
Nomad's Tale

"Nomad's Tale" follows the story of Jack Sterling, a skilled spy who has been working undercover as a scientist for the New Order, an organization dedicated to finding and harnessing the power of the Chronotex. This rare material has the ability to alter the fabric of time and space, and the New Order plans to use it to create the next generation of nuclear weapons and unlock the secrets of time travel. Despite his allegiance to the New Order, Jack is torn between his loyalty to the organization and his desire to protect his new friends in Pakistan. He decides to uncover the secrets of the Chronotex and use his knowledge to stop the New Order's plans. However, his breakthrough research leads to his disappearance, and he finds himself suddenly transported back in time to ancient Egypt. In Egypt, Jack encounters both allies and enemies, and he soon discovers that the Chronotex has existed for centuries, and that it has been sought after by different factions for its immense power. He learns that some have gone to great lengths to obtain it, even at the cost of destroying innocent lives. As he delves deeper into the mysteries of the Chronotex, he discovers that it has incredible abilities beyond just time travel - its users are granted strange and unique powers that can change the course of history.

Kaido_1867 · Histoire
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45 Chs

CH.42 What’s Behind The Door

On their arduous journey, a warm welcome they found, Nubia's kingdom, cheerful, their spirits unbound. But beneath the smiles, not all hearts were light, Some hid their fears, their struggles from sight.A soul who sensed emotions, a power unique, Felt unease in the air, a premonition's mystique. As they approached the door, what lay beyond? A power unmatched, a challenge to respond. What's Behind The Door The sun had risen, its light scattering across the landscape like scattered gold. The time read 8:45 in the morning, and a brisk wind swept through, twirling sand particles into a graceful ballet in response to the breeze's melodic whisper. Leading the charge was a massive brick wall, an imposing presence. Its entrance, crafted from sturdy metal, showcased a sophisticated design—a medley of interlocking circles, converging lines, and interconnected squares. This intricate pattern culminated in a raised circular motif, its surface smooth and alluring, placed neatly halfway down the door. Both the walls and the entrance stood tall, measuring around 25 meters. Amidst the shared excitement, Ramon's voice rang out, "Hey, look at this! We've finally reached!" He pointed with fervour at the door. In contrast, Jack, positioned behind Ramon, appeared a bit unwell, struggling with the horse's rhythmic gait. Absorbing the scene, Kamil remarked, "Seems like we've hit our mark." He cast a fleeting glance at the sun. "And right on time." At the head of the group, Menes took the lead and halted by the door. Retrieving a piece of papyrus, he presented it to the guards. The inscription stated their identity as representatives of the royal army, arriving to engage in a diplomatic treaty with the Nubia kingdom. Menes pointed to the letter as the guard began to peruse its contents. "Take a look," Menes urged, gesturing towards the portion that emphasized their affiliation with the royal army. "Alright, alright," the guard responded hastily, his tone brimming with urgency. "I'll guide you to the palace."With a resounding clang, the doors creaked open, a cascade of light pouring forth akin to water escaping through a narrow gap into a dark cavern. Jack instinctively shielded his eyes as the abrupt sunlight dazzled him. A rush of morning air embraced them, its embrace as inviting as the first breeze that greets us when we switch on an air conditioner. "Time to move," the guard declared, taking the lead and setting off. The group followed suit. The group ventured into the heart of the city, their pace quickening as they raced toward the distant palace. Jack observed his surroundings. This place was unlike anything he had seen before. His heart resonated with a familiar feeling, akin to that first encounter with the kingdom of Thebes (Back home Egypt). It was as if his heart was singing, a melody harmonizing with the sights that met his eyes. Within the fortress of this realm so fair,People woke with hope in the morning air,Unlike the kingdom of Thebes plagued by lack and need,Here, abundance and smiles, not hunger's feed. Ahead, a palace gleamed, a distant sight,Amid homes made of mud, and some more bright.No distinction of wealth, a communal embrace,Yet, does this socialist realm limit life's grace? Does equality ensure the freedom they crave,Or can it be a path where some feel enslaved?Though equal, some wore frowns, discontented hearts,Forced to tread paths that tore them apart. "Look at everyone, they seem so happy," Ramon remarked, a genuine smile on his face. Jack leaned in and whispered to Ramon, his tone serious, "Not everyone." Ramon looked puzzled. "Why?" he inquired. Jack's response was measured. "I'll explain later." Kamil, overhearing, chimed in, "What's going on? What are you going to explain later?" "Later, Kamil, later," Jack hurried, as they approached the imposing palace doors."Alright," Kamil replied. As they drew nearer to the palace doors, they found them adorned with both guards and flowers. Their horses slowed their pace as they approached, eventually bringing them into the heart of the palace. There, a young man in his mid-20s stood, dressed in pristine white attire. He wore a golden ring-like crown upon his head, his long, sleek black hair and striking bluish eyes accentuated by the radiant sun. His face gleamed with an unmatched beauty that drew the collective gaze of the group, capturing their attention entirely. The man addressed them, introducing himself, "I am Pharaoh Taharqa of the Nubia kingdom. I welcome you, Commander Menes, and your comrades from the Royal Army to the Nubia kingdom."The Pharaoh continued, "It's an honour to meet the son of the great General Akhil." Menes responded respectfully, "The honour is mine, Pharaoh Taharqa." Ramon, genuinely impressed by the Pharaoh's warm reception, whispered to Kamil, "He's incredibly caring, treating everyone as equals, isn't he?" Kamil nodded, replying in a hushed tone, "Yes, that's his ideology. He believes that everyone is equal, and your hard work determines your worth." Beside the Pharaoh, a man with a robust build, dark brown skin, and neatly cropped black hair introduced himself. "My name is Lieutenant Eboke Adom of the Nubia Kingdom. I, too, welcome you. Please follow me to the main room, where all the commanders are waiting," he said with deep respect. Menes issued orders, "Ramon, Kamil, Kasib, Jack, and Khonsu, follow me. The rest of you, hand over the gifts to the Nubian soldiers. Got it?" "Yes, Commander!" the soldiers acknowledged in unison. The group followed Eboke through the opulent marble corridors of the Nubia kingdom's palace. "Commander Menes, I've heard you don't use Chronotex. Is that correct?" Eboke inquired. "Yes, that's correct," Menes replied. "Interesting, yet you're still so strong. Your mastery of dark energy must be one of, if not the best, in the kingdom, especially as one of the very few Level 3 users," Eboke commented. Menes replied slowly, somewhat distracted as he observed Ramon, who was engrossed in the fragrance of the flowers scattered along the corridor. Suddenly, Menes lightly punched Ramon on the head and whispered, "Don't mess around." "Alright, alright," Ramon replied, gently massaging his head where Menes had delivered the light punch. Kamil, ever inquisitive, asked Eboke, "Are all the commanders already there?" Eboke confirmed, "Yes, they're all waiting for you, and the Pharaoh will join us shortly." "I see," Kamil acknowledged. Eboke, curious about Menes's acquaintances, inquired further, "By the way, Commander, how is Henu Safir, the Human Hunter?" Menes chuckled, responding, "He's good and strong, as always." Jack, unfamiliar with the name, turned to Kasib for an explanation. "Who's Henu Safir?" Kasib, taken aback, asked incredulously, "You really don't know?" "No," Jack admitted plainly. Kasib leaned in to tell Kamil, "Jack doesn't know about Henu Safir." Ramon, overhearing the conversation, chimed in, "Well, I can understand why. He's not around much lately. As of now, he's on some journey to the other side of the world or something." His tone conveyed a hint of disappointment. Jack, still in the dark, asked once more, "So, who is he?" Before anyone could respond, Eboke interjected, "We've arrived at the room where the commanders are waiting." He gestured towards a thick wooden door. However, Commander Menes seemed to be momentarily distracted. Instead of heading toward the door, his gaze was fixed on the windows of a nearby room, which were entirely filled with an array of food items, including bread, fruits, and meat. Clearing his throat, Menes addressed the group, "You guys go inside; I'll catch up. I'm feeling a bit hungry."A collective sigh of mild exasperation escaped from the group.Ramon, seizing the opportunity to tease, pointed out, "Commander, you're always hungry. You're the one who ate half of our bread and fruits on this journey," referring to a previous incident when Menes had devoured a substantial portion of their provisions. A peculiar image formed in Eboke's mind, one of Menes voraciously munching on food. Menes retorted, "Just shut up. I need food because I'm much stronger than all of you." He then turned to Eboke, who already seemed a bit weirded out, and inquired, "Is it okay if I grab some food from that room, Lieutenant Eboke?" Eboke, wearing a slightly embarrassed expression, replied, "Uh, yes, it's meant for you anyway. This is the feast we were supposed to have after the meeting. Sure, Commander, you can have some food now." "Okay, thank you," Menes said excitedly as he eagerly entered the room. The rest of the group simply shrugged and proceeded toward the door. Meanwhile, Eboke was left feeling tired and thoroughly weirded out by the unexpected turn of events. He sighed, muttering to himself, "I'm done with this lieutenant thing." As the group advanced towards the room's door, Eboke couldn't help but look back with a sense of concern. He mused internally, "I sensed it. All of their hearts are pure, even their commander. I wonder if they will be able to handle what's about to happen next."