
No Otaku with Harem System (English Version)

A young man with a troubled life runs into more trouble after meeting an annoying fairy. "Hey Listen! It's time to start the adventure!" "A fucking giant fly! I have to kill him!" "Wait wait! I'm here to guide you!" Watch the adventures of Luis and the fly Navi on their way to becoming a King of the Harem. "King of the Harem sounds troublesome" "Hey Listen! You can get a lot of money and power!" "What are you waiting for ?! Let's go for that harem !!" ---------- ---------- I don't speak English and I am using Google Translate with Grammarly to translate my novel. I accept corrections in the comments paragraph Warning: The first 45 chapters are a lot of internal monologues since it was my beginnings writing a novel, I'm sorry if it's annoying for some readers but I hope you can give my work a chance after that point. I hope you enjoy my work ---------- ---------- www. patreon.com / Bukaro For advanced chapters. ----------------- https: // ko-fi.com / bukaro If you like my work, support me with a small donation

Bukaro · Anime et bandes dessinées
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404 Chs

Chapter 1: I think I'm hallucinating

In my 17 years of life, there has not been a day where I did not have to face some ridiculous shit that makes me wonder why living is so difficult.

It all started since I was born.

My parents met when they were young, my father was a successful and important businessman who stood out in the world market, I don't know how he met my mother but it was a kind of love at first sight.

They got married and they were a great couple, they were both so attractive they could put models and actresses to shame, they were rich and had a great life.

When my mother got pregnant with her first child, my father found a hobby that took everything to shit, gambling.

He quickly began to lose everything, the house, the cars, his business, and my grandparents' inheritance.

When I was 3 years old my mother had my younger sister at a terrible time as we could barely hold ourselves and it was difficult to have another mouth to feed. At that time we had been left with nothing, we did not even have a ground to fall dead on.

My father became a useless alcoholic who only wasted space with his existence, my mother had to start working selling cookies, cleaning houses, and collecting cans on the street so that we would have something to eat.

She sounds like a model mother who loves her children but the fact that she did not want to abandon my father even though the idiot almost prostituted her to buy alcohol takes away the points of a responsible mother.

Regarding that incident, it was the first time that I hit my father despite being an 8-year-old boy, the worst thing was that my mother slapped me for hitting the idiot, an unreasonable woman.

I could not finish elementary school as I started working from the age of 5 on everything that gave some money, cleaning windshields at traffic lights, polishing shoes in the market, handing out brochures and I even had to learn the ancient art of pickpocketing which led to me being chased and beaten too many times to remember.

Although we managed to buy a house that could fall at any moment, I spent most of my time on the street, I even slept in alleys or under bridges since I could not stand my father, every time I saw him yell at my mother I had than restraining myself from cutting his neck with glass while he slept… Yes, something went wrong in my head growing up.

The only good thing my parents have given me is their genes. Since I was a child I have been stronger and more resistant than normal, which was proven when in a fight, an idiot hit my head with a steel pipe while someone else took the air out of me by hitting my stomach with a brick, this was when I was 12 years old. Most surprisingly, I stayed conscious and ended up winning the fight after breaking their spine.

As I grew older, my life became increasingly violent. Perhaps my temperament was influenced by the street so I am very violent when I feel threatened, I can lower my head and allow myself to be trampled if I can gain something from that, but I go crazy when I feel danger which has led me to absurd situations. Like the time I had to fight with a gang that distributed drugs in a school, those idiots tried to take advantage of my little sister so I broke their limbs. They didn't learn their lesson and they tried to take revenge so I had to burn their houses with them inside.

Needless to say, my sister is a little scared of me.

I have acquaintances from the various jobs I have had as well as from the gang fights I have gotten into but I don't have friends, as for a girlfriend, I don't want to form a relationship since my life is screwed up enough to carry someone else's problems, I've only had one-night stands.

In general, my life sucks, and I hate the world around me, but I have never considered suicide. I will fight until the last breath against all the shit that the world throws at me, nothing can surprise me or make me give up, or at least that's what I thought until this morning.

I woke up in a motel where I spent the night with a woman I met in a bar. It's nice to meet open-minded people since I only have to pay for the room and I save what a prostitute charges, in terms of diseases, I use protection and I have always had a good instinct to distinguish when someone is potentially harmful either by illness or bad intentions.

I went to the bathroom before going to work on the construction of a poor quality bridge like most government works, while urinating I heard something that would bring a new dose of problems to me and disastrous life.

"Hey listen! You were chosen by the Harem System!"

"A giant fucking fly!" - Hit the bright blue bug that appeared out of nowhere.

"What's wrong with you, why are you hitting me ?!" - Is alive and speak!

Maybe I could capture it and sell it, a talking insect should be worth something ... Although it could also be satanic garbage created with witchcraft or some shit like that, I do not believe in God but the existence of the Devil seems possible to me.

"W-Why are you looking at me like that? I'm warning you, I'm not tasty!" - The fly seemed to tremble with Fear? It's hard to tell since he's just a blue ball and his voice is too high-pitched.

"I have you!" - I caught the fly, even if it is not hygienic I will just look for something to store it, and then I will wash my hands.

"Wait wait wait, we can talk like civilized people!" - I ignored his screams and started to use my jacket to wrap it, it is the size of a baseball so it will not be able to escape if I wrap it well, although it will be problematic if it continues to scream.

Should I drown him in the sink before I take her away?

"I don't know what you're thinking but I feel like it's dangerous, please stop, we can be friends!" - The fly spoke in a pleading tone that seemed to be crying.

"Well not every day I find a talking insect ... You have 5 minutes to explain or I will drown you to shut up" - I am somewhat curious about what a mutant insect can say.

"I am the fairy Navi, I am here to guide you on your adventure through the multiverse to become the King of the Harem!" - The fly spoke in a proud tone as if it was an honor to hear her speak.

"... Yes of course what you say" - I hope they pay me well for this fly, at least it should reach me for a good meal.

"I'm serious, you just have to focus and the Harem System will open!" - Why is this thing so loud when it talks?

Out of curiosity, I thought about opening the system with a suspicious name. A blue screen similar to a computer screen appeared in front of me.

[Name: Luis Santos

Titles: Guardian (100%), King of the Harem (5%)

Age: 17 years

Race: Human (98%), Lineage Unawakened (2%)

Condition: Healthy (100%)

Intelligence: Scholar (10%)

Strength: Human Limit (40%)

Will: Unyielding (40%)

Soul: Deadly (100%)

Skills: Combat Instinct (42%), Bloodlust (10%), Berserker (3%), Will of Steel (10%), Enhanced Learning (10%), Agile Hands (10%), Calm (5%)

Talents: Intermediate Unarmed Combat (10%), Advanced Armed Combat (10%), Intermediate Firearms Handling (10%), Intermediate Natural Sciences (5%), Intermediate Languages ​​(5%), Low Meditation (10%) , Advanced First Aid (10%), Advanced Cooking (10%), Advanced Massage (10%), Advanced Construction (10%), Advanced Cleaning (10%), Advanced Repair (10%), Advanced Sexual Skills (10% )

Missions: None

Harem: None]

"Wow I think you need a vacation, you are so young and have developed so many things, get a girlfriend or something" - This fly is annoying.

"So what is this all about?" - I don't understand where this screen comes from or what this fly is, but I have learned to accept things as they come.

Whether I finally lost my mind or some alien is playing with me I don't care, I just want to see if I can get something out of this.

"Each part of the system represents something different, you can get a better description if you ask the system" - If the system responds only then what are you doing here?

[Name: Identity

Titles: Obtained through achievements

Age: Time lived

Race: Species

Condition: Health status


Development of mental and intellectual abilities

Strength: Physical abilities such as endurance and reflexes

Will: Mental and spiritual strength

Soul: Existence level

Skills: Special abilities obtained by inheritance or other methods

Talents: Type of knowledge developed with effort and dedication

Missions: Tasks given by the system

Harem: Women with whom you have formed a relationship regardless of whether they are wives or slaves]

That last one sounds illegal… Should I be concerned?

There are many things that I still do not understand but I can work with this, I just want to know what the percentages mean.

[Percentage: Level of development of a skill, when exceeding 100% the skill can evolve but it is very difficult to do so]

[10% is the first growth barrier, the second is 20%, the third is 40%, the fourth is 80% and then the limit of 100% is reached]

[Race, Condition, and Soul represent your current state and do not represent growth]

For now, I'm healthy so that's good. I'll ignore the 2% non-awake lineage because I have a feeling it's somewhat troublesome.

I'm late for work so I'll ignore this.

I washed my hands and ignored the pathetic excuse of a fairy. The girl from last night is still in bed but she only pretends to sleep, maybe she hopes that she will see like this or some stupid gentleman. I don't have time for this shit.

[Mission: Tragedy of an Ice Princess

Lin Ruoxi is desperate because her father wants to marry her to a stupid young master, she sought a one-night stand because she doesn't want to give her virginity to an idiot but now she feels complex about her actions.

Help her get her freedom to win her heart and not fall into the hands of an idiot.

Success conditions:

- Stop the arranged marriage (0/1)

- Earn Lin Ruoxi's affection (0/1)

- Convince her to join your harem (0/1)

Failure conditions:

- Marriage to the Young Master (0/1)

- Lin Ruoxi Suicide (0/1)

Reward: 1 Special Gacha Ticket, 1 Protective Ring, 1 Gift of Love]

... I refuse, bye.

"Hey listen! This woman must have an important destiny since the system only creates missions for women with strong destinies!" - Get lost, you fucking fly!

"Why doesn't he react to your high-pitched voice? With how loud you speak, she should have reacted" - I whispered so that the woman wouldn't hear me talking to the fly, I'll call her Navi because it's easier.

It's all possible that it's all a hallucination and I don't want to be taken to a mental hospital for talking to an imaginary fairy.

"Mufufu, only you and the members of your harem can see and hear me, others are not worthy of appreciating my wisdom!" - If Navi had a face he would surely have a smug expression.

"Whatever, you said she has a strong destiny, right? Is she someone important then?" - Sounds troublesome.

"Exactly, her destiny is important to this world but I can't say why, I'll only be able to see his destiny when she's part of your harem!" - And continue with the harem.

Why do so many men have a fantasy of forming a harem with dozens of women? The amount of problems and discussions that that brings makes my headache just imagining it.

Yes, I refuse this shit.

"As expected of the Harem King, you haven't even received your starter pack and already managed to get a strong destined woman, mufufufu as expected of me having such a skilled partner!" - Why are you acting like you do something great? I was the one who slept with her.

Ah, I spent a lot of time talking to Navi and now the woman seems uncomfortable because I have not moved.

"Hey, if I complete these missions can I get some money?" - I asked my last question, if I am not going to win something worthwhile then I will throw Navi in ​​the trash and forget about this.

"Of course money, women, fame, power, you can get it all! As King of the harem it is your duty to be above all with me as your adventure partner muahahahaha!" - You are breaking your character, now you act like a villain!

Well, as long as I can earn enough money to buy a house and get my sister to a good school then that's fine.

After a deep breath I approached the sleeping woman, the end justifies the means and I really need money.

I will make an effort to improve my grammar but I don't know English so don't hate me, I have a sensitive heart.

If you can support me in Ko-Fi I would appreciate it, there are no benefits since I do not upload additional chapters but they would make me happy <3

https: // ko-fi.com / bukaro


A hug!

Bukarocreators' thoughts