
My virginity was gone

He was above me, and I asked why you kissed me in Malaysia. He said Oh do you prefer in Singapore rather than in Malaysia?" I was trying not to get eye contact, but he caught my mouth so hard and also looked into my eyes as if I had left him for another man. He said there is no reason for that kiss. I was like, you pervert. Then, with my tears going down my eyes , I asked him why he was doing this to me, and neither I am good-looking nor I was rich. Why are you doing this? I couldn't control myself and scolded him so badly. While I was scolding, he kissed me, but this time, the kiss was different than the first one. He used his tongue this time. The saliva of his mouth was all dripping in my mouth. After that, I didn't remember what happened, but in the mornings, I was naked, and some amount of blood was there in my bed sheets. I looked here and there but he was not there. At the side of my bed, there was Rs.50 thousand. I changed my clothes and took that money and went towards David. I said David in large voice, and he replied, "Isn't it enough for you?" Don't worry about getting pregnant because I used condoms. My tears burst out, and I threw all the money in his face. Then I returned back to my room and got a shower with hot water.