
Noah's Chronicle

A genius researcher named Drake on Earth gains insight into a 'law' that helps him to protect his soul from being cleansed in the Yellow river after his death and thus reincarnates in a world full of Magic with all his memories intact. He reincarnated in many worlds after that again and again... After countless reincarnations, he reincarnates again on Earth. Earth is no longer the Earth that he remembers from his First life it changed so much that people on Earth can use Magic now. He was reborn on Earth with a new name-Noah. Follow Noah as he travels, causing [Chaos] wherever he goes, as he watches the world burn around him with a smirk on his face! ----------------------- Warning: If you are coming after reading the fourth prince, then you may see many similarities till chapters 15-20. After which plot/world/characters/personalities/story/mysteries/powers will change a lot. If you can't stick till that time where things take a turn for the good, giving you a unique and fresh experience, please don't bother! . . . Note: -The 'Earth' in this novel is different than the 'Earth' of our Real-world. It is pure fiction. -I don't own the cover! All the rights belong to their respective owner.

SilentMan · Fantaisie
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113 Chs


A woman with golden hair and pure milky white eyes, even her irises were white, had a frown on her beautiful face.

She was walking back and forth in one of many mansions located in 'Heavens'.

Her wrinkled brows gave a feeling of urgency and anyone could deduce that she was tensed from her body language.

Apsu was her name.

Many small kingdoms used to worship her countless years ago on Earth. She was named the 'Divine Goddess'.

Slowly things started to change on Earth and now Delos Empire became the most faithful follower of 'Divine Goddess'.

Her teachings were slightly biased against Demons. She used to tell her 'oracles' that Demons were embodiments of evil. Not just her, many Gods were the same, unlike 'Sini', the Goddess whom the people of Geldin Empire worshipped.

On the other hand, Taturna Empire, the last Human Empire standing on Earth, refused to believe in any God.

"What is happening?" Apsu muttered in a frazzled and strained voice.

People's 'faith' in her was dwindling.

Gods were [Immortals]...


Not True [Immortals] like Valentina and Noah.

They were fake!

They used the 'faith' from their followers to sustain their lives.

Their [Soul] will be pulled towards the 'Yellow River' forcefully once that 'faith' reaches rock bottom.

And right now...

the Mayhem that Noah has caused in the past few weeks was burning furiously in the entire Delos Empire.

There was another pressing issue.

She felt the same fluctuations of Universal Laws a few weeks ago that she felt many years ago, but the Saintess that she sent there couldn't find anything...

She was worried about this hidden person in her territory who may have grasped the powers of Universal Laws.

The question is why Gods are cautious when the birth of a new [Immortal] is in progress??

Why are they terrified when [Immortals] can't even enter 'Heavens'?

Unfortunately for Gods, they don't know the existence of True [Immortals], and their beliefs are based upon the terrifying power of Universal Laws.

The Heavenly Laws prevent [Immortals] from entering 'Heavens' and Gods are unaware of that as well.

Thus they are worried and nervous whenever such an event occurs in their territory. They fear their rule will come to an end once such an existence is truly born. They try to eliminate it as soon as possible.

Why don't they know about [Immortals]?

Well, whenever a [Immortal] targets a God, they start by massacring all the faithful followers of that particular God...and as soon as the God descends upon the 'Mortal Realm', they are hit by the unrivaled power of a [Immortal].

Gods don't die unless they are murdered by a powerful foe or all of their followers are killed. In any case, a [Immortal] that can revive do both when God descends from 'Heavens'...thus sending their [Soul] to the 'Yellow River'.

The clueless Apsu was rubbing her forehead, trying to find out why her 'faith' was on the verge of a breakdown? What happened to that Anomaly she felt about two weeks ago? Unlike the first anomaly, her followers killed many years ago...this one might still be roaming around in her territory?

Gods can leave 'Heavens' of their own free will and the protection that they receive from Heavenly Laws will retract forever.

Noah has killed many Gods in the past when they descended upon the 'Mortal Realm'.


Again, why would any God leave 'Heavens'? Why would they leave the comfort of their homes?

The answer is simple as well...

They are forced when their 'Faith' is in danger. They descend when their most faithful followers are in danger. If the most faithful followers die, upper echelons of the church die...who will propagate their faith? If the territory in which they are ruling is ruined...who will worship them?

They can't wait in 'Heavens' for their [Souls] to be pulled towards the 'Yellow River' and thus descend upon the 'Mortal Realm' to maintain people's 'faith' in them.


"What do you mean Mr. David?" Leah asked with an innocent smile!

"..." David.

"..." Noah just turned his head away with an embarrassed smile.

"W-what?" David was baffled as he blinked twice in disbelief.

"Who are you calling your daughter, Mr. David?"

Leah said with a sneer.

"My daddy is right here..."

Leah pointed towards Noah with her index finger...

Noah didn't know whether to laugh or cry so he just kept looking around the throne room like a lost child.


An eerie silence filled the hall.

David's mind was completely blank. It just stopped working...or maybe it just didn't want to work. A short circuit perhaps? Who knows?

Noah smiled wryly and patted Leah as she nuzzled on Noah's neck to savor his divine scent while hugging him to display that she was only his and his alone. Nobody else can be her Daddy from now on...

Her soft mushy breasts pressed against his chest as Noah stroked her hair tenderly.

Soon, some clarity entered David's consciousness as he asked:

"Wh-what do you m-mean L-Leah?" David's voice was brittle as if he was about to cry.

"My Dad..." Leah avoided David as she spoke in a fruity tone that was filled with strong affection towards the person she was hugging.


David's mind and heart collapsed as he vomited a mouthful of blood. He tried to approach his daughter...but soon his vision turned fuzzy and he plopped on the ground in front of his throne. His knees buckled and his lips trembled.

One of the most cherished people in his life...his daughter was speaking something that didn't make any sense.

After his wife's death five years ago, he has always taken care of the 13-year-old Leah as the treasure of his heart. Leah looked similar to his beloved wife and he treated her with utmost care as she reminded him of his beloved, the last symbol of his love.

Everything that he was doing was to give a better life to Leah and Bryan...

Noah smirked a little when felt the turmoil in David's heart and mind. He relished those emotions as they filled his sadistic desires.

'The fuck?' Naomi thought as she hid in Noah's shadow. She was bamboozled by this strange behavior of Leah. What the heck is going on here?

Leah turned around and looked at the almost collapsed body of David with no remorse.

She didn't feel anything as the only 'Dad' that matters was behind her, grabbing her ass and giving them a nice squeeze.

"Mhmm~" She moaned softly.

"L-Leah...What do you m-mean by d-dad?" David asked in a gravelly tone.

"I believe the answer to that question, like the answer to most questions, is fuck you!" Leah retorted in a matter-of-factly tone. She was slightly annoyed by this stranger, calling her, 'daughter'.

"And my only dad is behind me! Humph!" Leah humphed and turned around to lead Noah to her bedroom.

Now that they informed about their 'well-being' and the rumors of their disappearance would vanish soon, Leah had no time to waste with unknown strange people who are collapsing on the ground for no reason and calling her 'daughter'.

Leah held Noah's arm as she lead him towards the entrance of the throne hall.

Before Noah could leave, he suddenly remembered something, as he said in an orotund, loud, and clear voice:

"I will be leaving the Racada Kingdom tomorrow!"

"Really?" Leah asked neutrally.

"Yes?" Noah replied.

"Princess Leah will be leaving with her daddy too" Leah turned around and told David before turning around again as she gave a peck on Noah's lips, leading him to her room for arduous physical training.

Back to the Delta city...Things are heating up for the finale.

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