
No Escape The mysterious island

How will you feel if you wake up and find yourself on an island full of teenagers like you, without any rememberance of who you are or who they are? This was what happened to the young, rich and beautiful Emily, a trip she didn't expect, an accident that wasn't planned and the evil lurking around, teenagers missing one after the other.... Find out how she and her new friends became the survivers, while regaining her memories, as she solves the mystery of the unknown island while discovering her hidden powers Betrayal.....

Emmanuella_Ohia · Fantaisie
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4 Chs

Chapter 1

"Hey, do you believe in magic? No? well... I do, and you should too."


"Wake up, wake up!" Emily groaned and opened her eyes, she looked around, but couldn't find anyone. she stood up and wipe off the drool from her mouth, yawning she walked out of the room she was in, her eyes widened.

It was in the evening, the sun was coming down, the island looked so pretty with the sunset, lots of people were dancing around the fire, while laughing, someone was playing music with his or her phone.

Emily rubbed her eyes, she couldn't believe what she was seeing, she walked towards a girl that was alone and in front of her room, she tapped her at the shoulder, the girl turned and her eyes widened, she was a young girl, around 16 or 17 years, her red hair was short and wavy, she was a beauty.

"Emily. you have woken." the young girl hugged her, Emily was confused, 'Emily? who is that?' she gently pushed the girl away from her, "Who are you? What is this place? Who am i?"

The young girl was surprised, she wasn't expecting Emily to ask her this kind of question, thinking it was another trick of hers, she beamed, "Fine, I will play, your name is Emily Hunter, you are 17 years old, the one and only heiress of the Hunter crop industry, we are on the island that the school suggested us to go, but unfortunately, our plane crashed, but not to worry, no one died, oh! and I am your maid Sandy, that is all milady." Sandy dramatically bowed while smiling.

Emily blinked twice, she was called Emily Hunter? then why can't she remember, she wanted to ask Sandy more about herself, but her stomach had other plans, when her stomach make a sound, she looked down embarrassed, Sandy giggled and pulled her, "Come, you haven't eaten since yesterday that we landed."

Sandy pulled her towards the group of teenagers that were laughing and talking, she wanted to protest, the sound is making her to feel dizzy, but eating is a must, she sat down on the log and looked around, suddenly someone shouted, "Guys, look who decided to join us."

The music came to a stop, everyone was looking at her, suddenly they started laughing, she raised her eyebrows in question towards Sandy, who gave her a plate of whatever that was, Sandy giggled, "Don't you remember what you did yesterday?"

She frowned and tried to remember, but nothing happened, not even a blur of her life could be seen, she frowned deeply and shook her head, "Tell me."

Sandy opened her mouth to say something, but suddenly a girl came towards her and pushed Sandy away, "Emily, how are you? you scared me yesterday."

Ella looked at her and frown, she was also a red hair, she was beautiful in a slutty way, She prefer Sandy, Sandy always talk in a calm way that makes her feel refreshed, but this girl in front of her doesn't, her voice was high, like a singer singing in an Opera, "Who are you?"

The red hair stop smiling, she looked around and noticed everyone looking at her, her face flushed in embarrassment, she bit her lips, when she looked at Emily she started smiling, "Emily, what wrong with you? I am your Best friend Jane."

Emily frowned, something was telling her that this girl in front of her is up to no good, she raised up her spoon and ate the content on the plate, 'Mmm not bad, although she doesn't know what that is, it tastes good.' she turned to Jane, after swallowing, "I don't know you."

"Hahahahah." it was like everyone was expecting her to say the word, and when she did, they all started laughing, Jane clenched her fist, she hate this Emily, the only reason that she was her Friend was that, her family was the richest family in Canada, and Emily was the only child which makes her the heiress, following her would be the greatest thing ever.

She smiled and stood up, "I will leave for a while, I will come back again." she smiled and walked away, when she knew that nobody was looking at her, she changed her expression and frowned, biting her lips, she walked away.

Sandy's mouth was open all the time, she wasn't expecting Emily to reject knowing her only best friend, she sat beside her again, "Are you sure that you are not sick Emily?"

Emily shook her head and burp, the food was delicious, she love whatever that was, she turned towards Sandy, "What did I do yesterday?"

Sandy smiled before giggling, "You stood up on a log and stop the music then you shouted, tonight I will be having sex with senior Matthew."

Emily frowned, 'Who is that? she can't even recall anyone answering that name, hell! she can't even recall her name, she stood up and pulled Sandy towards the tent that she came out of, she stopped in front of it and looked around, the tent was the biggest tent in the whole island, it can actually accommodate 20 people and more, she stepped inside it and gasped.

Not only was it big, the inside looks like a real room, there were a big bed inside, a mini pad, a closet, infact the tent looks like a room inside a five star hotel, she sat down on the bed and gestured Sandy to do the same.

Sandy sat beside her and smiled, "What is going on Emily? you hated me before, you don't even allow me to come close to you or your stuffs, and you talk a lot, but now, you seem like another person."

Emily nodded, she went to the mini fridge and opened it, a lot of fruits, junk foods, and drinks were inside, she blinked, 'Who on Earth brings a fridge inside a fucking tent, and how on Earth does the fridge remain cold.'

She walked back towards the bed and sat down, she gave Sandy an apple and started eating one, "Do you know me well?"

Sandy nodded, "Yes."

"Good, tell me about myself." she stood up and went towards the tent's entrance and zip up the entrance, she walked towards the bed and sat down again.

"What do you mean Emily, don't tell me you don't remember anything about yourself."


Sandy gasped, "How?" Emily shrugged.

Sandy cleared her throat, before starting, "Like I said, your name is Emily Hunter, your father is the richest man in Canada and the second most richest man in the world, he deals with everything in the whole world, the movie industries, the fashion industries, electricity, ce..... " She was interrupted by Emily's hand.

"I don't wanna know how rich my father is, tell me about myself till today." Sandy nodded.

"You are the only child of your parents, your mother died while giving birth to you, so your father started treating you like a princess, he named you after your mother, you grew into an arrogant girl, you do not care about anything, but how to spend your money."

Sandy stopped and looked at her, she wanted to know, if the word 'Arrogant' has offended her, but seeing as Emily was busy eating the fruit on her hand, she continued.

"I was brought in by your father to be your maid, you treated me like a friend and asked me to not to call you ma'am, but your name, we became friends, and you stopped spending money, until the day you met Jane, you suddenly changed, from being arrogant to being worse than that. I tried changing you, but you told me that I am nothing but a maid."

Emily frowned, "Have I ever hurt you?" Sandy smiled and shook her head, "Never, Jane was the only one that always hurt me, but you always protected me, by telling her to stop dirtying her hands with a maid like me, but I know you were protecting me."

Emily nodded and relaxed, she continued eating and gestured Sandy to continue.

"You became unable to handle, both in school and at home, you had a lot of friends, but they all were your friend, because of your family's wealth, you were so arrogant and rude, the teachers wanted to expel you, but they feared the power of your family, the principal was the one who planned this trip, it was supposed to be a week trip, but you paid for it to be a month trip, everyone was happy."

Emily looked at her and frowned, "And? who is the Matthew?"

Sandy frowned, "Senior Matthew is the person you have a crush on, he is the most intelligent person in our school, but from a poor family, you have tried countless times to make him accept you, but he refused you countless times, still you insist on chasing him shamelessly. It was because of him that you extended this school trip, and paid for the senior class."

Emily smiled, it looks like Sandy hates this senior, "Do you hate him?"

Sandy nodded, "Of course, he has always reject and embarrassed you, even though you sincerely love him, I have told you to stop chasing him, but you always refuses."

Emily chuckled, she stood up and yawned, "Where do you sleep? it's late and I am sleepy."

Sandy smiled, I came to this trip to protect you, I will sleep on the floor, and you sleep on the bed, I didn't bring my own tent."

Emily frowned, "You will be sleeping with me." Sandy gasped, she doesn't know if the memory that Emily has lost is a good thing, or a bad thing.

She nodded and stood up, "Let me change my clothes first and then we will..." She was interrupted by the voice that was coming from outside.

"Emily? are you inside? open up, it is cold outside."

Emily frowned, she recognized the voice, it was Jane, she looked at Sandy, "What is she doing here?"

Sandy smiled, "She sleeps with you." Emily frowned and walked towards the tent's entrance and slightly opened it, she looked around and found out that everyone has gone to sleep, the music has stopped, she looked at Jane and frowned, "What?"

Jane smiled, "What do you mean Emily? I am freezing out here, open up."

Emily looked at her and frowned, her body structure resembles hers, if they walk together with their back facing a stranger, he or she would think that they were twins, was she trying to be like her? does she have an obsession of being like her? Expect the face and hair, the two of them, really look so alike.

"Why should I share my tent with you? go to your tent and don't disturb me." Emily closed her tent and turned, she looked at Sandy who was surprised, she yawned and climbed up the bed, "You should sleep and not stand there like that."

Sandy smiled and climbed up the bed, "Emily, don't you think it is strange?"


"When we were traveling, the pilot said he was losing control of the panel, then suddenly he gained control and landed us here, while almost crashing, he said the island was not on any of the map that he own, and he has never seen this place before, him and two teachers left since yesterday to look around, but has never returned, don't you think it is strange?"

Emily hummed in response, "Were you the one telling me to wake up while I was still sleeping?" Sandy shook her head, "I was outside, did you hear some voice?"

Emily shook her head, "It was my imagination."

Sandy smiled, together they slept off.

Jane who was outside was biting her lips, she hates Emily so much, she shivered and turned to go to one of her fake friends tent.

Yes, fake, they were only her friend, because she was friends with Emily, she was stopped by a someone, "You? what are you doing here?"

"Come with me."

The figure pulled her towards his tent.

~ ~ ~ ~


"Ahhhhh, ahhhh, harder, faster... Oh my God."

Emily opened her eyes and groaned, what the hell are they doing in the middle of the night? horny teenagers.

She stood up and walked towards her closet, she frowned, she still hasn't discovered how on Earth this tent can be so big.

She pulled out a clothe that can save her from the cold, she gently opened the tent and walked out, the night breeze touched her skin and she shivered, she closed the tent and walked towards the sea.

It was still dark, but she could see very well, she smiled and sat on the sand, she smiled, the sand remind her of Sandy.


She suddenly looked up, what was that, was that her imagination or did she just hear a voice?

"Come, come to me."

She frowned, she knew something was wrong with this island, "Mother?" she called out, "Is that you? I know your voice."

Who was she kidding? know her voice? haha she doesn't even have the memory of who she is, how on Earth would she know the voice of a woman that died while giving birth to her.

"Yes, it is me my child, I have come to take you home, come to me."

Emily rolled her eyes, "But where are you? I can't see you."

"Come to the water my child, you will see me."

"Oh! is there a ship there? can I finally go home?"

"Yes, now come before it is too late."

"But, what about my friends? I can't leave them."

"I will send some ship for them later, I am using a boat, and not a ship."



It was obvious that the voice was irritated and was getting impatient, Emily walked towards the sea, "Yes, just let your foot touch the sea, just a little touch."

Emily smiled and raised up her leg, she paused and step back, "Fuck you, what sort of spirit water are you? give me food first before inviting me to your kingdom, I am starving, don't tell me, you like starving humans?"



Emily stuck out her tongue, she walked back, far away from the sea, suddenly someone touched her, she flinch and suddenly threw the person on the ground, the person groaned, when she looked down, she saw a girl looking at her in anger.

"What the fuck are you doing? the girl yelled loudly, Emily pulled her up and frowned, she can't recognize the girl.

"What are you doing here?"

The girl frowned, "I am here for a morning swim." she walked towards the sea, but Emily pulled her back, "Don't go towards the sea. it is dangerous."

The girl angrily removed her hand from Emily's, "Why? does your father also own this island and sea? because you have money, you think that you can do anything that you want? go burn in hell." she pushed Emily and walked closer to the sea.

Suddenly, Emily hear the same voice, "Yes, come to me, come to Mama."

Emily frowned and chased after her, she pulled the girl closer towards her before her leg could touch the sea, she used all her power and dragged the girl away from the sea, the girl started yelling.

Everybody woke up and came out, they all saw two people fighting, well, not fighting, more like, they saw a young girl pulling another young girl, while the other was struggling.

One of the teachers came out, "Emily! what the hell are you doing in the middle of the night?"

Emily stopped and frowned, she looked at the man, she also can't remember him, "Stopping her, the sea is dangerous."

Everyone started laughing, they knew how much Emily wants to take control of everybody back in Canada, but they were far away from he, and she still wants to take control?

The young girl being pulled was already crying, her hands were hurting, she looked at the teacher, "I just came for a swim and she refused to let me swim."

The teacher walked towards them, he wanted to pull the girl away from Emily, but it was like pulling a stick out of a rock, he tried again and failed, again and failed, panting he looked at Emily who was busy looking at him like a fool, "release her right now."

Emily frowned, "Okay." she released the girl, and she fell down, she looked at the teacher, "Her death is on you then."

The teacher frowned, he badly wanted to beat the girl in front of him, he pulled the girl from the ground, "You can go and swim now."

The girl nodded and glared at Emily, she turned and walked towards the sea, she was going closer and closer and closer.

"Yes, come closer, just a touch, walk faster before it is too late."

Emily frowned, she looked around, seems like she was the only one hearing the voice, she sighed and leaned on someone without looking at the person, she was expecting the person to shift away from her, but the person came closer towards her, to make her comfortable.

She didn't have the time to look at the person, as she was looking at the girl that was about to swim.

Everyone was also looking at the girl that was walking closer and closer to the sea, they all wanted to laugh at Emily, when she go and comes out safe, the teacher was feeling uneasy, but doesn't know the reason.

When the water touched the girl's leg, the voice started laughing, the girl suddenly started yelling, "Aaahhhhh, help! please help me!"

The teacher rushed immediately towards her, he was walking closer and closer, but suddenly stopped, something landed on his feet, he looked down and found the head of the girl, he gulped and step away from the water.

Emily heard the voice again, "Mmm delicious." She stood straight and looked at the sea again, "tch, boring."

Her voice was heard by everyone, they all glanced at her in shock, what was she talking about? boring? a student like her almost died. But they couldn't voice out their thoughts, she had already warned them, but they didn't listen.

Emily walked inside and found Sandy still sleeping, she frowned, 'how did she not hear the commotion outside?' she yawned and slept beside her, she decided to ask her tomorrow.

The students walked inside their tents and closed it, sleep was far from them, what happened tonight was scary for them, everyone was awake till the morning sun hit their tents and that is when they decided to sleep.