
No Limit Money

Luo Cheng... an ordinary man who died due to a hit-and-run case. Or did he...? That was the turning point of his life. On the brink of death his fate changed. He was then destined to be the man who will dominate the world.

Omni_0 · Urbain
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10 Chs

Good Guy?

"The payment of 8.9 million dollars was successful."

As the machine made that announcement, eyes of everyone present widened I'm suprise and the chat went crazy.

"Brother Luo is invisible!"

"Money is water!"

"Wish I was that rich..."

"I thought he was pretending when he said he could spend 10 million in clothing... but damn!"

Messages like those were in the chats. Everyone was impressed and the employee who brought the employee was overjoyed enough to shed tears of happiness... The commission she would get would be more than her salary by a large margin.

The manager's polite business smile became even more bright as he quickly asked the other employees to get something to drink for Luo.

"Sir... please sit down. We just need to do some formalities and the purchase would be successful."

However, Luo suddenly had a grim expression as he looked at the rude employee who was still ignorant about his existence.

"We will see... I was thinking of buying few more watches but I don't like your service. I was also thinking of tipping around a few tens of thousands as well but the service here is simply awful."

Luo said as he glared at the rude employee.

The manager flinched as he heard that. He quickly rushed towards that employee and slapped him on the face hardly.

"You fool! How dare you were rude to Mr. Luo! Get on your knees and ask for his forgiveness!" The manager yelled angrily.

The rude employee seemed confused as he fell to the ground due to the slap. He looked at the manager and then towards the Luo.

"S-sir... this guy is just a random streamer. Did he trick you or something? He was just going to look and showoff then-"

Before the rude employee could finish his words, the manager kick his stomach; his anger increasing even more.

"What do you mean trick me!? Mr. Luo bought the anniversary special edition watch! It costs 8.9 million! It's more than you could earn even if you work your ass for a decade!"

The rude employee eyes widened in horror as he heard that. He looked at Luo with horror and got on his knees while shaking.

"M-mr. Luo... I-I am sorry... please give me one more chance- p-please!"

The rude employee begged but Luo glare did not ease at all. He looked at the manager with the same expression before he spoke.

"Fire. Him. Or I will buy this damn store and fire everyone."

Luo said angrily as he turned around to walk towards a chair and sit there with his legs crossed.

"You're fired! Pick your things and get your payment then never show me your face again!" The manager said as he kicked the rude employee yet another time.

"I-I hope you're satisfied Mr. Luo." The Manager said with a polite smile.


[The mission was successful. You have acquired 5% shares of Red & Flame lawfrim. You will get a call from the lawfirm in an hour and you have to do the paper work yourself.]

Luo grinned happily as the window popped up in front of him before nodding as a response to the manager's question.

Liu seemed quite nervous now. She was standing the place she was before completlely still not sure what she should do.

"Liu Xiao... I think you are thinking I am quite a villainous person since I get that poor man fired, right?" Luo asked looking at her with a calm smile.

"N-not villainous... but you took it too far..." Liu said looking down.

"If I had not done this... he would have grown ruder and ruder to people and eventually come across another man like me. I am actually a kind person... if it was someone else he would have been- I hope you get what I am trying to say, right? I actually am helping him."

That was a lie. Luo was surely a good person before but now he decided to only care for himself.

However, Liu genuinely believed it. Her eyes shone brightly and she smiled warmly to him. 'To think I misunderstood such a nice person...' That's what she thought at that time.

Soon the procedure were done and they finally went down to parking area to leave the mall. The chat had truly became a fan of Luo by then...

"Oh, I set up your WeChat by the way." Liu said out of blue, "I already added myself there." She added.

Hearing that a teasing smile appeared on Luo's face.

"Oh? But I thought you were not in WeChat~"

Liu flinched hearing that and her face even turned a little red. She coughed softly and looked away embarrassed.

"I-I just forgot I was om WeChat. N-now let's just change the topic!"

Luo chuckled and nodded.

"Do you have a vehicle parked here? Or should I drive you home? After all, it's late now..." Luo asked as he glanced at her.

"Hehe..." Liu looked at Luo with a proud smile, "I might be a streamer but don't be surprised. I am rich. My father owns coal mines~ of course I have a car. Mercedes~"

"Oh? That must be expensive. It's good you're doing well in life." Luo said with a smile and pat Liu on head.

Liu pouted a little and turned her face away.

"Hmph. Whatever... Where's your car?"

"There." Luo said as he took his car key out and pressed the button to unlock the car.

'Let's see how amazing his car i-'

Liu's thought suddenly froze as her eyes fell on the car. Bugatti centodieci... a car which costs 9 million dollars and even so- it's not something anyone could get as there were only 10 in the entire world.

"T-thats..." Liu mind could not progress it and before she knew, Luo was on the car and drove away after saying one last bye.

"I..." Liu sighed and looked at the camera with a deadpan look.

"Did I really try to flex my few hundred thousands car on someone who bought 8.9 million dollars watch...?"

As Liu said that the chat went crazy. They were literally humiliating her with their words without even being rude and simply stating facts... those hurt her like arrows.