
Noir Coeur

Souls are invaluable and beautiful pieces of life that powered humanity. They were the sole reason Earth was full of life rather than an empty planet. And they gave purpose to higher beings often referred to as 'Nurturers'. Nurturers, for all purposes, held another much darker name: Grim Reapers. Although their duties were dramatized as all they were allowed to do is to be a guide. The Father created them to be guides for souls- once they've passed- to seek a path of their choice that leads to their happiness. And for a millennium they attended their duties without hiccup that is until a new type of soul appeared. Souls were split into only two categories that determined their options after they died. Souls that have done bad deeds in life weren't discriminate against, however, they were limited between two choices. Either reincarnate and make up for their bad deeds or accept the consequences and be sent to a place even Nurturers hadn't any idea about. As for souls that went through life generally peaceful were given three options. One: Reincarnate Two: Permanent Death to be with loved ones Three: Become a Nurturer abandoning your memories and past life But this new soul, they called to it Noir Coeur (Meaning: Black Heart). Noir Coeur was something that puzzled even The Father. Noir Coeur were souls that were empty, pure darkness, and oozed unhappiness. And for these very dark souls option, two altered to permanent death filled with nothing but darkness. Which was always the option they chose. The Nurturers worked hard to see that Noir Coeur's souls achieved happiness but were unsuccessful. Until one Noir Coeur changed the course and proved that even the darkest of souls could have a happy ending. Even if he has to overcome a few bumps on the road. _______________________________________________ Update Schedule: Not set in stone just yet Warnings: Could be considered a bit dark in the beginning but does not last past the first chapter. Updates: 3 - Curious Adventure (12.21.2020) -I will be posting the first chapter (The Prelude) to see how everyone likes it. So I would appreciate your thoughts and whether everyone would like more. ©The art for the cover does not belong to me and belongs to pz~ on Twitter. The original tweet has been deleted therefore I cannot provide a profile link but if the original artist does not wish for me to use it please alert me immediately.

AsherRed · Fantaisie
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4 Chs

- Curious Adventure

A soft hum of music echoes in my ears waking me from my slumber. Once again, just like yesterday, I woke up in the same room, same bed once again alone. The memories of the events from yesterday flood my mind as I groggily opened my eyes. Doctor Crow- who had checked over me yesterday- had explained my body was weak. It was only logical since from what I understood I just awoken from a magic coma, whatever that was. 

In that case, it was probably smart to refrain from moving but just sitting here felt...wrong. Outside of this room was a possibly huge castle to explore. A library to read about where exactly I was. And magic! So many things called to me that I couldn't just leave alone. Call me impatient but to me, I was merely curious and eager. Sitting here waiting for my body to strengthen, that was not an option.

This castle most likely held secrets, which I wasn't as interested in, as well as things I can learn about this world. Not to mention I can probably learn more about this whole 'magic coma business. Maybe I will also come across some magic too which will eventually help me learn how to wield it.

if I even can wield magic...

Despite feeling just as weak as yesterday it was much easier to sit up. "Best take it slow," I whispered to myself. Taking it slowly as possible, I removed the white blanket that was draped over me. Sliding my legs with great effort until they hung off the side of the bed, I unconsciously stuck my tongue out as I concentrated. My feet landed on the floor once I lowered my small body, which I wasn't used to, to the ground. I was used to being much taller than I was now so it was a bit hard to find the right balance. However, once I was balanced I moved away from the bed.

Other than the things that were just beyond the door I was also intrigued to see what I looked like. But that would need to wait until I get out of this big grand room. Successfully managing to get to the stairs, I stared at them long and hard feeling a bit hesitant. 

"It appears in this life, stairs will still be my enemy." I pouted glaring at the stairs.

As Tanaka Jiro, I lived in a small apartment that was on the fourth floor. The apartment was shabby but it also wasn't luxurious in any way. I didn't have the most amazing job or the most amazing paycheck but it got me through life even if it was difficult at times. My family, on several occasions, had to spare just a couple hundred dollars more. often than not to help pay my bills. Before I died I was on the verge of losing the apartment because they decided enough was enough and stopped helping me.

Shaking the thoughts of my past family away, I gripped onto my growing curiosity and stepped down. The stairs weren't long, there were only four steps, so it was fast but hard as well. Once I had stepped off the stairs I sighed in relief and looked around. From my bed, it was obvious I wouldn't be able to see absolutely everything. So it wasn't surprising when I noticed a mirror hiding behind the walk of the right. It was next to the bathroom in the corner not too far away.

Hastily I made my way over almost falling to the ground but I caught myself with my hand on the wall. Regaining my balance, I looked at myself in the mirroring speechless. Astonishing Sapphire blue eyes stared right back at me, and white hair as light as my mother's- Queen Arabella. I wore, one size bigger, a white t-shirt with short sleeves. My bottoms were plain black and were made of soft material but all that aside I looked like a baby. I had a mix between my father's darker tone skin and his mother's lighter skin. My cheeks were full and my lips were light pink. If I wasn't sure I was male I might have almost assumed I was female. My body looked a bit malnourished but surprised not that much which meant two things. This body wasn't in this magic coma for long to become dangerously malnourished or perhaps magic helped keep my body as healthy as possible. 

But my knowledge of magic was none so I wasn't even sure if that was a possibility. 

"All the more reason to prioritize the library first," I said and turned away from the mirror. My eyes set on the doors just past the seating area. Feeling giddy to hurry up and leave, I inhaled and held my breath as I walked over. Stretching my arm to grab the handle, I open the door slightly and peek out the door seeing the hall was surprisingly empty. There were no guards, no maids in sight which were extremely suspicious but there could be many reasons for that. Perhaps they were all attending to my father and mother or a meeting? Did the staff of the castle even have meetings, to begin with? Great question...perhaps Still ask later.

Seeing as it was free of people, I slipped out of the room and closed the door quietly. My eyes narrowed suspiciously but I didn't want to read too much into it so I focused on deciding which way to go. I was in a big hallway with an unnaturally high ceiling that held cream-colored walls like my room. Gold lined the walls and decorated in swirls with large windows every four feet. Where I had exited my room the hallway split both right and left with more doors on the same side. I sulked at the decision before me but knew I had to choose which way to go. 

In the end, I choose to go to the left for no particular reason. Though my focus was a library it wouldn't hurt to explore and find something else that could be ground-breaking. But were things always that easy? No, not really. 

Step after step. Breath after breath. My body deeply ached as I walked what seemed to be endless halls. It made me a bit dizzy so when I was on the verge of falling over I paused and leaned up against a creepy dark wooden door. Leaning my head against the door, I let out a small breath of relief at how cold the door was. Once I regain my composure and my body settled down a bit I was about to leave but paused when I noticed some smoke leaving the small crack of the bottom of the door. It didn't appear to be normal smoke instead it was a weird purple color that kind of reminded me of poison. 

Tilting my head to the left, I looked at the door and blinked at the silver sign on the door. "Moon's Laboratory." Laboratory? Perhaps I will find something in there...but it might be dangerous.

My left hand twitched eagerly to turn the knob and open the door but the more reasonable part of me stopped me. The smoke wasn't poisonous that much was obvious seeing as I felt fine but there might be something else in there that could harm me. Looking around, I also thought of how strenuous it was to continue exploring how weak my body was. When I left my room my initial thinking was I could handle it but at this point, I was unsure if I could. Venturing out here was all good but I wanted to learn things about where I am, which means I had to find something.

And that something was right in front of me possibly.

This Laboratory was a part of the castle so it might not be dangerous at all. Entering the door one more time, I reached for the knob and turned it slowly peaking my head inside. The Laboratory was empty of any life and wasn't that big but it was cluttered. There was a table in the middle of the room with counters lining all up against the wall filled to the brim with glass vials and various other things. The purple smoke that was coming out of the door was spilling out of a glass vile on the table that was being held up by a black stand.

Slipping inside, I left the door open just in case I needed a fast exit and walked around the middle table.

A lot of things were quite interesting to look at and ponder over but when I saw a small book I almost shouted happily. But I didn't want to notify anyone I was in this room so I calmed myself down and walked over to the book.

"My my, it's quite surprising to see the young Prince has graced me with his presence." A sharp voice stopped me from opening the book to start reading. My heart sped up as I slowly turned my head to look at who entered the room feeling a bit scared.

A tall skinny male dressed in a long red doctor's coat stood before me with long brown hair. He had striking black-eyes and when he looked at me I noticed his gaze was soft yet held this sort of gleam of authority much like my father. Perhaps this man was someone important?

I removed my hands quickly from the book and looked down nervously. "S-sorry…" I apologized. This must be this 'Moon' person that owns this Laboratory.

The male chuckled. "It's quite alright! I see you are up and walking around, however, you still seem weak Prince Silas. Wouldn't it be best you rest?" 

I fiddled with the ends of my white t-shirt frowning. "I don't want to rest…"

A sigh sounded from the other male. "I see. Well, I suppose you can watch me work if you would like? Maybe I can answer a few of your questions if you have any. Which I'm sure you do….you got that look in your eye."

Blinking, I looked at the male and smiled shyly. "T-thanks!" He was correct in me having questions but I didn't want to seem weird so I should limit what I asked him. What should I ask first?..

My eyes followed the male as he began to work on the purple liquid in the vile taking it from the black stand. He walked around the table and came beside me and placed it on the counter before bending down. He opened the cabinet and piled a few tools I didn't know next to the vile before bringing out a glass of small white cubes. They looked like sugar cubes only they were blue and green. I watched curiously as he grabbed one of the cubes after taking off the glass lid and dropped it gently into the liquid. "What is that?" I asked him, watching as he continued to work.

He was a bit distracted but he answered immediately. "This is a potion I've been working on for a couple of years. It's supposed to help people during their magic coma's but...it hasn't worked so far."

Tilting my head to the left. "What does Magic coma mean?"

The man paused and looked at me raising an eyebrow. He shook his head confusing me even more as he returned to the potion. "Well, Prince Silas people who hold the ability to become magicians must unlock it. To unlock their abilities, some people willingly go into a magic coma that lasts about a week to a month. However, there are times when one doesn't choose to willingly go into a magic coma." He paused looking at me once again. He looked unsure but I nodded for him to continue. He was answering one of my questions so I couldn't let him stop now. "People who unwillingly go into a magic coma will be in lots of pain and could even lose their life. This causes them to stay in a magic coma for longer periods of time. But when they awaken their powers are legendary. But of course, only one person has experienced this so we can't say for sure if their magician abilities are truly legendary."

"Who is this person?" I leaned forward, eyes unblinking.

He smirked. "You, of course, Prince Silas."