
Luck is also a part of one's strength.

Rock returned to the Green Apartments, freshened up, grabbed a Bud Light beer from the fridge, turned on the TV, muted it, and comfortably sat on the couch, excitedly staring at the panel in front of him.

The sudden reward left him bewildered.

["Light of Justice - Vigilante System 2.0"]

Level: 1

Host: Rock Lee

Strength: 9 (Human peak 20)

Speed: 10 (Human peak 20)

Endurance: 9 (Human peak 20)

Spirit: 11 (Human peak 20)

Mastered Skills: Pistol (L2 Mastery), Rifle (L1 Proficiency), Close Combat (L2 Mastery), Car Driving (L3 Master), Chinese (L3 Master), Football (L2 Mastery), Mating (L2 Mastery), Swimming (L3 Master), Housekeeping (L3 Master), Traces Analysis (L3 Master), Makeup (L3 Master), Forensic Science (L3 Master), Microexpression Analysis (L2 Mastery), Chemistry (L2 Mastery), Biology (L2 Mastery), Toxicology (L2 Mastery), Sketching (L2 Mastery), French (L2 Mastery), Japanese (L2 Mastery), Art Appreciation (L2 Mastery), Computer (L2 Mastery), Cooking (L2 Mastery), Lock Picking (L2 Mastery), Spanish (L1 Proficiency)

Justice Value: 550 (+50)

Attribute Points: None

Cards Held:

Experience Card: Pistol (Five Years Experience), Rifle (Five Years Experience), Close Combat (Five Years Experience), Car Driving (Five Years Experience), Sketching (Five Years Experience), Mating (Five Years Experience)

Function Card: Evasion Card, Detection Card

Skill Card: Oral Communication (Five Years Experience), Psychological Profile Writing (Five Years Experience)

After carefully comparing the changes in the panel, Rock gained a further understanding of this Vigilante System and felt relieved.

It seemed the system didn't require him to personally kill criminals.

His previous guess was right; the system's rewards depended on his level of involvement.

Now it appeared to also be related to the difficulty of the case.

And the experience card rewards should be related to the deceased; the last reward probably came from the specializations of the two Mexican drug dealers.

This time, the reward came from Henry Morgan; he found Henry Morgan's remains and uncovered the truth about his death, and he was involved throughout.

However, the justice value only increased by 50, indicating that the case didn't involve much wrongdoing.

This indirectly confirmed that Nancy Grandma was not related to Henry Morgan's death.

But he still hadn't figured out what the justice value was for!

Looking at this reward, Rock was excited. It felt like winning the lottery; he hadn't done anything, and even when he dug up the corpse, he was just idling, yet he gained so much experience.

Henry Morgan's ability to become a legend in the LAPD, to become a hero in Los Angeles, was definitely not an empty name; he was truly a versatile warrior.

These rewarded experiences were tailored for him, filling the gaps in his skills as a policeman.

It was evident that Henry Morgan was also a playboy; otherwise, he wouldn't have been awarded experience in mating.

It made sense; being handsome and legendary like him, not attracting attention would be strange. Being rewarded as experience, it was definitely a talent, no wonder Nancy Grandma was faithful to him until death.

Nancy Grandma's judgment of people was accurate; she actually found him similar to Henry Morgan.

What's the detection card for? It wasn't as easy to understand as the previous evasion card.

Detect what?

It seemed he needed to continue researching.

Unfortunately, there was no attribute reward this time.

Rock speculated that attribute rewards might be related to the difficulty of the case.

Those two skill cards, Rock thought "learning cards" would be a more appropriate term. Given his experience learning Spanish last time, he decided to buy two relevant books tomorrow and use these two cards as well. There's no harm in having more skills.

As he further studied the system, Rock finished his beer, and the experience card automatically upgraded. The panel immediately changed.

Pistol (L2 Mastery) became (L3 Master↑), indicating that moving from L2 Mastery to L3 Master only required an additional 5 years of experience.

Rifle (L1 Proficiency) became (L2 Mastery↑).

Close Combat (L2 Mastery) became (L3 Master↑).

Car Driving (L3 Master) remained (L3 Master), surprisingly no upgrade?

Rock was somewhat astonished. With the addition of last time, he had accumulated 10 years of experience. L3 Master required 15 years of experience, so 25 years were not enough for an upgrade. Did it need 30 years?

Rock quickly confirmed his speculation after a slight thought; the first three levels required 5 years per level, but when it came to Master, the difficulty doubled. After all, many people spend their whole lives just reaching the Master level.

He couldn't help but yearn for what lay beyond Master.

Sketching (L2 Mastery) → Sketching (L3 Master↑).

Mating (L2 Mastery) → Mating (L3 Master↑).

Looking at the upgraded panel, Rock's confidence surged. He felt more prepared to deal with the threat of the Minot Group.

Countless images flashed through Rock's mind as he gained new experiences, seamlessly integrating with his memories. These experiences felt as familiar as his own.

He gained a whole new understanding of firearms, driving, combat, sketching, and mating, as if he had been reborn.

This system was truly miraculous; Rock couldn't help but be exhilarated. It provided him with tailor-made experiences, filling the gaps in his skills as a policeman.

David was right; the detective bureau would be a great choice for him.

After calming down, Rock prepared to go out and get some tools for disguise, preparing for the upcoming action.

He put on a hoodie for disguise and was about to go out when his phone rang.

At the curb of the Green Apartments, there was a black Ford Explorer parked.

Sofia Gaia looked at Tom Williams, who was in the passenger seat, in silence. He was checking Rock Lee's background information on a tablet, going through everything related to Rock from childhood to adulthood.

Sofia spoke up, "Captain, shouldn't we be dealing with the Jeff Mark Law Firm's surveillance case?"

Captain Tom didn't even lift his head from the psychological report on the last killed drug dealer, replying, "Don't worry, that case is easy to

 crack, Dean and the others can handle it. We can wrap it up tomorrow..."

Was he implying that Dean and the others were idiots?

Sofia let out a sigh, puzzled, "Captain, if you've taken an interest in Rock Lee, why not approach him openly instead of secretly monitoring him?"

Captain Tom was still reading the psychological report of the last slain drug dealer, responding, "People have multiple facets; often, the truest things are seen in the shadows..."

Sofia glanced at Rock's room, showing a pensive expression. Suddenly, her expression changed, and she asked, "Do you surveil every member you take an interest in like this?"

Captain Tom looked up, nodding, "Yes, only by fully understanding the members can I..."

"Fuck, you're a pervert!"

Sofia instantly got angry, but seeing Tom Williams' unashamed face, she knew getting angry was pointless. She questioned, "If Rock Lee never comes downstairs, would we have wasted a whole night?"

Captain Tom replied, "That means maybe he doesn't have a side he wants to hide..."

Sofia bit her lip, asking, "What did you see when you tracked me?"

Captain Tom recalled, saying, "The first time, I found you jogging at night, peeing in the trees; the second time, you went on a date with your boyfriend, making loud noises; the third time, when your boyfriend was away on business, you dated his friend, making even louder noises..."


Sofia was instantly embarrassed, feeling like pulling out her gun.

At this moment, the tablet in Captain Tom's hand beeped, indicating an update on Rock Lee's information. He glanced at it and handed it to Sofia, "What do you think of this lawn patch? What comes to mind?"

Sofia took the tablet expressionlessly, saying coldly, "With a 70% probability, there's a corpse underneath..."

After reading all the information, she scoffed, "Any normal person could notice the abnormality of this lawn patch; he's just lucky!"

"Luck is also a part of one's strength..."

Captain Tom's expression turned somewhat melancholic; he smiled at Sofia, "Sophia, you've forgotten, haven't you!"

Sofia looked puzzled, "Forgotten what?"

Captain Tom pointed at the tablet, "Under that lawn patch lies Henry Morgan!"

"Henry Morgan?"

Sofia widened her eyes, initially slow to react, but then her face showed shock.