
56. the end

okay so something wierd was happening when I tried to upload this chapter but I think it is fixed if you are seeing this but anyway here we go, I just want to say that this is the LONGEST CHAPTER I EVER DID, literally this chapter was messing up my phone because this is 2 or 3 chapters in 1 cause this is 6k words - 7k words because of this A/N, but anyway before you read this. I just want to say thank you one last time for all the love and support, it mean so much to me, and I hope y'all had enjoyed the story.

Lincoln had sat on his bed as millions of thoughts was rushing though his head as today was the day, there was no turning back now, today was the finals and he was close to having a panic attack since he was scared.

Scared that his sister was going to hate him for everything he had said to her and Sam, he grabbed his hair and pulled at it, finding some relief from doing so, he took a deep breath and let go of his hair, running his hands though it to fix it as he had looked down at tabby pick, he slowly reached up for it and grabbed the pick, before standing up and got ready for tonight.

Luna, sam, Danny, and the rest of their band had went all out with what they wore as they wore a classic rock'n'roll outfit since there was going to be a red carpet, with a couple of famous guests star's because the contestants was able to choose 1 famous person or group to join their act, and it was no surprise that Luna and Sam had asked for mick swagger, where others had asked for famous singers or dancers, L had simply asked for tabby which didn't go unnoticed by Luna and her band but they didn't say anything until they went inside because for the time being, they was kinda focus on the red carpet and the paparazzi

L, the twins, and tabby walked along the red carpet as tabby was smiling as well as holding up the rock'n'roll symbol along with L and the twins as L and the twins had wore black cloaks that had reached up to their waist with a black stitching on the inside so no one could see inside of it.

L had looked around among the paparazzi and crowd as they was calling out his, the twins, and tabby name, "So this is what fame is like" tabby said as she had gotten close to L so he could hear her.

"Heh yeah... It almost scary" L told her making her nod while she was a bit nervous herself "come on, let's go inside" L said as he made his way inside along with his band, as tabby and the twins had waved at everyone one last time before heading inside.

"So... are you 2 ready" one of the twins asked making them nod slowly.

"Heh I could ask the same about you two" Tabby said making them laugh quietly.

"Please mate, this wouldn't be our first show so don't worry about us, just make sure you don't mess over your words" the twins said making tabby grin.

"Heh I got this under control" tabby said making them nod, she had looked at L and place her hand on his shoulder, causing him to look at her "Are you ready, L" she asked gently since he haven't been talking as much.

"Yeah, I'm fine" L told her making her nod slightly.

"...what do you think you are doing, tabby" a voice said making the group look up to see Sam, Luna, Danny, and the rest of their band looking at them but mostly at tabby.

"G-guys" tabby said a bit nervous as she didn't know what to say.

"Why are you with them, you know first hand how much of jerk L is" Luna said making tabby shake her head.

"I-it not like that" tabby said as she felt like she was being attacked by her friends.

"Then please do explain because it seem exactly like that" Sam glared at her making her step back a bit from her cold glare

"Why don't you hacks piss off" L said as he gotten in front of tabby, annoyed with them "she is my special guest so why don't you losers go kiss ass to Mick swagger like the followers you are" he said making both groups eyes widened, Luna growled and grabbed L by his cloak, pulling him close.

"I had it with your crap, kid or not. You are nothing but a stuck up punk who look down on people for no reason" Luna said between her teeth, while Sam and Danny had tried to pull her away from him.

Luna had pushed L away from her, making him stumbled back and bump into the twins before dropping down to the floor while tabby had quickly went by his side to make sure he was okay.

L had started to laugh as he had stood up, fixing his cloak a bit "I don't look down on people I respect and right now, I'm seeing nothing but wash up trash" he told them making their eyes widened as he had stop laughing "so unless you planning on winning this talent show tonight, shut the hell up and leave my group alone" he demanded with venom lace in his voice.

Luna and the rest of their band had looked at him before they had turned and walked away "this isn't over" Luna said as she had walked away.

"Heh it was over the second you thought you could win against me" L said as he was filled with adrenaline as he was squeezing his fist tightly, tabby and the twins had looked at him worried.

"...Are you okay L" one of the twins asked making him nod but didn't say anything.

Tabby had looked at him and grabbed one of his hands, pulling it open even though there was a lot force because of the adrenaline rushing though him but she was able to open it none the less, she had slowly placed her hand in his, before she had entwined their fingers together making Lincoln look at her as she had gently squeezed his hand with hers.

"T-tabby" L said as he started to blush red behind his hood as he had looked at her.

"T-thank you for standing up for me Lincoln, I didn't know what to do or say..." tabby said quietly as she had looked down to hide her blush.

"I couldn't just let them attack you like that" L said as he was coming down from his adrenaline rush "...anyway let's get ready because tonight will be a night to remember" he said with a small chuckle as he wanted to change the subject.

"You better mean that" one of the twins said as they had punched his shoulder "or we will start making you buy every instrument you touch" they threaten with a small laugh, making L nod

"Then I really need to make sure I give it all I got then" L said making the group nod as they had went to go talk to the stage assistant so they could run some things though with them about their act.

As L and his group and talking to the assistant, the host had walked out on the state "hello everyone! Welcome to the live finals, I hope y'all are ready to crown a winner because tonight is the night, and not only will also be crowned the winner but we also got some celebrities joining some of our act's tonight" she said making everyone cheer.

"Before we start, let's give applause for our 3 amazing judges" the host said as the judges had stood had stood up, waving at everyone before sitting back down "is there anything you guys want to say before we start" she asked them.

The three judges had looked at each other and shook their heads before one of them had lean forward to their mic "nope, other then let's get this show started" one of them said making the crowd cheer at the news

"Well let's not wait any longer then, now let's give it up for our first act!" The host said and just like that the finals had started.

The first act was a dance group who was accompanied by a few members of the jabbawockeez, which was loved by the audience.

The second act was a comic who was by himself but he was quite funny none the less.

The third act was a singer who was able to get beyonce to join her.

Everyone else was in the back talking to one another, while a few was trying to fix their nerves, while Luna and her band was talking to Mick swagger, Luna would occasionally look towards L and his group.

"Guy's..." Luna said quietly to get their attention "why do you think L had asked for tabby out of everyone he could of asked for..." She asked making them think about, not really understanding why.

"This tabby girl, she is a rock'n'roll spit fire... just like her pops" Mick swagger said making them look at him with shock.

"Wait!? You know tabby!?" Sam asked shocked, making him grin.

"Heh I knew her mom and dad, good people too" Mick swagger said making the group look at him with disbelief "y'all her friends?" He asked making them nod.

"Yeah but... We have a slight problem..." Luna said quietly as she had explain what had happened with L which had fix in with tabby.

"I see..." Mick swagger said quietly as he had looked over at them before back at the ground and smile "it sound like this L kid had something against y'all" he chuckled.

"He do but we don't even know him" Danny said making sam nod.

"And he is just a big selfish jerk, it drive me crazy because he just look down on us like we are nothing to him, plus he said we should give up our dreams at being rockers" Luna said making him think.

"Heh it clear he his hiding something or he wouldn't be after y'all" Mick swagger said making them think "but y'all should play along with him" he said making them confused.

"Play along with him?" Luna said making him nod.

"Heh yeah love, it clear he wants you to hit him with everything you got, so you should reply to his demand, you might not be disappointed" he smiled at them.

"I guess you are right, besides It'll be a good way to wipe that stupid smug off his face" Sam said making the group nod.

"Heh then one of you should take the lead, not me" Mick swagger said making them think about who it should be.

"...Luna" Sam said after a moment, making her look at Sam.

"W-why me" Luna asked shocked as she was about to say Danny.

"Because it clear he is going after you in particular" Danny said as each time L had spoke to them, it was mostly to Luna.

"I guess so..." Luna said quietly as she had thought about it.

"Then it is decided, though we should think of a song to do real quick, we are up soon" Sam said making them nod and started to think of a song.

"It is almost time..." tabby said making L nod with a small sound to let her knew he heard her as the group was sitting near the back, while they was talking among themselves with L looking at Luna and their band.

"Up next we have our young rockers along with their special guest, the one and only... Mick swagger!" The host said making Luna band get up and head out to the stage, while L had watched the TV.

"Come on... You can do it" L said under his breathe in a quiet mumble as he had watched them to go on stage, Luna taking the lead much to his joy.

Luna had stood in the lead with Mick swagger just to the left of her and Sam was on the right, Luna had grabbed the mic "y'all ready to rock!" She yelled out making the audience cheer with excitement.

"1... 2... 1. 2 . 3. 4!" Danny said as he had hit his drumsticks together before Luna, Sam, and Danny had started to play their guitar while the rest of their band had waited for their cue which was quickly coming up as Luna had started to sing

I Bet You Look Good on the Dancefloor - Arctic Monkeys

Stop making the eyes at me,

I'll stop making the eyes at you.

What it is that surprises me

Is that I don't really want you to

And your shoulders are frozen (cold as the night)

Oh, but you're an explosion (you're dynamite)

Your name isn't Rio, but I don't care for sand

And lighting a fuse might result in a bang b-b-bang-go

I bet that you look good on the dance floor

I don't know if you're looking for romance or...

I don't know what you're looking for

I said I bet that you look good on the dance floor

Dancing to electro-pop like a robot from 1984

Well, from 1984!

I wish you'd stop ignoring me

Because it's sending me to despair,

Without a sound yeah you're calling me

And I don't think it's very fair

That your shoulders are frozen (cold as the night)

Oh, but you're an explosion (you're dynamite)

Your name isn't Rio, but I don't care for sand

And lighting a fuse might result in a bang, b-b-bang-go

I bet that you look good on the dance floor

I don't know if you're looking for romance or...

I don't know what you're looking for

I said I bet that you look good on the dance floor

Dancing to electro-pop like a robot from 1984

Well, from 1984!

And no, there ain't no love, no Montagues or Capulets

Just banging tunes and DJ sets

Dirty dance floors, and dreams of naughtiness!

Well, I bet that you look good on the dance floor

I don't know if you're looking for romance or...

I don't know what you're looking for

I said I bet that you look good on the dance floor

Dancing to electro-pop like a robot from 1984

Said, from 1984!

Luna had finished as her and Danny had slammed on their instruments a few times, playing some extra notes to end the song in style before they had finished.

The audience had cheered for them as they had bowed before walking off the stage, heading to the back.

"Nice playing love's, y'all have a real skill for playing" Mick swagger said making them smile at the praise, they was one cloud 9 because they was praise by their idol.

L had looked at Luna group with a smile on his hidden face, as he could sense the twins and tabby was smiling as well "heh come on, we should be next" tabby said as they stood up and walked to the entrance, passing Luna group.

L was just about to pass Luna band but stopped as he just stood there for a moment, getting Luna and the rest of her band attention as even though he didn't say anything, they could tell he had wanted something "ugh what do you want" Luna said alright annoyed with the mere thought of talking to him again.

L had just stood there for a moment before he turned his head slightly to them "tell me... Do you have any regrets about your performance tonight..." He asked loud enough for them to hear.

Everyone was confused by the question but Luna was the first one to speak up "our only regret is that we won't be able to see how stupid your face look after we win tonight" she said making everyone but Mick swagger nod in agreement.

L had just stood there for a moment, making the group wonder what was wrong with him, he had let out a small chuckle "thank you and... I'm sorry..." he said quietly as they could hear the remorse in his voice making them even more confused and slightly taken back

Before anyone could say anything, L had walked away to meet up with his band as they stood near the stage ready for to be called, making Luna look at each other weirdly, not using what was going on.

"Now it time for our other amazing rock band with the returned of a crowd favorite as their special guest, Tabby!" The host said making the audience cheer as L and his group had walked out of stage while tabby was waving at the audience.

Some of audience had called out for tabby, while some called out for L but a lot was confused about why they was wearing cloaks, L had walked to the mic and the twins behind him as they had waited for everyone to quiet down a bit.

L had grabbed the mic as everyone had slowly settled down "before we start, I have a confession to make..." He told them making everyone go quiet "when I first join this talent show, I don't mind winning or losing but I had just wanted to come to terms with who I am, but as I kept going I decided I had needed help so I decided to go after Luna and her band because I knew they was the only one would could help me" he explain while in the back Luna and her band was confused about what he was talking about.

L had chuckled softly "I had wanted Luna and her band to come at me with everything they had with no regret and they did which I am so grateful for. So Luna and the rest of your band, thank you for not holding back against me because I now have no regrets about tonight" he said as he had turned to look at the twins and nod before they had nodded back at him

The twins had grabbed their cloaks and pulled them off in one swift motion, showing who exactly who they was.

Luna and her band had gasps in shocked as everyone who know about the music store had exactly knew who they was "t-the twins!?" Luna said in disbelief as she didn't understand what was going on.

"Heh tonight... Is 'L' last performance" L had started making everyone look at him confused while the twins and tabby had smiled with pride as they had turned to go get their instruments.

Nikki was on the drums, tabby was on the electric guitar, and Angela was on the bass guitar.

"Tonight is 'L' last performance because..." L started before place the mic on the stand as he had took a deep breath before he had pulled off his cloak, showing everyone who he was "because my name is Lincoln loud!" He said making everyone eyes widened

"LINCOLN!?" Everyone who knew him had gasp but the one who was mostly shook to her core was Luna as she was frozen in place, not able to move a muscle

Lincoln had grabbed his instrument which was another electric guitar as he had smile brightly "now yell if you're ready to rock!" He yelled making nearly the whole building yell.

Lincoln had started to play by himself before Nikki had joined in and just before the song start Tabby and Angela had joined in as Lincoln had went to the mic

thousand foot krutch - welcome to the masquerade

We've got the fire, who's got the matches

Take a look around at the sea of masks

Come one come all, welcome to the grand ball

Where the strong run for cover and the weak stand tall

I'm not one to scare the masses

But there's some things that melt the plastic

Try and dig down deeper if you can

I'm not afraid

I'm not ashamed

I'm not to blame

Welcome to the masquerade

I'm not ashamed

I'm not afraid

I'm not okay

Welcome to the masquerade

Welcome to the masquerade

We've got the power, who's got the action

Break it down til there's nothing but a mere fraction

Out of the fire, rise from the ashes

Reject your doubt and release the passion

Let's get on it, believe if you want it

step into the realm where the real ones flaunt it

Come back, rewind, another time on it

Reach out, take that, but now step on it

I'm not one to scare the masses

But there's some things that melt the plastic

Try and dig down deeper if you can

I'm not afraid

I'm not ashamed

I'm not to blame

Welcome to the masquerade

I'm not ashamed

I'm not afraid

I'm not okay

Welcome to the masquerade

Welcome to the masquerade

I'm not afraid

I'm not ashamed

I'm not to blame

Welcome to the masquerade

I'm not ashamed

I'm not afraid

I'm not okay

Welcome to the masquerade

Welcome to the masquerade

Welcome to the masquerade

I'm not one to scare the masses

But there's some things that melt the plastic

Try and dig down deeper if you can

I'm not afraid

I'm not ashamed

I'm not to blame

Welcome to the masquerade

I'm not ashamed

I'm not afraid

I'm not okay

Welcome to the masquerade

Welcome to the masquerade

Lincoln had finished singing as they had finished by playing the ending before they had all slammed on their instruments one last time.

The audience had roar with applause while tabby had went to Lincoln and hugged him tightly while the twins had went to him, rubbing his back "great job mate but come on, I know a certain someone will want you to explain" Nikki said making him nod before he had held up the rock'n'roll sign and every other rocker had held up the symbol as well before the group had walked off the stage, going to the back.

As soon as they had walked to the back Luna had ran to Lincoln and hugged him tightly, crying as she held him as she was filled with some many emotions but joy was the strongest.

"L-lincoln y-you was L" Luna cried as she held Lincoln, Lincoln had hugged her back.

"I'm sorry Luna but thank you" L had said as he had started to cry himself.

Luna had pulled back, looking at Lincoln as her make up running but was smiling as happily as ever.

"Your make up is running" Lincoln laughed though his tears, Luna had laughed as she had hugged Lincoln again, unable to talk.

Luna had looked at the twins and tabby "y-you knew" she asked them making them nod.

"I-it was tabby idea that I had enter" Lincoln told her as she had looked at tabby and smile happily at her who had smiled back at her.

Luna had cried a little bit longer but stopped as she stood up, smiling as she had looked at lincoln while they had both wiped their tears as luna had lead lincoln and the rest of his band to the back "guy's!" Danny said as the rest of Luna band had crowded around lincoln, tabby, and the twins as they was asking them so many questions.

Mick swagger had walked to Luna smiling "family, I take it" he asked making her smiling and nod happily as she he went to lincoln and pulled him over to her.

"Mick this is my little brother, lincoln" Luna said as she was close to crying again but held back her tears.

Lincoln looked up at Mick swagger and smiled, who had smiled back at him as he had ruffled his hair "heh you a interesting spit fire" Mick swagger said lincoln laugh quietly.

"Heh thanks" lincoln said quietly as he had wiped his eyes one last time.

The twins had walked over the three "hey there mates" the twins said as Mick swagger had looked at them.

"Loves!" Mick swagger said as he had hugged Nikki and Angela "I almost didn't recognize ya" he said as they had hugged him back.

"We missed you too" Nikki said.

"Yeah and pop said you still own him $20 dollars and a new guitar" Angela said making Mick swagger laugh.

They had pulled back and looked at the shocked lincoln and Luna "you know Mick swagger" lincoln said making them nod.

"Yeah, he a friend of pops" Nikki told them.

After a lot of explaining in the back, it was finally time to pick the winner of the talent show as they had made all the act's come on stage without their guess star.

The audience had looked at the act's while they had called out who they wanted to win.

"Wow after as breath taking night, it is finally time to pick a winner" the host said make the audience cheer.

Everyone had waited to see who was going to win.

"Lincoln" he heard the twins call out quietly making him look at them.

"We know what you are thinking and it is okay" Angela said with a gentle smile

"B-but" lincoln started but Nikki had kneel down, wrapping an arm around lincoln shoulder.

"Mate, trust us. It is okay, we believe in you" Nikki smiled making lincoln smile and nod as she had stood back up.

"The winner is..." The host said as lincoln had give one last look at the twins before he had spoke up.

"We forfeit!" Lincoln yelled loudly so everyone could hear him.

"W-what" the host said her and everyone but the twins had looked at him shocked while the twins was smiling at each other.

Lincoln walked to the host and took the mic "heh we forfeit" lincoln said again as everyone was mumbling about what was going on.

"You can't forfeit because you had won" the host said making lincoln smile and shrugged.

"I don't care, we forfeit but don't y'all forget the name lincoln loud because just like tabby said, I going to be a legend so y'all better be ready to hear that name again" he said as he handed the mic back to the host as he walked back to the twins as Nikki had ruffled his hair.

"Nice going mate, I couldn't of said it better myself" Nikki chuckled as they had walked off the stage.

Lincoln had passed Luna and smiled at her as she had looked at him shocked "l-lincoln...".

"Heh good luck, I'm rooting for ya" lincoln smiled as he had passed them, going to the back.

"T-that was a first..." The host said as she actually didn't know what to do.

The group had went to the back as lincoln was met with a hug from tabby "I'm so proud of ya mate" tabby told him as he had hugged her back.

"Yeah mate, I got to say you had certainly surprised everyone, even me" Mick swagger said as he had let out a quiet chuckle.

"Heh thanks, they deserve to win more then me, so I hope they do" lincoln said as they had went to go watch the results on the TV in the back while the twins had went to go grabbed some food

Lincoln, tabby, and Mick swagger had sat down to watch the TV as the host was still unsure what to do.

Nikki and Angela came back with a 2 cans of whipped cream "heh y'all got to share" Nikki said as she had toss one of the cans to lincoln who had caught it before they had sat down, Nikki and Angela had started to eat the whipped cream by spraying a mouthful in their mouth before handing it to their twin.

Lincoln and tabby had looked at them before they had looked at each other then blushed a deep red "w-we don't have to do that" lincoln said as he had sprayed some on his hand before handing the can over to tabby who had took it and did the same, while they was doing that the host was told what to do.

"O-okay everyone, after a shocking forfeit we are going to crown a new winner" the host said as she was a bit on edge "now before I go on, do anyone else want to forfeit" she asked the act's, making them shake their head's.

"Alright then" she said as she had compose herself "now everyone let's get back on the good foot and let's give a round of applause to these amazing act's" she said as the audience had started to clap before they had started to get into it again, cheering for a few of them.

"There we go, now it is time to name the winner of the talent show" the host said as everyone had quiet down.

"Come on you got this" lincoln said quietly as tabby had nudged him, making him look at her and saw that she was smiling at him, he smiled back as they had watched the TV.

The host had smiled as she had looked at the act's "the winner is..." She started as she had looked around before looking at the act "the dreadlock dance group" the host said making the dance group cheer.

"What!" Lincoln said in disbelief along with tabby, and the twins while the audience and other acts had clapped for them.

"Dude..." Tabby said quietly while the other acts had started to come to the back so the winners could have the spotlight, so they could say how happy they was.

As the acts had walked in the back, he saw Luna and her band behind her as she had looked at lincoln and walked to him "lincoln why did you forfeit" she asked him making him sigh.

"Because I didn't deserve to win, nor did I wanted to. You had deserve it" lincoln said making Luna smile a bit.

"Lincoln..." Luna said quietly before she smiled happily and hugged him "even though we didn't win, we found out that we have another rocker with us" Luna told him.

"And a damn good one at that" Danny smiled said at him, making lincoln chuckle.

"Guy's I'm sorry for everything I said to y'all" Lincoln said and Luna had pulled back for the hug.

"I'm sorry to, I shouldn't of had let me emotions get the better of me" Luna sighed.

"Heh forget it, water under the bridge" Sam said aloud, making everyone nod in agreement.

Luna had looked up at Mick swagger and raised a brow "why are you still here Mick?" She asked and everyone had looked at him

"No real reason love, I just wanted to say hi to a few good friends before I go" Mick swagger had explain.

"Oh alright then" Sam said as they had heard the host wrapping up, meaning the talent show was over "well anyway it seem like it is time to go" she said as everyone had started to leave.

Once it was time for everyone to leave, they had walked out and was met with a crowd of people who had wanted to take a picture with the act's they had liked "heh look like we got some fan" Luna said as they had become overrun with people, so they had decided to just do came naturally and that was to soap up the praise, which was to take pics and sign autographs for anyone who wanted them which took a hour more or less.

Once the crowd had died down a good amount and everyone could breathe a bit the louds was able to find them "LINCOLN" his family yell making him visibly jump before looking at his family run to him, surrounding him and bomb him with so many questions it had made his head spin.

"Guys!" Luna said getting their attention as she went to lincoln, placing her hand on his shoulder "you can bomb him with questions later on but for now let's celebrate tonight" she said making lincoln smile up at her.

"Well... Alright but you better be ready to explain later on, Lincoln" Rita said making him nod.

"I will ma" lincoln told her with a nodded

"I got to say you certainly surprise us, lincoln" a voice said making his family look up to see tabby family walking their way.

"Oh thank you" lincoln told them as he looked at tabby who was smiling at him

"Well well well if is isn't little johnny" voice said making tabby dad look to see Mick swagger coming their way.

"Heh if it isn't Mick swagger or maybe I should call you Eddy 40 hand's" tabby dad joked making him, tabby ma, and Mack swagger laugh.

"It been so long, I thought you forgot about us" tabby mom said as she walked to Mick and hugged him.

"I could never forget about the gang" Mick swagger said as he hugged tabby mom back before they broke the hug "heh rockers until we die..."

"To bad the music wouldn't sound very nice" tabby mom and dad had finished before the group had laughed.

"Hold up!" Tabby said getting their attention "y'all know Mick swagger" she said making them look at her.

"You don't remember idiot, Mick used to change your dipper when you was a baby" Joseph told her making her eye's widened.

"What!?" Tabby yelled shocked making her parents and Mick laugh.

"You even threw up on me a few time every now and then" Mick said making her eyes widened while the louds had watched.

"Hey why don't you all come back to our place, so that way you all can catch up plus so we can celebrate tonight" Rita said to them "it would be better then standing out here the whole time talking" she said making the 3 look at her, thinking it over.

"Please ma, can we" tabby asked making them look at her.

"Well I mean, she do have a point" tabby mom said making tabby and lincoln smile at each other.

"Alright Mrs. Loud we would love to come over" tabby mom smiled.

The twins, Sam, Danny, and the rest of Luna band had came up to them "hey mates" Nikki said getting their attention "it is getting kinda late so we decided to split" she told them.

"Are you sure you don't want to come on" Luna ask making her laugh a bit.

"Nah mate, you already got a full house" Sam said while they had looked at them all

"besides tomorrow we can really have a party at the shop, so be ready" Angela said making them nod before she looked at Mick swagger "and you better come over tomorrow, you know where the shop is" she said making him laugh.

"Alright love, I promise" Mick swagger said making them smiled before they had all split.

The louds, tabby family, and Mick swagger had went to the loud's house while the twins, Sam, Danny, and the rest of Luna band had went to do whatever.

At the loud's house there was a lot of celebrating, talking, laughing, music, and ice cream.

Lincoln had stepped out on the porch where he saw tabby sitting on the steps, he had went and sat down near her "hey tabby" he said making her look at him and give a small smile.

"Hey mate" tabby said to him "heh I had just wanted to get a bit of air" she said making him nod.

"Tabby..." Lincoln said making her look at him as he took a deep breath "thank you for everything you done for me, I'm so lucky to have you" he said making her blush a bit but smile.

"Heh no need to thank me mate" tabby said but lincoln shook his head.

"you don't get it, tabby. You are so amazing and you always make me feel better no mate what, and you are so beautiful that I can't help but smile when I think about you" lincoln said making her turn a deep red as she had listen to him "tabby I don't want to go another night without you knowing how I feel about you" lincoln said as he grab her hand, looking into her eyes.

"I-I love you tabby and I want you to be my girlfriend" lincoln told her making her face redder.

Tabby didn't know how she wasn't burning lincoln hand because her face felt like it was fire, she took a deep breath to calm down as she had used her free hand and place it on lincoln cheek.

"Lincoln..." Tabby said softly as she smiled happily "you always willing to help other people, even put other people before yourself, even when you do you make up for your actions, and you always seem so happy and content" she said making him blush a bit but refused to look away.

Lincoln and tabby had looked at each other as they had slowly lean forward, closing their eyes until their lips had finally met each other.

Tabby arm's had slowly wrapped around lincoln neck while lincoln had held her hip's before they slowly stood up, refusing to break the kiss, after a minute of kissing they had both needed air, making them break the kiss but press their forehead together

"H-heh you are a good kisser Lincoln" tabby panted quietly with a noticeable blush making lincoln chuckle.

Lincoln had kiss her again which she had gladly returned but lincoln soon broke the kiss as he felt eyes on him, he turned to look at the house, his eyes widened as the window was wide open and everyone was looking at them.

"Heh I think we been found mate" tabby said as she had pulled away from lincoln with a blush and a small smile

Lincoln had looked at her as he had lean forward and kiss her one last time, catch her by surprise "heh I guess so, look like we got a bit more celebrating to do" lincoln said as tabby had held his hand as they had went back inside

there we go... all done... as much as I don't want to say this but... this fanfic is now finish, after 51 long chapters.

heh idk what to say now if I'm being honest...heh there was a question asking if I'll still make tabbycoln fanfics, and tbh that is up to y'all because if no one else will do them then I will... also for the hell of it, I might make a aftermath chapter, so one more chapter now that everything is said and done...

if you want to find me I'm mostly stay on tumblr at @kingdeku-queentoga so I hope y'all check it out but, that all I got to say so I hope y'all check out my other fanfics and if not then goodbye, thanks for the love