
No One Will Ever Hurt You Again I Promise

For each of us, things and events present themselves differently. We cannot afford to be envious of the happiness of others. Happiness comes in different forms; we need to be attentive and know our needs to seize the opportunity when it arises. Do we know what it's like to love and be loved when we are young? Are our choices considered? We will never know if we never try it, and love does not wait for age. It falls on you. And fate? Does that mean anything to you? So no matter how hard you try to change it, it remains unchanged. What is written cannot be undone. At Woodhill, a private high school located in the heart of New York, the elites of this society come together to receive the best academic training of all time. All these teenagers are descendants of responsible and prosperous families. But as it is written, there are always exceptions when there are rules enacted somewhere. Among the rotten-spoiled petty-bourgeois, a few children from the small society are accepted as little geniuses. They all have brilliant brains; that's the only thing they have in common with New York City's future leaders. Again, there are a few exceptions among those who can afford academic training worthy of their social rank but do not have the required level. But as they say, between friends, we support each other. Money makes the law. Of course, you can be brilliant but can't afford to access Woodhill. On the other hand, if you are part of this bourgeois elite, you are unlikely to be denied access. There is a boy with the most interesting personality in this category, who is intelligent but does not have sufficient means. Some say that he is bipolar, others say that he has schizophrenia, and so many stories circulate about him, but no one really knows who he is. Howie is the name of this mysterious boy who is being chatted up in Woodhill. A god-sand-beautiful, intelligent, and talented boy who, unfortunately, is poor and disturbed. Some see him as a waste because of that.

Quentin_ikanu · Oriental
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75 Chs

Your Beauty Is Like A Breath Of Fresh Air

Now it's the two of us Bravael, Howie thought, as he dropped the twins home. To tell the truth, he had a twinge in his heart when he noticed the look these two put on him when they got out of the car. He didn't do anything to reassure them, he just nodded his head at them without a smile, even that mischievous smile he sometimes puts on to play on Aike's nerves.

He started the car with a bang and drove out of the villa without a single glance in his rear-view mirror while the boys didn't look away from the car until it disappeared from their sight. Ayke put an arm around his brother's shoulder to force him to go inside, two of their maids are waiting for them in front of the big front door with fear in their stomachs.

The boys stopped short when they noticed their faces contorted with fear. And they refused to look up, Aike turned to his brother with cramps in his stomach.

They're back, bro, we're doomed. We're not going to panic, we're going to face all this like grown-ups, what do you think? Ayke asks him with a reassuring little smile.

He knows why his brother has this fear in his belly. he does not want their mother to learn of Howie's existence and even less of their relationship and especially of the feelings he has towards the other. He just hopes they couldn't notice his face.

They came back too soon, it should be in three weeks, we haven't even erased the recordings that show Howie, what are we going to do? Maybe they haven't checked anything yet. We'll just go inside and go straight to our rooms. Alright, let's do it like this.

They armed themselves with courage and crossed the threshold of the large door that the two servants opened in front of them. It didn't take them long to understand that their mother had already checked everything, as usual, she never wastes time, that one.

They hadn't even had a chance to take two steps into the grand entrance hall when their mother appeared at the top of the curved double staircase made of black marble with tempered glass railings that sat like a trophy in the middle of the room. which gives it all its charm. the decoration is done with the greatest care and luxury.

She put her hand on the railing with such authority that the boys' hearts only startled in their chests.

Ayke grabbed his brother's hand before looking up at their mother who was watching them from above. Despite the vastness of the room, the high ceilings, and all the details that make it exceptionally large, with the presence of Maryse in this chic loose suit that highlights her silhouette and her thinness, the room becomes very small and suffocating.

Ayke met her cold, distant gaze, he bore it until she glared at him with contempt. a little uncomfortable under the emotionless gaze of his sons. she began to step down the stairs, taking care to watch where she put her stiletto heels.

The boys on their side took advantage of this moment to climb the stairs by taking the other wing without paying the slightest attention to their mother. Maryse's voice rose in the room making them shiver.

Where were you planning to go like that? Right in my office.

After casting a worried look between them, the boys without a word made their way back and followed their mother to her office. She took a seat behind her work desk while indicating to the boys to take place in the chairs in front of her, but they completely ignored her gesture and went to sit directly on the black leather sofa that occupies part of the room. Everything was austere, refined, and classy like her occupant.

She lets them do it, looking down on them. I understand you took the liberty of throwing a party night while we were away. She paused, scrutinizing them as they hadn't decided to answer, she continued. And I heard that Alfred quit? Can I know what happened to make him quit behind my back?

He didn't quit, we took the liberty of giving him a few days off, Aike retorted in a cold and distant tone like their mother's.

How did you take the freedom? Here, it is I who command here and these are my employees, how dare you dismiss one of my employees without my consent?

As we said earlier, we did not fire him. Ayke resumes in a calm tone and as cold as the other two occupants of the room. No matter what you had done, it is up to me and me alone to decide those things.

Sure, intervene the twins in one voice, but we remind you that Alfred has been our driver since we were kids, and not a single day has he asked for a moment for himself. So we decided it was time to give him a few days off, he fully deserves it.

Stop speaking in one voice, Maryse ordered them, slapping her hand on the desk, you knew I hate it when you do this. So stop this bullshit when you're in my presence, did I make myself clear?

Yes… Aike answers while Ayke on his side adds: ma'am, with the same tone as his brother. If she doesn't want them to speak with one voice, then they'll finish the sentence the other started. Yeah, they call her madam and not mother or mom. She forbade them to call her that unless she was in public.

When they are at home away from prying eyes and ears, the boys are not allowed to call her "mom". She hates to hear them call her mom, she was not ready to have them and nature imposed them on her. But usually, she alone decides when and how things should go around her.

For her, the boys are proof that she doesn't have control over everything, and that there are things that are completely beyond human control, and this, despite the efforts we make to keep them in the order in which they were placed. They represent his failure for her.

While she massaged her temples, looking at them disdainfully. The boys return to the charge. If you had nothing more to say… we would like to join our rooms.

Not so fast! They were about to get up from their chairs when their mother was heard. Where were you, Who just dropped you off?

We were training for the high school game, it was one of the high school kids who dropped us off we are part of the same team Ayke hastened to say when he sensed his brother's hesitation.

Who are his parents?

He's a high school student and that's all that matters to us, we don't investigate when we're there, we study and we forget the standards, we already have too many at home. This time, it's Aike who speaks, a small smile appeared on the lips of his brother who was proud of him to have found so quickly an answer capable of going under their mother's nerves.

They've changed, Maryse thinks as she examines them in turn and the idea gives her goosebumps. The boys are quite difficult to pin down so if they start to break free from her grip it will get worse day by day. And that's the only weapon she has against them, her ability to dominate them to push them to act as she sees fit.

And she doesn't want these brats causing her much more trouble than their birth has already brought her.

Remember that in this house you had no rights, if you needed something pass your request so that I can examine it. Don't dare meddle in my business anymore, they are my employees and their fate is in my hands, not yours.

She got up from her chair, keeping her hands flat on the desk to say these words with force and authority so that the boys could understand that she was the mistress of this house and not the other way around.

Can we leave now? Ayke asks him, putting on a face that clearly says he doesn't care about her demonstration of authority. After these few days spent with Howie and Marc, they now know what it means to have loving and caring parents. so they are no longer willing to do whatever their mother commands without knowing what it will bring them in return.

Remember that you no longer had a driver, so mention it to Celine so that she can add you to the list of students to be picked up in the morning.

And you drop off, too, Lucian and I don't have time to take care of serving as your driver. You made the decision to give Alfred some time to do I don't know what. So it's up to you to take care of your trip.

Thank you for your attention… answered the twins in a chorus before leaving the office under the hateful gaze of Maryse. Closing the door behind them without waiting they ran towards the stairs without making too much noise. they don't want to incur their mother's wrath.

That was a first, Ayke shouted to his brother when they reached the top of the stairs. Yeah, it feels good not to always say yes to everything we're told to, the other replies, laughing.

You don't think we should go for a walk in town, I have this strange feeling that something bad has happened but I can't put my hands on it. I didn't want to share my fears with you in front of my friends.

Oh come on, they are your friends? Bravael wondered, glancing sideways at Howie, he wanted to see how he would react after his comment but the other showed no sign of emotion. Is he really sixteen?

No, I don't think that's a good idea, if you're that confident in your dad's abilities then let's give him some time. I saw how he is very careful with you, even when you go for a run, he is always on his guard.

From the way he moves around you, it's clear that he's willing to lay down his life to keep you out of harm's way. so, we're not going to mess it all up.

Hm, Howie said listening to what Bravael just said without adding another word. Bravael rolled his eyes, he's unbelievable after everything I've told him, he couldn't find any other way to respond than this damn "Humm".

In fact, why does your father brood over you so much, from what I could see, you are able to defend yourself quite well on your own without him needing to chaperone you all the time like a fragile thing.

It must be said that, for our parents, we are never big enough or strong enough to make decisions on our own. we are still their babies, regardless of our ages, whom they must protect at all costs.

Hmm! What you said makes sense, but your father should give you some freedom too, you're much stronger than him or any werewolf of your kind.

I was amazed to discover that you hadn't yet accepted your inner. What family do you come from? I ask the question because I could understand purebloods were rare, and the only ones that still exist today come from Europe. They are nobles and they are the ones who lead the packs.

The supreme alpha is the king himself. Information that is hidden from common humans, only those who come from the supernatural world know it. And you, you're a long way from Europe my little guy, you're deep in America's ass here, my friend. Would you be one of those unfortunate little lucky ones that nature imposes on the most fortunate to piss them off?

Yeah, you don't think you say so well, Bravael, I am indeed one of those lucky-unlucky little brats. So talk to me, why do you keep mentioning Lyke when you talk about my inner?

Because it's him you received, he's in you and you don't know who he is? Howie's Inner started dithering all over the place. it was up to him to talk to him about that matter when the time came.

He wanted Howie to accept him willingly without influencing his choice even though he had to distract him to get the better of him. it was a case of life or death, otherwise, his spirit would have faded, and with Fenrir, in the wild with no one to stop him it would have been catastrophic.

For their fusion to be more powerful and more effective it was necessary to let Howie decide to accept him with all his being without being felt obliged. It is for this reason that he did not speak to him of his identity. And now Ursoc as usual comes to poke his nose into it to fuck everything up.

He never knew how to stay in place for a moment, this little runt. That's what caused his downfall, I bet it won't take long to happen again. I pity this poor soul who accepted him.

Lyke is the Wolf God… he told Lyke's story to Howie who listened intently without interrupting.

So if Lyke is my inner, why did they think I had Fenrir inside me? Howie wonders as he asks the question out loud, he was lost in thought.

Fenrir? But why do you mention the name of this bastard? El asked him worried. But he wasn't listening to him anymore. Why didn't you tell me who you were? Howie asked, smashing the coffee table with his fist.

Because I didn't want to influence you. his inner yelled at him because he feels that the other is pushing him away like he used to. His eyes start to glow bright red which startles Bravael who jumps off the steps to put some space between them.

He knows what Howie did to his father mercilessly. so he doesn't want to know how it will end for him if he finds himself in his place today.

Ursoc despite his curious and childlike nature has the ability to act as a calming agent on overheated and agitated minds.

El closed his eyes, realizing that Howie wasn't in his normal state, and let out his pheromone into the air which invaded Howie's sense of smell and all of his senses one by one.

If Howie can kill, paralyze or subdue his opponents with his pheromone, El him, can help calm them down and regain their minds without resorting to violence.

The smell of freshly cut hay that greeted Howie this morning is ten times more pronounced and sweeter. It feels like taking a massage with Heno de Pravia essential oils. He put down the chair he had in his hands. And dropped heavily in there with a sigh.

He turned in El's direction, great was his surprise when his gaze fell on a man-brown bear in all his glory standing on his hind legs, which are none other than his two feet. spears in hand, his dreadlocks untied, full of accessories, fall down his back and onto his face, which comes to his muscular belly. a beautiful fitness chart. An ivory fabric adorned with purple stone serves as his clothing but which in reality is really useless, since all his musculature is in plain sight.

A pendant headband, made of precious stone, one of which looks like a protective pattern, sticks to the beautiful middle of his forehead, purple in color. on his muscular arms, his chest, and his belly are engraved designs in the stem of purple flowers like his eyes and the pattern on his forehead. the jewelry he wears, on those biceps and his pointed ears, are very attractive. he could not go unnoticed if he should remain so among humans.

Howie rose from his chair completely amazed by what he had under his eyes. He blinked to make sure he wasn't dreaming, that this man-bear is really there in front of him. With a single leap, he jumped off the steps to plant himself in front of him.

So this is what you are? Bravael opened his eyes and he came face to face with the curious face of the kid who examined him from head to toe very closely. He laid the spear in front of him to prevent him from getting too close to him.

But Howie didn't flinch which made Ursoc wink, on the contrary, he moved the spear out of his way with two fingers to better approach the other who was more and more curious and fascinated by him.

This child looks a lot like you Lyke, I understand more and more why you chose him, and why you still haven't been able to merge with him yet. You had the same damn character, good luck my old friend.

While he was lost in thought, Howie explored him and touched everything in front of him. but it was when he raised his hand to touch the pattern of protection that is in his pendant that is stuck on his forehead that the latter realized his mistake.

And before Bravael could even warn him of the pentacle, a purple light materialized in front of him like a protective barrier and propelled him into the air.

He lands on his back in the grass with a crash. he gritted his teeth, he got up and without waiting he rushed against Bravael who couldn't believe his eyes. This kid is really amazing, he's not just a receiver for Lyke he looks like he's Lyke himself. On a firm footing, he awaits his attack ready to defend his position.

When he saw the speed at which he was moving he felt his heartbeat faster than normal. Above all, he doesn't want to live the experience that Marc had had.

But he did not transform and for that he thanks his lucky stars. They fought like this for about twenty minutes. It was when Howie managed to send him to tear down the fence that he ended this fight.

He's not disappointed with the kid's performance, he says, he has good flair, good reflexes, he's fast, and he's got his feet on the ground. He fought without even once showing his blue eyes or his red eyes. It's almost impossible to do that, his self-control is extraordinary.

Bravael returns to his human form as Howie lay in the grass-catching his breath, the fight was breathtaking and it was the first time he had the opportunity to face someone in single combat. He liked it, Bravael comes to stand on the lawn next to him.

Was it your first fight? Yeah, what about you? Against a quality opponent yes, I can say that this is my first fight. He knows what he's talking about because he was expelled from school partly for these fights between friends that he finds himself getting involved in every time.

Either he was helping a friend, or he was the target, or he had to take up a challenge.

Because of his older brothers who were always straight in their shoes and who do everything they touch with perfection. He felt obligated to follow them even though he was completely different from them.

But when people keep pretending there will come a day when the mask they wear will eventually fall to reveal their real faces. So that's what happened to him, he couldn't pretend to play the perfect son who does everything to please his parents.

So what are you going to do, he asked Howie who turned to him, gazing light gray-green into his ash gray eyes. Caramel skin with ash gray eyes and white hair. What a mix?

What? replies Bravael laughing, don't you find me handsome? No, I find you exotic, replies the other, looking him in the eye. Why do you find me exotic? Yeah, and super exotic actually.

Oh! What? Howie asks him laughing, you don't believe me?

No, it is not that. It's just that, this is the first time that the fact that I am black has been highlighted in such a honeyed tone. so I don't know if it's an insult as it should be or if it's a compliment.

Oh! wondered Howie, straightening up. I'm sorry, that's not what I mean... in fact, it's your particularity that makes you so exquisite, for me, your exoticism is not discrimination, it's all that makes you the one that you are. You are an oasis for the eyes. I don't even know how to explain how beautiful and disturbing you are.

Bravael smiled, showing his pretty white teeth. and Howie let himself be carried away by his smile and his exquisite beauty which is like a breath of fresh air, contemplating him.

Then suddenly, he looked away from his face and turned his attention to the fence. we have to fix this, he told himself.