
Bad luck

Again, he came into my life.

How I met David again?

Finally, it was the birthday Eve of mine, and the important part was I got mail from D company, which said that I was selected for internship. From tomorrow come to work. I was so happy because I got a chance to start my job on my birthday. Never thought I would meet David after three and a half years. I don't know if it is fortunately or unfortunately. Mike also got an internship in the same company as I do. On the first day of work, Mike and I went to work. Before entering the D company gate, David came in front of me and said "Hi". I was so nervous about what to do and what not to do. Then Mike straightened to shake his hand with David, and they also said each other, "Long time no see." I was like, what? My mind was a full question. At that time, David asked Mike, "How's your company doing lately?" Again, I was like Mike company???? And Mike said sorry to lie you I will tell you everything latter. David asked Mike, "What's your relationship with her?" Then Mike said,"My girlfriend, " and I said,"When I became your girlfriend, " with my angry and nervous face. Again, he said "Sorry sorry pending girlfriend." David looked at my eyes and said, "Did we meet before?" My heart broke down into many pieces, and my eyes filled with tears. I said "Yes but we didn't even get a chance to talk remembered in Singapore." Mike said, "Have you guys had any relation? Is there anything I don't know about you guys."I replied in a hurry."No!". Then I that place and went inside the office.