

He got scammed! He was expecting to go somewhere where he would have to fight, an easy way to satisfy his battlenut self. Afterall, the excileration of a battle was so satisfying, exciting and fulfilling at the same time. But this... Place... was just not for him. That damned god must be laughing his ass off right now. ___ The summary sucks but I will try to make the story good... Hopefully. I don't own pokemon, btw.

Zeckan · Anime et bandes dessinées
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7 Chs

Chapter Two

"So, my name is Amber, huh."

The boy, now named Amber muttered as he looked at a red device in his hand. It had a clear screen with what looked like really durable plastic on the top and bottom, holding it together.

If he wasn't mistaken, this was the Pokedex of... Kalos? Or was it Hoenn? Well, that didn't really matter, what mattered was the information about him written on there.

He was fourteen. Named Amber, and looks like he got his first pokemon a few days ago...

Humming as he pressed the map icon on the screen Amber's face went blank...

"Where the hell am I?"

The south province, also known as "Area One", wasn't the only thing weird about this whole situation. The whole region looked like someone messed up at making a donut.

His current location was right at the bottom and a little to the left. The problem was... he had no knowledge of this region, and he was dreading that fact. What now? Would he die to the unknown, yet powerful pokemon that were roaming around? Would he stumble into the territory of a powerful pseudo-legendary and meet his end due to their rage?

...Pffft, right, this was pokemon, the worst thing that happens here is the world ending every other year and the main protagonist dying every now and then. What's the worst that could happen?

There, he jinxed himself, hopefully, something exciting would come of that.

"Now then..."

He aimed the middle of the Pokedex toward his new Shinx, who just tilted its head to the side.

Amber watched with interest as the information about his new friend appeared on the transparent screen. This specimen was male... He knew four moves: Tackle, Shock wave, Thundershock, and Charge...

Slowly, he felt himself grin maniacally. Charge was a good move in games, he whipped whole teams if it didn't have any ground types after specifically EV training a Shinx who then turned into a Luxio and then into a Luxray...

The excitement seemed to be pouring from him in waves as the said Shinx started waving his tail around more rapidly and puffed out his chest proudly.

Chuckling, he scratched the little guy's chin once more before heaving the backpack over his shoulder and walking over to the thrown Pokeball with Shinx following in tow.

Picking up the dual-colored sphere, he wondered where he should put it because there was a high chance that it would fall out of his pocket if he wasn't careful. Sighing, he pressed the button once and put the shrunken Pokeball in his pant pocket. He would get something to secure the Pokeballs later, for now, this would have to do.

Looking at the map again, he deduced that he had to go northwest to reach the closest settlement... That meant left.

Allowing the Pokedex to shrink to its smaller form, he put it in his other pocket and started walking in the right direction with a happy Shinx in tow. The town was called Los Platos and from what he found out, had a pokemon center... and a stand that sold ice cream... He loved ice cream. Enough said.

"Alright bud, when we reach the next settlement, we will begin our training, that okay with you?"

Getting a happy "Shinx" in response, he nodded sagely, as if the training plan was already constructed, but in reality, he knew squat about how to train a Shinx or any pokemon for that matter. However, that didn't mean that he wouldn't try!

Thankfully, there were no surprises on the way, the walk being peaceful where Amber only spotted a few flying-type pokemon in the sky. He couldn't see what species they were specifically, but at least he took some comfort in knowing that they didn't notice him from all the way up there.

With, some luck, he would find information about how to train electric types on the net and could make... Simba... No, too cliche... Mufasa, a force to be reckoned with.

Nodding at his totally original name, he stepped on the track to the Los Platos.

Absently, he wondered if he was in the anime timeline, where he would, inevitably, meet ash, because of course he would, and would have to impart an important lesson to him that actually training your pokemon was important... Pfft, Nah! Ain't nobody got time for that! He would much rather fight God, which, now that he thought about it... was possible. The goat's strongest attack, Judgement, was a normal type, so what would happen if he threw a ghost type in its path? Would it not have any effect?

"...Thought's for later."

They may have to settle down for the night in a tent, as it was getting dark.