
No Feeling

17 years old Arden gets shipped off by his mom to his father for the summer just a day after his birthday. Feeling betrayed and discarded by his mother, he also had to endure the pain of facing the father who abandoned him for his mistress along with their little perfect family. Just as he decided to ruin their perfect life, his step brother Luca would step in and ruined his plans. Coming for each other's necks in the beginning, Luca and Arden became inseparable. When Arden's alcohol addiction put the once peaceful family in hopeless situation. Luca blamed Arden for wrecking his life and family. But he also felt guilty that Arden had to endure everything on his own after being abandoned again and again.

Hwiyang · Politique et sciences sociales
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6 Chs

Into The Unknown

Thinking about my  yesterday discovery on the way to the hospital nearly put myself in it. It was almost one out one in. I swerved just before I hit the road railing. Goodness. I was the type to mull over things. And sometimes it got to me like this.

I gave Dad the paper bag filled with the mouse' clothes and toiletries and walked outside. Dad followed me a few minutes later. We waited outside of the room. He asked about the food and did Mom put in the fridge. I said yes. We chatted for a while. And each time I opened my mouth I wanted to tell him about the water bottles. After going back and forth whether to tell him or not, Dad stopped his rambling and looked at me with a knowing look.

"What is it? Something is clearly bothering you." He said. I hated how much of an observer he was.

I sighed "Dad you see.. I need to tell you something."

And at that exact moment the mouse chose that time to come out. He looked livelier than yesterday.

I shook my head at Dad "I'll tell you later."

Dad gazed at me and then at the mouse with a puzzled look but nodded anyway.

The way back home was uneventful other than Dad asking the mouse this and that. But the mouse ignored him pretending to be deaf.

In the end we fall into silence up to the yard. Dad got out of the car but the mouse didn't even budge an inch of the back seat.

I looked back at him. "Get out. will you?" Just as he heard my voice he seemed to wake his senses up and scrambled out.

Mom being mom, she already had him into a bear hug as soon as he closed the car door.

I couldn't understand why she was very welcoming to him. Mom was a big hugger so that wasn't a strange part, still the mouse was the son of his husband's wife. Didn't she get wary of him?

Because I sure did. I was afraid of this guy I hadn't met before. Dad had told me he had a son about my age when we started living together and he asked me if I wanted to call him Dad.

What I thought back then was that I took someone's spot. That day was the jump start of what made me striving to be the best son. It was my attempt to reassure him that living with us was the best decision. But I also knew how he tried his best to be my father.

I sneaked a peak at the mouse who bore an expression that he'd rather be anywhere else other than this place. Under this much light from the sun he looked ethereal. He reminded me of those BJD dolls. His lower half face was pretty like a girl but the upper half was sharp especially the eyes that was always filled with dissatisfaction and those thick eyebrows. He looked like a model even in those plain white t-shirt and sweatpants. What a good face to live in.

And he actually was not short at all. He was a little bit taller than Dad. Dad was 179 cm and I was 186 cm. So he should be around 183 cm. I didn't know why but I felt superior. I wanted to slap myself for feeling like that. Calling him mouse even though only in my head wasn't something I usually did. It really showed how inferior I felt toward him.

Cursing myself silently I made a vow to not to make a fool of myself. He was the kid who I stole his spot from and he was here only for this summer anyway, so I should be just as nice to him like I was to Evelyn. He was my stepbrother after all.


Step brother my ass.

My dad told Arden to rest. Yes I had decided to call him by his name from now on. So out of compassion for my little step brother, I followed him to the bedroom in case he need anything. But he went straight to his suitcase and bag. He opened them up and he hissed at me. "You go through my things don't you?"

I smiled, "Well Dad asked me to bring you clothes."

He rolled his eyes at me,"Then just take the clothes, why did you snoop through my things?"

My smile grew wider, "Why? Do you have anything to hide?"

He didn't respond.

I couldn't sleep. This night was the first time in a while that I had someone sleeping in the same room as me. It was a really hot night (under different connotation). It was also the first time in my life that I wished I slept alone in this room. Then I would just sleep naked sparing me from this whole ordeal. My whole body was drenched in sweat. I already set the air conditioner in its lowest temperature, but I guessed we desperately needed to replace that old thing. It was broken four times already and magically Dad could fix it.

But magically on the other side of the room. There was someone who was unbothered by how hot the temperature tonight. That someone pulled his comforter to his chin, sleeping soundly. Not a single bead of sweat on his face.

And that someone wore pajamas completely covering his arms and legs, whereas me in a boxer brief and t-shirt couldn't bear this temperature.

Was he a mutant or something?

I would like to submit him for a testing.

I eventually took my t-shirt off and fanned myself with an cute little electric fan Evelyn bought for me, then I realized that it didn't help shit. I felt like being barbecued instead.

"If you're not going to sleep, get out."

Someone said.

I guessed all the commotion I caused had woken Arden up. But when I looked at him, he still had his eyes closed. If he didn't speak just now, I wouldn't know that he was awake.

"It's really really hot. How are you not sweating like crazy?" I asked desperately. Because I took two showers already tonight. I was too lazy to take the third one.

I thought he would ignore me but to my surprise he opened his eyes and looking at me," You wanna know?" He asked.

I nodded.

"I'm Elsa." He said seriously.

Not believing my ears I asked again, "You're what?"
