
No way to go back

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No way to go back

In the beginning of the movie, a wealthy man named Danny is driving his car on a mountain road at night when something suddenly obstructs his path. He falls into a deep forest and the next day, police officers arrive at the scene. The car is found to be destroyed, but there is no sign of Danny's body. John, the police officer assigned to the case, investigates and wonders why Danny's body is missing. He asks his team to search the forest for any signs of Danny's footprints. The team searches but finds nothing. The next day, John goes alone to the forest to continue the investigation. He follows some footprints in the mud which lead him towards the river.John followed the footprints and when he reached the river, he recognized them as Danny's. He planned to cross the river, but it was getting dark, so he decided to go back. However, he saw a light coming from the other side of the river and decided to investigate. He found a path made of rocks and started to cross the river. When he stepped on the first rock, he felt something strange, but he ignored it.After following Danny's footprints to the river, John decided to turn back due to the approaching darkness. As he began to retrace his steps, he suddenly bumped into an invisible wall. Bewildered, he examined the wall and realized that it was blocking his path. Despite hearing creepy sounds coming from the forest, he continued on and eventually came across a mountain. Knowing it was too dangerous to stay in the forest at night, he began to climb the mountain. As he climbed higher, he discovered a cave and decided to enter it for safety. However, he soon discovered that the cave was full of skeletons. He grabbed his gun and cautiously continued forward, eventually coming across a light and a shadow on the wall. He hid himself and slowly approached the man casting the shadow. The man was eating beside a fire and was startled when John demanded to know who he was. As the man claimed to be Danny, John was surprised since Danny had gone missing only the day before. John realized that the flow of time in this world was slower than in their world. Danny was happy to learn that he had not lost everything yet. John suggested that they search for a way back to their world the next day, but for now, he was hungry. Danny offered him a piece of meat, which John ate. Danny explained that it was from an animal that was not dangerous but very fast. They then went to sleep.The next day, John woke up and saw Danny scratching the wall and counting the days. Danny had been there for 15 years. John apologized for not being there for him. Danny said they still had hope. They walked to the river and John started walking along the wall to find an exit. After walking for 30 minutes, they found a corner and realized it was a square trap. They decided to find the second corner but it got dark, so they stayed the night. Danny made a fire and John saw movement in the bushes.Danny told John to sit down and not to worry about the movement in the bushes. John saw the movement again and stood up, pulling out his gun and pointing it at the bushes. Danny told him to wait and see what happens. Suddenly, an animal with a dog's body and a shark's face attacked John. Danny quickly killed the animal with his weapon. John was surprised by Danny's speed and asked how he did it. Danny explained that he had been there for 15 years and knew how to deal with the animals. He roasted the animal and told John not to worry, it tasted good.John and Danny were resting when they heard loud sounds coming from the forest. Danny told John that the sounds were from the beagers, and they had to get ready to fight. They both got ready, and the beagers started attacking them. Danny fought with his sword made of tooth and wood, and John used his gun. After a long fight, the remaining beagers left, and Danny was wounded. John realized that the beagers were fast, but Danny was a warrior too. They both slept, and the next day John went to the river to get water. Three beagers attacked him, and Danny came to help him. Danny killed two of them, but the third one injured John's hand. John threw the beager towards the wall, and it passed through the wall. Danny and John were surprised and decided to follow the beager, but the point where the beager passed was too high, so they started climbing the wall.Sure, here's a possible rewrite:

Danny and John were collecting the bodies of the beagers they had killed the previous night. They were trying to gather as many as possible to climb up to a certain point. After about fifteen minutes, John was in front of Danny, hesitating to pass. Danny pushed him, insisting they were late to go home. John fell on the other side of the vanished wall, and Danny couldn't see him after he passed. After about a minute, Danny passed the wall and saw that they were in a completely different world. Danny was shocked to discover that John was nowhere to be found.Danny saw that John was nowhere to be found. Confused, he wondered where John could have gone since he had passed through the wall hole just before Danny. He realized that there was no point in running around aimlessly on the big empty ground, so he decided to walk towards the forest he saw in the distance. As he approached the forest, he noticed a village on the other side. Curious to see who lived there, he hid behind a tree and observed the houses made of wood, bushes, and leaves. To his surprise, there was no one around. Suddenly, someone hit him on the head with a staff, causing him to lose consciousness. When he woke up, he found himself tied to a tree with strange people wearing crazy masks standing in front of him. They were discussing something and one of them said, "We should tell the master about this. He should know what to do." A loud drum sound began, and everyone left the path for a man whose face was covered by his hair and a mask. As he approached, Danny asked him why he had been captured, explaining that he was not from there and had only just arrived. The man quickly removed his mask and hugged Danny, surprising everyone. The man left, and Danny was relieved to see that it was John. After untying Danny, they hugged again, and Danny asked John where he had gone after crossing the wall so quickly.

Danny was shocked to hear that the time in this world was so different from the world he came from. He was also surprised to learn that John had been waiting for him for five years. John explained that he had not given up hope because he knew Danny would come, and he was right. Danny asked how the beagers evolved into human forms in just 100 years, and John explained that the beagers had been evolving for thousands of years, and the time difference between the two worlds was greater than Danny had thought. Danny was amazed by all of this and wondered how they would return home.Jhon asked Danny to join him in searching for an exit so they could go home together. Danny agreed and Jhon suggested they go to a hut where they could eat and discuss their plan. They ate cut fruits and leaves, which were vegetarian. Jhon said he had examined the place for years and knew every location, so finding the exit would be easy. Danny agreed and they left the hut. Jhon suggested they start by checking out the mountain side, which he had explored many times before. He thought there might be some suspicious things there. They found a cave and Jhon led Danny inside. Jhon had never gone too far into the cave before, so they were both exploring it for the first time.Danny and Jhon continued walking inside the cave to reach its end. Suddenly, Danny bumped into something and realized it was the invisible wall again. They decided to go back since it was a dead end. However, the mountain started shaking and the ground vanished along with the map. They were shocked to see nothing but whiteness. A rectangular-shaped box appeared in the distance, and they ran towards it. There was a button on it, and Danny wanted to press it, but Jhon stopped him. Danny insisted that they had nothing to lose, so he pressed the button. A control panel appeared, and a voice note congratulated them for passing the first level of their dangerous journey. They had been playing a game all along, and they had completed the first level. They could customize a new world and live it by their own rules.Danny and Jhon were happy to hear that they could live a life full of enjoyment and fun. They decided to customize the world and make it perfect. Certainly! Danny and Jhon were thrilled to learn that they could customize their own world and live it by their own rules. They decided to take advantage of this opportunity and create a world that was perfect for them. They spent hours designing the landscape, adding mountains, rivers, and forests. They created their own cities and towns, each with its unique architecture and style. They even added some hidden areas that only they knew about.

Once they were happy with the world they had created, they decided to explore it. They traveled from one city to another, discovering new places and meeting new people. They even made some new friends along the way. They visited the mountains, the rivers, and the forests, marveling at the beauty of the world they had created.

However, they soon realized that their perfect world was not without its challenges. They encountered some dangerous creatures, and they had to fight them off to protect themselves. They also discovered that some of the people they had met were not as friendly as they had initially thought. They had to use their wits and skills to survive in this new world.

Despite the challenges, Danny and Jhon were happy with the world they had created. They had a sense of freedom and adventure that they had never experienced before. They could do anything they wanted, go anywhere they wanted, and be anyone they wanted. They realized that this was the ultimate game, and they were the masters of their own destiny.