
Noble Lady To A Type-2 Hunter

With only a small dagger to survive in a mountain and large beasts to attack her, she still persisted. And finally after 6 years she connected with the real world... only this time she wasn't in her fief.

Yuna_H · Fantaisie
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1 Chs


Even though Lisa had a dagger and had multiple experiences with swords and daggers and was top of her swordsmanship classes along with some training with daggers and and had amazing grades, she was defeated by a very large ant.

Yes, a simple large ant. You may wonder, "But a simple large ant? Then isn't that still supposed to be small?" but in this world abnormalities exists with in cracks in space or what everyone calls it, a rift.

We then also have people that are called hunters that split into two categories, Type-1 and Type-2 Hunters. Type-1 Hunters are the Hunter that work outside of the rifts, they are usually rank B and below. Type-2 Hunters are Hunters that go into the rifts and clear them out once every 2 weeks, these hunters are usually B+ and above, anyways back to Lisa.

Lisa then decided that the quickest way to get this thing off her trail was to get somewhere higher and get as far away but it will be difficult. She grabbed a branch and tossed it as far as she can with this tiny body of hers. The ant got distracted and moved to where she had threw the branch and she had quickly used this time to climb a tree and get away as far as she can.

Clibing trees was easy for her but trying to balance on it suddenly became a difficult task to do as she has nothing on her feet and because of her untrained not keeping up with what she wants to do. It was a shame that the ant was now chasing her after realizing that it wasn't her.


Leaves were going everywhere as it suddenly became increasingly windy overtime and droplets of water was coming down. Lisa realized that this was a rare chance that she couldn't miss. She moved upwards to where there was more leaves to hide herself as it became darker and more winder.

The ant became really confused and kept on moving to where it thought Lisa was and its distance was getting farther and farther. Lisa ran away in the opposite direction which was where her house was.

After taking in between breaks so she doesn't become too tired, she reached at her wonderful house, a cave, in 1 hour. She walks in the entrance and sees the usual items and walls.

The walls where filled with writings about different enemies and the list will continue to get longer as Lisa took a black rock and wrote on the walls.

[Large Ant

•Bigger than the usual ones

•Has a stronger body shell

•Very sensitive to noise

•Will put up a chase


-Things to try

•Kill it.

•Eat it.

•make a shield.]

Lisa finshed wrote off before moving to her bed and falling asleep.


Fire was everywhere and the girl was beginning to be released from where she was. Hef skin was now burning off as it became hotter and hotter and hotter.


In sweat, Lisa woke up. Even though the dreams were short, they felt so real. She checked her body and found a burn scar on her thighs. "Soon I'll leave this place and find an answer to why I have these terrible dreams but first I'll train all over again." She gripped her hands till it bleed and formed a plan.

I will edit this later as I finished this at 2 in the morning and it was done on my phone, so wait until then to get more chapters.

Yuna_Hcreators' thoughts