

Chris' eyes burst open in shock. He couldn't believe Tate was already standing close to him.

'When did he learn how to move this fast!!! What the fuck is going on here!'

'Is this Tate Jaggar!'

Chris was motionless as Tate's glowing fist covered his vision.

If this hits him, he would probably die! It would definitely send him unconscious!

Just as Tate fist was about to make contact, the bell sounded loudly, indicating that the first round was over! 

Tate had to stop immediately.

"See you at the second round."

Tate said as he walked away from the arena. A sudden wind vibrates Chris's hair. Chris swallowed deeply. His heart was pounding heavily. He watched Tate helplessly as Tate made his way to his locker room.

Tate entered his locker room and closed the door. He saw the first round would be coming to a close in a few seconds so he wanted to end it quickly.

It would've been glorious if he had ended the so-called champion in the first round.

Tate squeezed his fist hard, feeling irritated that he didn't finish Chris in the first round.

He sat on his stool once more and focused his attention on the stopwatch which was at the top of the doorway.

The first round had a three minute break. The next break would come at the fifth round, from there on there would be no break until the ninth round.

Many people were complaining why there was even a break, but they forget that Martial Artist wasn't two people fighting on the street. It was a sport now, so there had to be break.

In the top five major leagues and big tournaments, the break was used to analyze the opponents moves and how to counter it. 

This would be explained by the person coach. Each agency has their own coaches. He heard that some coaches played  a vital role in the achievement of some of the greatest martial artists of all time.

Without their coach they wouldn't have amounted to anything.

It was very clear that coaches were as important as the fighter, that was why all the good coaches and super coaches were all in top agencies.

Only Top agencies would be able to afford their fees and they would only want to sign for top agencies because they knew their worth.

Tate knew the importance of getting signed by a top agency. He would need to perform extremely well in the state competition if he wants to get scouted by a top agency.

That was why he was so angry with the MA points the system was giving him. In order to perform extremely well in the state tournament, he must become really strong! like strong!


The stopwatch sounded then. Tate stood up to his feet in one move. He could tell that Chris AZ grade one uniform suffered heavily when he struck it with his fist.

Two more Super Punches and the uniform might become useless!

Tate's cheeks moved, despite not being happy with his slow growth, he was thankful that he had an attack that could shake an enhancement uniform.

He plans to finish this in the second round. He would hit Chris on the face. No way Chris would be able to withstand Super punch directly on the face.


Mr Bushman was walking about in Chris' locker room. 

"How did he move that fast! And his punch seemed to have gotten a lot stronger  than before!"

He faced Sir Connor.

"This wasn't how he fought this morning!"

Sir Connor didn't know how to explain the last few seconds of the match either. He was surprised that Tate was able to move faster than Chris, despite not putting on any enhancement items.

He had known the boy for more than three years and he could tell that the boy wasn't hiding anything from those years. He simply just got stronger during these few days, but how?

How could he be so strong within seven days?

"At this rate... he is going to win."

Mr Bushman couldn't sound properly when he thought of Tate winning the match. 

"I don't think my uniform would be able to withstand another of his attacks. There is something wrong with his punch. His fist starts glowing whenever he is about to make impact."

Chris' legs were shaking, he didn't want to go back to the arena to fight with Tate. Not after what he just experienced. 

He was afraid that Tate punch would be able to send him to death doors.

Mr Bushman roared at Chris.

"Nonsense! Are you even a fighter!!"

"He is just a bumpkin kid, and you are the champion. He should be the one afraid of you, not the other way around!"

Chris didn't respond to Mr Bushman's words. His body was shaking profusely.

Sir Connor walked to Chris then. He saw that Chris wasn't lying, Tate's next attack might really break the AZ grade one uniform!

Enhancement uniforms weren't made of normal material of clothes. 

They were strong and durable, almost reaching the hardness of metal, while some of them were stronger than metal, but the toughness wasn't the main thing. The main thing was the energy core that was feeding the item with its power.

The stronger the energy core, the hard and faster the uniform would be. It would even enhance other attributes of the holder.

Sir Connor eyebrows pushed to his eyes. He never imagined that Tate's glowing fist would be able to penetrate the AZ grade one uniform, and Tate was even faster than it.

"We have to do something now. We can't just let Tate win if we can stop him here!"

Mr Bushman had no idea what they should do. He was only voicing out because he couldn't just keep calm without saying anything.

Sir Connor was silent for a while before he said.

"Let's changed the core to the AZ grade three uniform."

Mr Bushman eyebrows raised to his forehead.

"But that is not allowed. It is way above 50, and it would destroy the uniform before it even gets running. The AZ grade one uniform wouldn't be able to handle the energy core of grade three!"

Mr Bushman hurriedly sounded, but he realized Sir Connor already knew what he was saying.

Surely Sir Connor knew that putting the grade three energy core on the grade one uniform would damage the uniform, and Chris wouldn't even make it past the energy detector which was at the entrance of each opponent's doorway to the arena.

Chris would immediately be disqualified if the energy detector detects the output of his uniform to exceed the maximum amount allowed in the competition.

Sir Connor didn't respond to  Mr Bushman's words. He simply tapped Chris on his shoulder.

"You have only seven minutes to knock him out, before the grade three energy core would exterminate the uniform."

Chris gave Sir Connor a big nod when he said that. His confidence came back in an instant. He would surely destroy that loser with the Grade three energy core.

The grade three energy core was immediately brought in. Sir Conner collected it and replaced it with the grade one energy core.

He looked into Chris' eyes then.

"Your uniform would only be able to withstand the intensity of the core for five minutes, seven minutes utmost. You must end this the moment you enter the arena!"

Chris nodded repeatedly to Sir Conner words as Sir Connor continued.

"I know the guy in charge of the energy detector, if he doesn't comply, I will get somebody to take him out, this is my arena after all. So, don't worry about the energy detector. Just walk straight to the arena and knock that bastard down!"

"Yes Sir!"

Chris bowed 90 degrees. The stopwatch sounded then and Chris marched to the doorway. 

Mr Bushman eyebrows slowly raised to his eyes. Why was he even bothered when this had to do with Sir Connor.

Sir Connor always had everything under control, that was how he was able to build the biggest arena in the whole Apex Grove.

With the grade three energy core. Chris would be faster and he would be able to withstand Tate stupid glowing punch.

Tate wouldn't know what jammed him until it was all over!

'This is what happens when you bite the hands that feed you!'