

When Victoria Grimborn imagined her mate it was never her alpha apparent. Having been abused and mistreated her whole life, Victoria never saw herself as strong or outspoken as many other she wolves in her pack. A born omega, she was an easy target for bullying and abuse at the hands of others. This caught the unwanted attention of her alpha. His still unmated son has set his sights on her and he fully intends to get what he wants at the gathering of the packs. But when Victoria meets a dark mysterious man from another pack, will she find the strength to fight for herself? Titan North took over his pack at a very young age. This has made him hard and given him a terrifying reputation. Having run the pack on his own for almost two decades, Titan does not need or want a mate. In a place where the strong go to find themselves and the weak do not survive, Titan does not want the burden of a Luna. But when he meets a young beautiful and soft spoken omega from Oklahoma all that seems to fade away. How can he resist the draw of the bond between them? How far is he willing to go to save her? Can they learn to survive in this harsh unforgiving world? Will they be consumed by the past? Or will they find solace in the North Wind?

Emily_Knudsen · Fantaisie
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8 Chs

Rage and a talk

Finally he convinced her to eat and take a shower before getting dressed for the day. She ended up wearing a black lace thong, a pair of black bedazzled wool legs and one of his flannel shirts with no bra. He was very happy that she had chosen his shirt out of the hamper, telling him in a pleading voice that he wouldn't miss it if he let her borrow it since it was dirty anyway. He had tried unsuccessfully to get her choose a clean shirt from the closet.

Now that she was dressed he grabbed a brush from the bucket he had on his bathroom sink. He would often times help brush the hair of little girls in the pack so he kept a brush in his pocket at all times. She selected a plain black utility brush and they moved out to the chair by the fireplace. "Come sit here." He indicated the spot in front of him. She immediately went to her knees in front of him and opened her mouth while closing her eyes. What that told him had rage flooding his whole body and he struggled to reign in Pitch as he tried to take control.

'RIP HER OLD PACK TO SHREDS! KILL THEM ALL!' He roared, sounding like he already had a plan to do so.

'BE CALM! YOU'LL SCARE HER AGAIN!!' Titan roared back, and Pitch settled only a little. "No, not like that love. Turn around. I'm going to brush your hair for you." He half growled half groaned as his mind went to the night before when Snow had licked his cock. She cast him a suspicious look as she complied.

Seeing her on her knees excited Pitch. 'Bend her over and fuck her till she can't even scream from the pleasure!' Pitch begged.

'I'm just brushing her hair!' "Fuck your mood swings are starting to give me whiplash!" He muttered forgetting that his beautiful and abused mate was right infront of him.

"I-I'm sorry." She whimpered. "I'll try to do better! Please don't punish me!"

"No! I was talking to Pitch! I'm not going to punish you, love. You are safe in this room." He rushed to assure her. 'Pitch, if you've forgotten, she was abused and I'm starting to think she that abuse wasn't just physical. I am starting to think that maybe she was sexual abused as well.'

'She was a virgin last night.' Pitch said smuggly.

'Pitch you don't have to take a woman's virginity to sexually abuse her. She may have been forced to preform oral sex. Or maybe she wasn't allowed to say no when he touched her. Possibly both.'

"RIP HIS DICK OFF AND MAKE HIM CHOKE ON IT!!!" By the time he was back on control she was across the room in a corner, cowering as she watched him shaking with barely controlled rage.

"I'm sorry." He growled and slammed the brush down on the small side table before Jenkins open the door and rushing down the stairs and outside. Once out the front door he stopped and gulped the fresh air. The cold was the only thing that kept him from shifting. The lazily drifting snow was about to turn into a blizzard.

He looked up and saw four boys in white button downs khakis and black dress shoes laughing as they throew snow balls at a group of small children, intentional missing them as they were bombard from all sides. "Storms moving fast! Come inside!" Titan bellowed over the rising howl of the wind in his alpha comand. To his surprise the four boys made sure to gather the children and herded them into the pack house. all 16 children pulled the boys along towards the rec. room.

He grabbed the last of the Texas Strom boys and jerked him into his office, shoving him into a chair as he locked the door. The boy was shaking in fear.

"We didn't mean to do anything wrong alpha! Please we had never seen snow before and they made it look so fun. We just joined in an-"

"Do you know a silver haired girl?" He asked cutting off the boys rambling apology.

"Y-you mean Victoria?" He asked. "I know she shifts only when she thinks no one is around. I've seen her do it! But wait if you want to punish her for something she didn't do it! I haven't seen her since we arrived Yesterday and if you think I'm going to help you tra-"

"She is not in trouble. I just need to know who abused her and what it entailed." The boy fell silent and gulped. He had gone pale and seemed to be nervous.

"W-why do you need to know that?" He asked quietly.

"She is my mate. I need to know so that I can help her heal from it."

The boy sighed heavily before responding. "It was Erle. and the rest of the alpha court. Two years ago Erle found his mate and she rejected him after he...he forced his mark on her. He then turned his sights on Victoria. He wanted her to be his Luna and so she started her...what they called training. What I call grooming. She was never allowed to shift unless Erle was there to shift with her. She couldn't even go to the bathroom with out him and if she did something, anything, he didn't like or thought of as disrespectful. He would strip her down and march her naked through the pack house. I say march though it was actually just dragging her by the hair." He looked down at his hands in his lap.

"Did he ever.....abuse her sexually, that you saw?"

"When ever he felt like it and openly. He would force her to suck his cock and he would touch her whenever and wherever he felt like it." Another pause. "She was supposed to go to him last night so he could mark her human form and make it official. But she never showed up and now she is better off staying away from him."

"Why do you say that?"

"He was telling everyone how he was going to, and I'm quoting him, 'Bend her over the breakfast table and fuck her up the ass till she can't stand and then when I'm done let who ever wants to get a feel fuck her however they want to.' We were waiting for her to come back out of the forest so we could warn her to stay away."

Titan nodded thoughtfully. "Why doesn't your alpha put a stop to the abuse?"

"You really think he cares? The Luna is in the exact same position as Victoria! Over half the pack would support her if she were to turn on her mate! But that bastard has her so allinated from everyone that she doesn't realize it! None of us is in a position to take over! We are all just trying to survive ourselves and while he has the backing of 80% of the elders and the whole alpha court we can't rise against him!" Shock filled Titan and Pitch was growling. "Our pack is dying, Alpha North! There is nothing anyone can do about that! Most of us agree that if we find our mate we will be joining their pack instead of taking them back to texas!"

"If you would really support the Luna why leave?"

"You know when a ship is sinking, Alpha storm?"

"No but I have a feeling you are going to tell me."

"When the rats start swimming. We are well beyond that point. We are standing knee deep and Alpha storm refuses to see it."

"How does he still have the support of the council of alphas?"

"He doesn't. they abandoned us along time ago." He stood to leave bit pushed a moment. "If you find Victoria, tread carefully. She's been through hell and back. Her parents were killed by the alpha when she was five. He may not have been the one to do it but he sure as fuck instrumented their murder."

"Why would you think that?"

"Because everyone knew that Elder grimborn was very outspoken about the way Alpha storm abused his title and the Luna. She was his sister-in-law after all. Sometimes when he gets drunk he will brag about stuff. One time I actually listened and he was bragging about how he had ordered the warriors on the border to go home early so the rougues could get in and 'kill that loud mother fucker and his bitch ass mate for speaking against him.' And if Iit weren't true tell me why the elders who don't agree with him are too afraid to stand up to him?" With that the boy left him alone in his office.

He was lost in thought when a soft knock sounded on the door. "Come in." He called as he adjusted papers on his desk as Victoria entered the room meekly. Her long silver hair was done in long Dutch braids and her silvery grey eyes were alive with fear. He could hear her heart pounding. "It's okay love, Pitch is under control now." He said gently as he pushed back from his desk and held his arms out for her.

To his surprise she walked into his arms and curled up on his lap. "I'm sorry we pulled away from you." Her voice was different. Soft and melodic.

"Snow?" He asked and she nodded as she laced their fingers together. "I'm sorry Pitch shouted. I know that was what scared Victoria."

"I have accepted you, and Pitch. Flaws and all. Just as I have accepted him a thousand times before. He was always uncontrollable. But Victoria is broken and does not trust easily. She will need time."

"I understand that. Pitch may not be patient but I am." He said. "I will wait as long as it takes for her to trust me. I am not going anywhere and neither is she."

"I saw Simon leaving here. I do hope he is not in any trouble."

"No I just wanted to talk to him about your past. I knew you wouldn't tell me everything and Victoria is too scared to stay in the same room as me with out trying to escape." He was rubbing soothing circles on her upper back. "On that note, can you do me a favor?"

"Sure what is it?"

"I would like to give Victoria and you some semblance of privacy. But I can't do that if I'm scared she might hurt herself by.....let's say jumping out a fish floor window?"

"You want me to take control when she is on the verge of doing something stupid to get away."

"Yes! Exactly!"

"I can do that. But make sure Thorsbane doesn't just walk in and start making demands of us. That scared me too."

"I will talk to him about it." He said as he linked his gamma.