
Chapter one: Dumped.

"Fuck you!" My best friend yells at my now ex-boyfriend, in a rage Pointing at him menacingly. We're in the middle of the cafeteria, and it's clear he was breaking up with me in a public place on purpose; he always was a dick, but this was a new low.

I wasn't going to take that; I grab her arm and smile at her; then turn to to him, my face calm. "Finally" I say doing my best to sound bored, it's clear it's working by the look on his face "I thought you'd never take the hint! I mean seriously Jason, who goes to the library that much?"

I say putting my hand on my hip and rolling my eyes, looking at her with a face that says "play along", "Honey it was an exuse not to see you!" To be clear, I do go to the library that much- What can I say I like books?

"I'm so grateful this is finally over." I say trying to sound relieved, but on the inside I'm crying. How could he do this in the such a public place?It's clear it's working, I can tell by everyones face.

Great, Now everyone is stareing at me! I go through all this work to make sure no one notices me and he screws it up with one conversation! I won't let him get away with this.

Thank god I'm good at acting, "Sweetie, You do remember that I haven't even kissed you, right?" I cring at my use of not Kissing him, even though it's true. I hate that I used the words Sweetie and Honey, I only use them when I'm desperate.

"Your old news!" I say as, he stares at me his mouth wide open, and all I want to do is punch it. "W-well I- Good!" He says, anyone can clearly see he's caught off guard. Time to go in for the kill- I smirk and laugh, "I'm so glad you feel the same," I try to smile but it comes out strangled so I bite my lips too hold back tears.

"But just so you know- I would prefer if you just left my life, I don't need a friend like you." With me getting the finally words I turn around and walk away, My best friend follows me, only she can see the tears in the corner of my eyes.

We make it to her car and I go around to the passenger side, stareing in front of me shocked, "Are you okay?" She asks her voice soft. Oh no, if her voice is soft I must look like a mess right now, I nod; not ready to let go of my fales brovo yet.

I get in the car and only when the school fades from my view and none of the other students are around do I come apart I don't cry- because I rarely cry. "Oh sweetie..." Julia says, she's been my best friend for 11, of the 17 year's I've been alive; and I'm just glad to have her here at this moment.

She pulls over an leans in to comfort me, I let out a dry sob. "Ella- he's not worth your time...."

"I thought everything was fine!" I say covering my hands with my face, I pull my legs to my chest and run my hands through my hair. "Was I that blind?" I ask, lifting up my head and looking at her. She bites her lip, "Ella- You wouldn't even hug him... you wouldn't trust him-"

She starts then looks at me her face guilty "What I ment to say is, even though he's a prick; you- might have ignored the signs, he was losing patience.." She looks at me, clearly regretting what she just said, I look at her "I was clearly right to not trust him! I mean look how he broke up with me!" I cry, glaring at her.

She pats my back, and takes a deep breath "Your right, it was insensitive of me to bring that up right now I just.. forget I said anything." She says and hugs me. I shove my head into her shoulder, and hug her back.

"He's an idiot" she says and pets my head "Remember that time he asked what implodes means?" She says, and I laugh and pull away from the hug "Yeah, he is pretty stupid.."

I say giggling, and sit all the way up.

"Lets go for ice cream, and forget about that prick." Julia says starting the car and looking at me with a smile. "Yeah let's forget about him.." I say, suddenly feeling a lot better.

"Mom, Dad, everyone I'm home!" I yell into a bustling and very loud house kids and teenagers are running around everywhere "Ella look out!" My 11 year old brother Lenny screams, as a football fly's past my head. "Nice shot!"

His twin sister Linda (or Linnny) screams with a high five. "Stop throwing things!" My 13 year old brother James says pushing his glasses up his nose; while chasing them.

"Let them have fun you're not the boss!" My 15 year old brother Cole says with a frown; and James looks at my older brother Jase and sister Tee on the couch scrolling through their phones. "Aren't you going to do anything?" He asks

"No" Tee says not looking up from her phone

"Nope not my problem!" Jase says with a wave of his hand "Then why are you even here! Shouldn't you be out doing adult things!" James says and runs off after them.

All of my siblings were adopted just like me. We were mostly adopted at the ages 5-8 for the twins it was 2 years old.

I was adopted at seven, but I don't like to think about that,too many bad memories. My mom comes out off the kitchen with a spoon in her hands "Ellen! Your home!" She looks at me with a smile, and I feel a lot better; but I still don't want to be around them. "Hey mom, I'm feeling pretty bad can I skip dinner and go to my room?"

I ask, hoping she doesn't ask questions. "Sure, just make sure you get your homework done!" She says turning around and grabbing the football from the twins. I nod my head and head upstairs to my room,

I'm the only one with my own room, because my usual roommate is doing this program were she goes over seas to study, that's golden girl of our family, know as Ann- she's basically perfect. I sigh and jump into bed, I'm just glad this day is over.

I wake up in the middle of the night with a feeling that someone is watching me; a creepy chill goes up my spine, I look around the room but can't find anyone, The feeling doesn't go away, I feel like prying eyes are on me. So I get up and go to the bathroom, I splash water onto my pale face and stare into the mirror;

I look at my dark blue eyes my dirty blond hair, I stand on my tip toes trying to reach taller

then 5,2, I look at me and try to determine whether I'm pretty or not, weather that break-up was a long time coming; I concluded that I'm average. I've got nice hair and eyes but it

doesn't go well with my round face. I'm to short and have stretch marks on my thighs and the back of my legs, I'm skinny

but not too skinny- I'm basically just like everyone else. I stare for a minute longer then go back to bed, the feeling of someone watching me not going away.