

"Snow is really fast." She said smiling as a small blossom of pride began to take root inside her. "We once out paced a Kentucky derby winner." She admitted.

"I believe it and you hold a pace for a while. I mean you went 20 miles in half as many minutes. That at least 2 miles an hour. Not even the best of my warriors has that kind of endurance." He was drawing her into his lap and before she knew it she felt the skin of his thighs against her bare ass. "That's better." He cooed softly as his arm went around her hip while his other hand removed the cover from the tray. "Besides this is your breakfast. I already ate." He stated as he picked up the fork and filled it with scrambled eggs. Raising it to her lips he made an opening motion with his mouth. Victoria instinctively followed his gestures, afraid of what would happen if she refused to comply. She was naked in a strange packs house and now she was caught by this unpredictable alpha who seemed to have intermittent Fits of rage.

She felt the fork tap against her tongue as he made a closing motion. Was he hand feeding her? Did he select random women to feed in his room while they sat naked together? What kind of psychopath would do something like that? 'I told you he is our mate!' Snow snarled furiously at Victoria. Never the less She closed her mouth around the fork and the eggs were left behind on her tongue. They were creamy in texture. Slightly salty with a sweetness to them. The taste reminding her of Pitch's cock. She flushed red as she remembered how Snow had licked him the night before and lept out of his reach.

"What? Baby what's wrong?" He asked desperately looking around for the threat.

"No-nothing!" She whimpered as she hid her face in her hands and spun away from him. "I-I should get dressed!"

"Don't worry about it. You can take as long as you want for that. Come eat." He was begging her and it was obvious that the man was in control at the moment.

"No no! I'm full...Really...Couldn't eat another bite." She stammered out as she dug through the box of clothes and pile of undergarments on the bed. She was hoping to find something that would at least fit until she got one of her spare uniforms on. Unfortunately none of the bras would fit properly. All of them were either to big around the ribs or to small in the cups. The shirts would not fit her without a good bra that would reduce her bust size to almost zero. These had clearly been from before that gorgeous woman developed a bust.

"Baby please. You need to eat." He was still begging and making no attempt to cover his impressive, albeit flacid, penis that dangled between his legs.

"Not while we are both naked!" She half screamed at him in desperation. She gasped and slapped her hand over her mouth as her eyes widened in fear. She had raised her voice to him. Her mind went back to the gasstation bathroom just yesterday. She could feel the cold, hard tiles under her knees and she started to shake. She hadn't even shouted then. What was this ticking time bomb of rage going to do to punish her for raising her voice.

"Okay." He said quietly. "Let's get dressed and then you can eat." He offered gently, as if he could sense her fear. Unbeknownst to her, he didn't have to sense it. He could see it in the way she tried to shrink down and make herself as small as possible. How she shook like she she was being assaulted by her own personal earthquake. And how her eyes desperately darted to the doors and windows as if weighing the pros and cons of escaping and hiding.

It was the same way his mother looked when she heard his father stomping up the stairs, or pounding on the locked door. But how many times had she stood in his path, scraficing her escape to save him or someone else in the pack. Yet this girl, this silver haired angel, Had no such attachments to his pack. Would she jump out the window to escape him?

He backed into the bathroom, not expecting her to be there when he came out. Hesitantly he shut the door and turned to his walk in closet. He sniffed when he heard the door open and then slam shut. She was gone already. She had waited just long enough to be sure he was not going to try and stop her before she rushed out of his life forever. While she had not verbally rejected him, she hadn't even waited long enough to get dressed.

She would rather risk being raped than spend one more second in his life. Not that anyone in his pack would risk the consequences of such an action, but still, she had no way of knowing that. He was leaning on his closet door as he half heartedly pulled on a pair of sweat pants when he heard an ear piercing shriek of terror from the bedroom. He rushed out to see Thorsbane throwing his mate on the bed roughly.

"What the fuck are you doing, Thorsbane!" He demanded as he rushed across the room and inspected his tiny fragile mate for any sort of injury. She was shaking uncontrollably as she scrambled across the bed and hid behind him in her fear.

"She was trying to jump out the window!" Thorsbane growled back as he indicated the window that was still open, letting in the cold wind. "Your welcome!" He snarled furiously as he slammed the window so hard the glass almost shattered.