When he woke up, he had lost more than his memory. Meeting him, that girl had hope, while he just went with the flow. He would lead them and they would lead him. Their lamentations began when time had run out, so they searched for the light and were answered.
Walking somewhat hurriedly through the elegant and well-kept passages of an old mansion, two people were chatting and joking with each other as if they were old acquaintances.
Arriving at one of the rooms, in front of a door, one of them opened it without knocking.
- Hey, Aren! Where have you been? Soon we'll start the roast; this time it's Aaron's turn to cook. I hope he doesn't burn it all like last time.
- Hey! Just so you know, I had a cooking teacher last year, so relax. - commented the other person.
While they were talking, inside the room was a long-haired man in formal attire. Shirt and pants, dress shoes and a zero sleeve jacket; on the other hand, his hair was tied back allowing him to have more control.
After a few seconds, two other people arrived in that room that looked like a small living room well furnished, with antique items, a bookcase, furniture, sofas and other things.
- We told them to wait, but when we got distracted, they disappeared," said a familiar voice. - commented a familiar voice.
- Hey, can't we see our friend? Besides, it's getting late for lunch, don't you think? - replied the jovial-looking man with dark hair and a long white coat.
- Learn some manners first. - muttered the other familiar voice in reply.
- What did you say?! We can settle this outside, huh?!
- You barked already!
On the other hand, the two remaining males who had come began to chat.
- Sorry for the inconvenience.
- No, don't worry about it. Besides, we haven't seen each other in over ten years. I think this meeting will be good for the master.
Those men smiled.
The two men who looked at each other defiantly seemed to be somewhat serious and were preparing according to their words; however, a voice stopped them.
- It is good to see you again, Aaron, Wales. - commented the man in formal clothes who was only looking out of the window of the room located on the second floor.
These kind words made everyone calm down and put their eyes on that solitary man.
- But next time let me know if you are coming ... you cause trouble for Russel and Jhosep.
The two men who came first were somewhat embarrassed. One of them spoke in compensation.
- I understand ... if you want to throw Aaron out. - commented the man called Gales.
- Hey! Throw yourself out.
The two servants began to laugh as they watched their master's friends fight among themselves.
- On the other hand, where are Athena and Hestia? I haven't seen them for a week. - Aren asked monotonously.
This question made both Russel and Jhosep uncomfortable leaving them in silence.
- ... Do you tell her or do I tell her? - muttered Russel.
- It doesn't matter, she's going to be upset anyway. - replied Jhosep.
Having made up his mind, the white-haired servant spoke.
- W-well, master... they're both..." commented Jhosep as if he were stuttering.
Everyone else stared at the young man, including Aren who had turned a quarter turn to hear the answer.
- Y-You went to challenge the ... sir.
Everyone present was a little surprised, but Aren was the only one who was a little annoyed.
- Again? - spoke Aaron.
- Ha ha ... do those girls really think they can fight her or do they just want to annoy her? - commented Gales.
The two servants said nothing.
- What is this time? - Aren asked.
- ...the third time..." answered Jhosep.
- What ... the third time?! Do the paladins allow this?! - commented Gales.
- ... in this month. - added Jhosep sadly.
Everyone present was silent again and looked at Aren.
The young man sighed.
- I will go get them ... I don't want any more complaints from the paladins. - Aren said.
- M-Master ... we will go get them, you don't have to worry. - Russel commented.
Without pausing, Aren spoke.
- Do you have enough skill to bring them? Certainly I must go myself to apologize for them.
With the rest of the group following Aren, they left the mansion to see a beautiful panorama full of vegetation and rocky paths; it seemed as if the terrain was a combination of technology and nature in perfect harmony.
Outside the mansion you could see the smoke of burning coals and some people talking.
Three people were gathered in the preparations of the barbecue and soon after they noticed the arrival of the group.
- Finally they arrived... How long did it take them? - said an elderly but muscular man.
- We apologize for the inconvenience, Aren ... we thought we'd surprise you, but I can imagine what that pair must have done. - commented another older man with less muscle, but a kindly look.
Only a man with white hair tied in a ponytail remained silent.
- It is good to see you in good health, Isaac, Ramon, Mikaela. - greeted the man to that small group, the last one being the silent man.
- Yes, it is good to see you. - answered Mikaela.
Before Aren retired to look for that pair of women, he shared a moment with the others and, during their conversations, he became interested in something Gales said.
- What ... do you want to be a veterinarian! - exclaimed Russell.
- Sure, why not ... I'm already tired of so many battles I've been in ... I think I'll take a break now.
- You...who is a hunter now wants to take care of animals?! - exclaimed Aaron.
- Hey ... it's not like I hunt them for fun ... besides, having a family already, I should settle down. I don't want them to be harmed by my adventures.
- Oh, right... supposedly last year you got married... why didn't you invite us to your wedding? - Mikaela asked.
- You know well that I live far away... Besides, it wouldn't be good for many to know my situation... I don't think it would be good for any of us to know any weaknesses, would it?
Everyone was silent, understanding what he was referring to.
- So... What will your pet center be called? - commented Aaron with some interest.
- It's a veterinarian ... it serves to help and heal animals. - commented Gales somewhat annoyed.
- Come on, man; don't bother ...
The group continued talking pleasantly among themselves until a man dressed in dark clothes appeared out of nowhere. The man's appearance was dazzling and he looked to be in his 30s.
Everyone in the group recognized where he came from and where he was going. The man greeted everyone and then approached Aren with a solemn and honorable greeting.
- I will retire for the moment ... enjoy your stay. - Aren commented.
Before leaving, that group spoke.
- We are waiting for you... don't be too long.
The young man smiled slightly at those words. The image that remained impregnated in his eyes was that of those seven men who seemed to be great friends, like brothers.
- Aren, wake up. - a woman's voice interrupted in the young man's darkened mind.
- Aren, wake up. - Again the voice was heard again.
Suddenly, the boy opened his eyes and, looking around, noticed that he was in a bus with some people, and, at his side, was a young woman with wavy blonde hair; who seemed to be calling.
However, Aren recognized that the voice he had heard was different from the voice of the woman next to him.
"A ... dream?" thought Aren as he woke up.
- You'd better wake up ... in ten minutes we arrive at the station. - commented Emily.
That bus had already arrived in the capital and, with this, their goal was closer to being accomplished.