
Digimon Frontier: Chaos Rising by 10us Ace

Takuya and Zoe return to the Digital World, only to find it in chaos, and destruction; ruled by a very powerful and wicked Digimon. Together, they must find the Legendary Spirits, defeat the evil forces, and fulfill their destiny in order to save both the Digital World AND the Human World. Otherwise, it will be the end of everything; including each other. Takuya/Zoe. PLEASE REVIEW!Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 100 - Words: 1,000,000 - Reviews: 3160 - Favs: 2,196 - Follows: 1,376 - Updated: Oct 1, 2016 - Published: Oct 1, 2011 - [Takuya K., Izumi O./Zoe] Chosen Children/Digidestined, Legendary Warriors - Complete