
Chapter nine

Eric said "you missed the lesson."

Laura said "I bet nothing much, why do we attend this lesson they should give other modules extra hours than sit and listen about interviews, dress formally just common knowledge."

Eric said "is Jakes filling your head with this nonsense."

Laura said "I'm kidding you should not take me serious all the time. "

Eric said "okay let me go and do my work."

Laura and jakes were now friends

Jakes said "do you know where you can do the Work Integrated Learning program? You can do it at my father's company. "

Laura said "Thank you, I will think about it."

Jakes said "what's there to think about, you do want to graduate don't you?"

Laura said "I do, been waiting for this all my life, graduate then get a job and my own place."

Jakes said "so what's the problem, learn to accept help now and then."

Laura said "what is your game here, did you make a bet with your friends be nice to her and she will fall for your charm."

Jakes said "you think everyone has an agenda, that it will be worst thing to open up let someone in."

Laura said "you don't know what you're talking about."

Jakes said "I do, I can see right through you afraid of getting hurt, can't deal with pain. These walls you have built around you, not protecting you just doing the same thing you wanted to avoid pain."

Laura said" I didn't know you were also a profiler."

Jakes said "is that all you can say."

Laura said "what do you want me to say, just leave me alone."

Jakes said "just ran away, avoid conflicts that's also in the list."

*Jakes friends noticing that he is arguing with Laura again*

Parker said "you don't hang out with your friends, what do you see on her, clearly does not like you, stop chasing her Emily is so into you."

Jakes said "I like Laura and I keep trying to get to know her but she won't let me in."

Parker said "forget her, let Emily make you forget about her party at my place, will need your credit card for the alcohol and snacks."

Jakes said "sure."

Just like that he was back being a bad boy or trying hard to be one. He and Laura avoided each other.

Eric said "what is going on with you and jakes, the look he gave you, did you to fight or what?"

Laura said "me and him, are not friends anymore."

Eric said" what happened, I thought Jakes liked you and that you two might be a couple even with him being a player."

Laura said "that wouldn't happen, he just thinks he knows everything and I hate the know it all people they're annoying."

Eric said "are you sure about that? Maybe he told you the truth and you didn't take it well."

Laura breaking down crying

Laura said "I just don't know who I am anyone, I should be happy my father is not my biological father but I'm not taking it well."

Eric said "what he is not your biological father? "

Laura said "Fortunately yes and I have mix feelings about this."

Eric said "You know I am always here for you don't have to be strong all the time, it is okay."

Laura said "It's not okay, my life is a mess and one big lie. Just feel there's more and I won't be able to deal with it. "

Everyone staring at her

Eric said "just ignore them."

Laura said "I will go home, I will be fine."

Eric: said "call me when you get there."

Jakes said "what's going on, why you are crying?"

Laura said" just leave me alone Jakes."

Jakes said "I'm just concern about her Eric please tell me what is going on?"

Eric said "she is just going through a lot, I thought you cared about her and that you're more than just some spoil rich boy but I was wrong, she does not need a friend like you."

Jakes said "I get you're upset but I won't take this from you or anyone else."

Eric said "you left her, when she needed you."

Jakes said "how would I know that, she does not talk."

Eric said "if you care about her, you will be there for her whether she opens up or not, let her trust you enough to tell you instead of pushing."

Jakes said "too late for that now, I have friends don't need her drama."

Eric said "those students are not your friends, just using you and I think you know that too."