
Blizzard Tiger - Vales

Shen walked deeper into the cave and got to see who he had been talking to. It turned out that the source of the light was the creature he had been talking to. It was a giant version of the three little cats. The tiger was laying down with its head up. Within this posture, the creature was around three meters tall.

He could not imagine how tall the creature was if she stood up. The white fur was glowing, and it became the source of the light inside the cave. The deep cyan eyes looked at him. When their eyes met, his body stopped moving.

[You have been intimidated by Epic Rank Beast, Blizzard Tiger!]

[You have been stunned for 10 seconds!]

Shen froze on the spot with his eyes opened wide as he felt a chill at his spine. That feeling was so real that it was as if he met this creature in real life. Even though he was stunned, the massive beast did not attack him. She opened her forelegs and three little cats came out from her snow-white fur.