
The Cleaner Begins Work

Rock proceeded cautiously, observing his surroundings to ensure he wasn't being followed. Relieved to find no signs of surveillance, he let out a sigh of relief. He had confidence in his anti-tracking techniques.

Half an hour later, he arrived in the Chinatown area, feeling a sense of familiarity as he saw the Chinese signage and the predominantly East Asian pedestrians with black hair and yellow skin. There's always an inherent affinity towards those of the same roots.

The Chinatown in the eastern part of San Gabriel Valley was vastly different from the traditional Chinatown. Here, it was a fully-fledged Chinese community, with 60% of the population being of Chinese descent. Even those who only spoke Chinese could thrive here.

Before entering the pharmacy, Rock changed into a hoodie, put on a baseball cap and a pair of glasses, and covered the hoodie with the cap, then stepped out of the car. He took a few extra cautious loops around, ensuring there was no tailing before slipping into an alley and eventually stopping in front of a pharmacy with only a signboard.

His cautious nature was ingrained, a trait honed during his time in the organization. He wouldn't be alive if he wasn't careful enough. Before entering the pharmacy, Rock put on his mask. This particular store was a front for selling illicit drugs, only open at night.

Inside, there was nothing but a staircase, and a young Chinese man in his twenties was leaning on the counter, playing with his phone, with a Colt 2000 lying beside him. He was accustomed to masked visitors like Rock, who directly asked in Chinese, "What do you need?"

Rock replied in Chinese, listing off various drugs. The young man interrupted him, asking him to repeat into a walkie-talkie. After relaying the list again, he received a response, informing him that some of the items were out of stock.

The young man quoted a price over the walkie-talkie, "$1000, pay up front." Rock didn't hesitate, pulling out a transparent PVC bag with the money inside and handing it over.

Once the transaction was done, Rock was directed upstairs. He ascended, feeling a slight hesitation as he realized he didn't have a gun. However, his confidence in L3 hand-to-hand combat reassured him. He thanked the man and climbed the stairs.

There were no surprises; the local Chinese gang had a good reputation. At the fourth-floor landing, a middle-aged Chinese lady handed him two black bags and directed him to leave through another exit.

Rock descended through the alternative exit and decided not to return to his car immediately. Instead, he removed his mask and continued shopping, purchasing some daily necessities like Chinese condiments, latex gloves, a new set of dark-colored work clothes, and makeup supplies.

When he returned to where he parked, an hour had passed. He drove away, taking a detour before settling on a Sichuan restaurant for dinner.

Most of the patrons in the restaurant were Chinese, and the sounds of Mandarin surrounded him, transporting him back to China. Rock ordered three dishes - Mapo Tofu, Kung Pao Chicken, and Seaweed Egg Drop Soup. Thirty minutes later, he had devoured two bowls of rice and finished all three dishes.

Authentic Chinese cuisine could only be found in Chinese communities like this one. After finishing his meal, Rock had a sudden inspiration. He called his father, who lived in New York, and told him about a fantastic Chinese restaurant he had found, inviting him to visit Los Angeles to try it together.

His father, Lee Bo, was surprised by the call. Since Rock entered his rebellious phase in high school, their relationship had been strained, with frequent arguments. Lee Bo rarely received such proactive calls from his son.

Pleased by the invitation, Lee Bo readily accepted. Curious about Rock's sudden visit to Chinatown, Lee Bo asked why he went for Chinese food.

Rock explained about the incident at Panda Express during lunch with his colleagues, expressing his desire for authentic Chinese cuisine to refresh his palate. Lee Bo informed Rock about the upcoming family day, where they would visit Rock's grandfather next week.

After chatting for a while, the father and son ended the call, and there was a noticeable improvement in their relationship, thanks to Rock's initiative.

During this time, Rock had revisited all of Rock Lee's memories. His rebellious phase in high school, characterized by his temper, fights, and foul language, had reasons behind it. Joining the football team as a mixed-race Chinese American subjected Rock Lee to discrimination, igniting his sense of indignation.

His grandfather, Jester Locke, instilled in him the principles of survival in a hostile world - to retaliate against enemies tooth for tooth and eye for eye. Hence, Rock Lee had to become dirtier and more vile than others to maintain his dignity. Quickly, he became a formidable quarterback for the football team, earning his place through his fists.

However, Rock's actions to protect his dignity, seen as a waste by Lee Bo, who was born and raised in mainland China under the red flag, led to a growing rift between them. Rock's mixed Chinese heritage, coupled with the discrimination he faced, initially caused him to reject his Chinese identity, leading to a lack of communication with Lee Bo and deepening the chasm between father and son.

After satisfying his hunger, Rock left the Sichuan restaurant with a contented expression. American Chinese food was indeed expensive - the three dishes, plus the service charge, had cost him $120. Not everyone could afford such expenses.

Fifteen minutes later, Rock parked his car in a mall parking lot, choosing a secluded corner without surveillance cameras. He then went to the back seat of his F150 and started arranging the items he had purchased earlier.

First, the drugs - he had bought over a dozen types of illegal narcotics, although he only needed four. Soon, he concocted three vials of potent drugs following the formula from his past life. Then, he changed into his new work clothes, put on makeup, a necessary skill for a cleaner.

After his transformation, Rock looked like a different person. He got out of the F150 and locked the car, heading straight for a nearby black Toyota Corolla. The car had a light layer of dust, indicating it hadn't been used for a while.

With L3 driving skills and L2 lock-picking abilities, Rock entered and started the car within 15 seconds, without the need for keys. Soon, the black Toyota Corolla left the parking lot, heading towards the Mexican community of Pasadena to the north.

Inside the car, Rock wore a pair of black-framed glasses, completely changing his appearance, reverting to his past life as a cleaner.