
Chapter 1


I lay awake, it was way past my bedtime or anyone's bedtime. Well, you might ask why I'm awake at 3:00 am, ok so let me answer your questions. Today when I was walking down the street during mid-day I saw a man in a grey overcoat standing across from me staring at a lamppost with an angered face as if it had down something to insult him. I thought this was weird because doesn't this man have better things to do than glower at a lamppost. Sadly I would love to go and ask the strange man what's the lamppost done to him but my mother had sent me to go and get some stuff from the nearest store. On my way back I saw that the man was still there glaring at the lampost, I was in the right state to report this guy but me being me I decided to let this man enjoy doing whatever he was doing.

And now you might say that this doesn't answer your question; alright so now I am in bed staring into nothing while some strange- almost alien-like- noises are coming from outside. I don't know how long I was there ten-maybe fifteen minutes but finally, I got the courage to get up and look outside the window. I had expected to see some dog or animal but that's not what it was, it was the same guy from earlier still standing there but this time he wasn't staring at the lamppost. This time he was staring at me- yep that's right- this weirdo was staring right at me! Well, I did what any decent man would do in a situation like this. I closed the window and jumped back into bed praying he wouldn't try and throw rocks and break open the window. I lay there and soon fell asleep.