
No Matter Where You Go

34 Year old corporate slave Fujihara Ai wakes up in a cyberpunk era as a 24 year old cute short girl

kiryukiryu · Fantaisie
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3 Chs

Confusion 1000+

Fujihara Ai,34 years old corporate slave that woke up in a whole different time period,confused and somewhat happy of what happened.She got out of her bed and look in the mirror,she saw a cute short girl."Jeez is this me?I'm so effing cute".Ai smug while saying that.But she still doesn't actually know what happened to her so she got out of her room and asked a nurse on the counter.

"Excuse me ma'am,do you know what happened to me or why am I here,last thing I remember is I got hit by a car".Ai asked the nurse without any hesitation."Your name is Fujihara Ai,24 years old and according to the records you passed out after you fell down the stairs,your boyfriend said he'll come later to pick you up."The nurse explained what happened to Ai and how she ended up in the hospital."Ahh I see so my boyfriend will pick me up...Wait...MY BOYFRIEND??"Ai was shocked when she hears that she actually got a boyfriend.Although she is happy with all the things that are happening,she still felt like she doesn't belong there,thus she must think of a way to return back to the past.

"Oh God not only that I wake up as a total cutie in a whole different time period,but I have a boyfriend too??This couldn't get any better".Ai heard someone knocks on the door and it's her boyfriend Daiki.When Daiki opens the door,he burst into tears when he saw Ai,he was so afraid if he loses Ai,someone that he loves so much.Daiki ran over to Ai and hugs her tight while crying."Ya better watch yourself next time ya idiot!".Daiki is much bigger than Ai and she felt so confused when Daiki hugged her.Ai have no intention of hiding things from Daiki even though they just met.Ai knows that Daiki love her and trusted her so she had to do the same.

"Daiki,there's something I had to tell you".Daiki noticed the worried look on Ai's face."Oh my god don't tell me...you're pregnant??".A serious moment turns into laughter when Daiki said that."That's not it you dummy!".Ai giggles for a bit and tells Daiki what actually happened to her.Daiki is confused but he understands her story.Daiki was in awe when she said she have to go back to the past."But isn't your past life is horrible?Why would you want to go back?".Ai softly smiles at Daiki while hugging him."The me you see right now is not the one that you know,there must be a way to bring her back and for me to go back to my previous life".Daiki is sad about the fact that she needs to go back but he also wants to help her find a way back to the past.