
Chapter Fourty four

Graduation day

*finally graduation is here after it, the should be a wedding can't wait for Mr & Mrs Smith saying I DO*

Eric said "do you think mother, will come she sent me a message "I love you and I'm proud of you", just hope she comes."

Eric's Father said "she wouldn't miss this, I am also proud of you son."

Eric Mother was too proud, her being in the politics she hated every minute of it, she thought being a politician she will make money and be powerful. the grass is not always greener on the other side that was the story here, just because she loves money she will fit in with those dirty politician but she was wrong, was just not about money for them they were rotten to the core, killing people, being part of gangsters, human trafficking she was just a cover up for her politician friends. They were using her she was in it so deep.

Jakes's father said "I'm proud of you son and the man you have become."

Jakes said "Thank you father."

Jakes's father said ��you and Laura are so happy even more than when you went to Europe."

Jakes said "it is God, this joy can't be explain I have joy peace and happiness in my soul."

Jakes's father said "I'm happy for you son, I want you to know you will never let me down, doesn't matter what you do I will always love you and be proud of you.

Jakes said "are you alright?"

Jakes's father "I am great son, I thought about your graduation gift, here it is."

Jakes said "a watch?"

Jakes's father said "not just a watch belonged to your grandfather, saved for years to buy that and gave it to me on my graduation day. He said" son, I know you will do well it will take you a month to buy this expensive watch it took me while, I can now stop working hard for few bucks I know you got this.""

Jakes said "wow, thank you dad."

Jakes's father said "I thought my father was crazy, or putting this pressure on me I was wrong he believed in me and had faith in me. I believe in you son you will accomplish more than I did."

Jakes said "it will take me years, by the time I get there I will be very old."

Jakes's father said "I don't think so, I have faith in you and also Laura, you two make a great team."

Jakes said "we are both growing, we finally agree on a date this month 26 May."

Jakes's father said "three weeks to plan the wedding, I'm glad is happening soon I can be there."

Jakes said "where would you be?"

Jakes's father said "Nowhere else son I love you."

Graduation gifts

Laura said " Graduation without my family, just wish they were there even though it was complicated relationship."

Jakes said "Eric, Eric's father also your father too and I were there at the graduation."

Laura said "I know just felt different and I wished my parents were here both of them."

Jakes said "I know I miss my mother and she would be so proud."

Laura said "Here am I boring you about my graduation experience and forgetting about you love."

Jakes said "it is fine my father was there and your biological father is trying hard maybe it is not the same as having your parents who raise you but he is here."

Laura said "I know we get along fine now and just feeling down."

Jakes said "we should do something about that and can't have unhappy woman wont able to deal woman."

Laura said "you can't deal jakes you are something else you know that."

Jakes said "I am kidding babe, I know if your parents were here would have given you a graduation gift."

Laura said "Maybe."

Jakes said "all parents do that babe."

Laura said "some who have money to and you think I was feeling down because I wanted my parents here to get me a gift."

Jakes said "Maybe I don't know."

Laura said "wow, jakes can't deal right now and just one of those days."

Jakes said "don't worry I will write it down, know when the day is coming and to handle your humours.��

Laura said "you are such a clown and I thought you had something planned for me."

Jakes said "I was just staling the graduation gift should be here now."

Laura said "do I want to know what it is." *They went outside and jakes bought a sport car for Laura that was her graduation gift and she was excited. Jakes likes spoiling his woman and he can afford it. So the night was great even when Laura was having that time of the month.*

Something was happening with Mr Steve Smith, Jakes's father and jakes was ignoring the signs, part of being human to be in denial and thinking not knowing is alright it won't hurt but it wasn't in this case.