
Non est Deus( Danmachi fanfic)

A strange boy who sees something deeply hidden in people, who owns the strongest sword style without a sword, arrives in the labyrinth city with the goal of finding his master. But the intended fate changes when divine blood touches the child's body. Seven mysterious creatures make a bet that directly affects the life of a child. From this moment his story begins. Events of this fanfic begins 9 years before the main story, a little later after Ais joined the Loki familia. I do not own the characters or plot of Danmachi or Katananagatari. I only claim ownership of the OC and the plot associated with them. I took the picture from Google Image, if it belongs to you and you don’t want it to appear on the cover of my work, please let me know.

Justlucky · Anime et bandes dessinées
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24 Chs

One year.

Time flew by. The members of Loki's family gradually got used to the boy, who, thanks to their care, began to spend more time with them, from a certain point on, of his own free will. This is especially true for Finn, Gareth, Riveria and Ais. Although the first two could not train the boy, they still tried to instill in him moral standards and common sense.

As for going to the dungeon. Thanks to the increased status, the frequency of dives decreased, but the duration in this case increased significantly. Mainly affected by the increase in the size of the floors and the greater number of Frontiers hidden behind obstacles.


At a certain point, Gareth called Ais to the Goibniu family workshop also known as "Three Hammers Forge", and Shichika went with them.

Although the forge workers were inferior to the Hephaestus family in terms of blacksmithing skills, they were famous for producing reliable, good-class weapons. In addition, they were famous architects and builders, whose services were used by many.

The group was greeted by a stocky, short man with a beard; if you didn't look closely, some might have mistaken him for a dwarf, another among the many working in the workshop. However, this impression is deceptive, the aura around the master said that he was the head of the family - Goibniu.

During the conversation, it turned out that Gareth made an order worth 1 million valis for Ais, and he paid most of the money from his own pocket. The girl received the best possible weapon for beginners. The blade called Sword Ale.

A sharp, durable one-handed sword with a wide blade has found its owner. His main task was not to break. Ordinary blades in the hands of a golden-eyed girl lasted from several days to a little more than a week. Although, even in case of problems, god asked to contact him personally. 

- By the way, Gareth, would you like to introduce me to the boy you brought?

- Hahah! That's right, you already know about Ais, but this is the first time you've heard the name Yasuri Shichika. I don't think you will communicate with each other; he doesn't use any equipment. He just can't.

- Really? Didn't find what fits or is there another reason? In any case, I propose to check - the god went into the storage, and then returned with a box of weapons forged by the family's novice blacksmiths.

Selecting a standard shortsword, he passed it into the boy's hand. As soon as the hand touched the hilt, the sword flew into the nearest wall with a frantic vibration, getting stuck there.

- How interesting... the weapon is somehow afraid of him. Try not to let him go, - taking the blade out of the wall, Goibniu put it back into Shichika's hand. Unable to get out, the young blacksmith's creation shattered into small fragments that fell onto the workshop floor. Everything was the same with the armor.

- I would like to know what he's doing naked in the dungeon, but that's none of my business. This time to say goodbye. 


A couple of months after reporting the Jack Bird nest, Finn called the boy into his office. On his table lay a magic stone and a golden egg.

- Shichika, here is the stone and the loot that fell, take it, bring our part when you sell it. - the captain's small hands handed over both objects, but only monster`s core was taken, which, in front of the captain's rolling eyes, went into the mouth of his charge.

- STOP! Spit it out quickly! - before he could do anything, the stone was swallowed. Several seconds passed in silence.

- How do you feel?

- Quite good, did something happen?

- Usually, even high-level adventurers risk losing their lives by swallowing this; the only option in this case is to manually remove the crystal from the body. But I see you don't care. One of the curses?

- You can say so.

- Aren't you afraid that I'll want to know?

- No, Loki says that everyone in this family has a story to tell. However, no one is forcing anyone here. Is this what you call trust?

- Yes, - Finn smiled. - By the way, Riveria said that you draw complete floor maps, wouldn't it be difficult to provide them to me? I'm not insist, but it will be much easier for our family beginners.

- I'll be right back, - the boy who flew out of the room soon returned with sheets of paper.

- All floors from 1 to 9, including secret passages and Pantries.

- Just great! By the way, what do these symbols mean? - the pallum's finger pointed to apples, pears, limes, avocados and a scattering of pistachios.

- Taste of quartz.


In a room at the very top of the central tower of the twilight manor, a red-haired goddess sat at the same table with a boy whose hair resembled a maple leaf. In her hands she held a small cup filled with Soma.

- Shichika, have you started growing your hair? It suits you. Anyway, you care about me so much! Would you like a sip? Every time you bring me wine, after which you sit and watch me drinking alone, - the hand with the cup extended to the boy's mouth.

How do children usually react when they take a mouthful of alcohol first time? Loki was drenched from head to toe.

- Sorry, it's just... disgusting.

- You're a child after all, it was expected. But I can feel something bothering you, what happened?

- I thought about my actions, actions that now seem wrong to me.

- I'm glad, - the goddess's face lit up with a smile.

- Why? - the boy tilted his head questioningly.

- You are changing. You become the best version of yourself. And as your goddess, I am obliged to help you. I heard that you have a history with Kaguya from the Astrea family. 

- Three years ago I...

- Not me, tell them that. I'll arrange a meeting, - the goddess's index finger leaned against her lips.

- Thank you.

- Aaaand?

- I love you... - the attempt to cheer up the boy was successful. He even blushed a little.


- I want to apologize, Miss Kaguya.

In a place called Stardust Garden in the Northwest District of Orario, in the center of the main hall, a tall boy stood in front of an Eastern-looking girl dressed in a traditional outfit. A total of 14 people were present in the room: two goddesses, Shichika and 11 members of the Astraea family.

- Do you want me to forgive you?! For what you did?! Maybe, for a start, more remorse will appear on your face, or perhaps you will at least bow your head! - the girl's hands clenched into fists, and the crunching of her knuckles was heard.

- I can't. And I don't know if I deserve forgiveness. Only recently have I begun to realize what I did back then.

- Can not?! You didn't have any problems with this before, so what has changed?

Before Kaguya could continue, Astraea decided to break her tirade for a moment.

- He's telling the truth. The reason is unknown to me, but the boy literally cannot bow.

- Doesn't matter! I'm sure he doesn't even remember how many he killed then.

- 14 armed men, 7 women, 3 children. I don't know their names, but the appearance of each of them is written down in the smallest detail in my head.

- I will never forgive you. But if you answer my question, then perhaps my hatred will subside, - the friends around her silently nodded their heads. As if to say: "We will support you in any case"

- Why do you live?

- To serve.

- *clack* Go away.

- I would have said so before, but the time on the road and in the city showed me that there is something more important. Now I live for myself and my family.

Kaguya's body shook and tears began to flow from her eyes, her usually arrogant face distorted with sadness. The next words required all her strength

- I still don't fully believe you. But over the past 3 years, the girls standing here have shown me a lot. And I had a lot of time to think. If they hadn't sent you, our family would still have been destroyed?

- Yes. The group sent with me was only the first; the rest of the troops were ready. If I failed, they would take over.

- I understand. You can go, we have nothing more to talk about.


Once again, the boy carried out the corpses of a group of adventurers. Due to his repeated actions of a special nature, he was jokingly nicknamed the "corpse truck" in the city. Everything is according to the proven scheme. Pull the bodies to the 0th floor, lay them to the far edge and cover with a piece of cloth. Then call the security on duty.

Although this time there were 4 members of the Ganesha family at the door. In addition to the changing guard, there were two blue-haired girls standing at the door.

Shakti and Ardee Varma, two sisters who look close in age, but in reality their ages differed by more than two times. Shakti was currently 30 years old, Ardee about 14. The older sister uses a spear in battle and wears orange clothes. The younger one uses a sword and is dressed in a blue set.

Noticing the approaching guy, they paid attention to him. The younger Ardee started the conversation

- Newcomer of the Loki family! Shichika, isn`t it? I think you've already heard about us; after all, we work together with your family. We're patrolling the city now, so we won't be able to talk for long. I would like to thank you for bringing back the adventurers, it lifts the spirit a little in these difficult times. If you don't mind, we could become friends!

- * Light Slap * Before talking to someone for the first time, it is customary to introduce yourself, even if you probably know each other, - Shakti standing nearby conducted an instant education session.

- Well, we have to go. I promise that the next time we meet, we will have more time to talk, and at the same time we will introduce ourselves properly.

- I will accept your silence as a sign of consent! - the voice of the dragged girl was heard in the distance.


- Riveria, how can I raise my level?

There were three people sitting in the room. While the elf was combing Ais, a boy was taking care of her own hair. However, she periodically glanced over her shoulder, making sure that he had not decided to once again put her curls in his mouth.

- Well.... Nobody knows for sure, it usually happens by itself, as a result of the slow accumulation of excelia.

- OK.

When the beauty session ended, Ais ran out of the room in a hurry.

- Was it worth lying? - Shichika was not sure about the chosen approach.

- You know that the thirst for revenge is still strong in her, I don't want to risk her life.

- Sooner or later she will find out not from you, Finn or Gareth, what will we do then?

- I'm not sure, I just hope that this will happen much later.

- You have known the solution for a long time, but because of far-fetched fear, you just continue to deny it, - over time, in Shichika's eyes, the stable flame of Riveria began to fluctuate more and more.

- How does a 10-year-old boy know this? And you slobbered my hair again!


A year after Shichika joined the family.

- You are not my mother!

- I don't even hope to replace her!

At Babel tower the drama between Riveria and Ais was playing out. Not long after the conversation about leveling up, someone finally told the golden-haired girl the truth. Having learned that the family deliberately hid the real method, the girl was overwhelmed with resentment of unprecedented force, which led to this moment. Disappointed, Ais ran into the dungeon all alone.

Finn and Gareth arrived a little later.

- And what was that?

- She's right, I'm not her mother.

- Is that what you should have said? Okay girl, but how old are you? Even Shichika, who is clumsy in this, says THESE words to the goddess literally EVERY day.

- I know.

- Then stop hiding, catch up with her and do what you must.

Thank you for your time. This chapter is a collection of short stories from the past year.

It`s created to show that a connection is formed between Shichika and other people. Plus I showed the effects of some curses. In the next chapter we will have a small flash forward with further explanations.

Add my work to your collections and send powerstones.

As I said, they show that I can at least somehow interest my reader, which makes me very happy.

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