
Ninja Unlimited

(This is a semi wish-fullfillment fic. MC will be OP and get OP wishes, but still have to train in her abilities. Dont read if thats not your cup of tea.)

Naomi_Hansen_8602 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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1 Chs

Chapter 1

A soul was floating through the endless expanse of the void. All around them was darkness with no end in sight. Simply humming songs that they remembered from when they were alive.

"Hmmm, hmmm, hm, hm... Nothing really happens here huh? Not that I expected it." The soul chuckled to itself.

"Still, to think that I died due to the infamous Truck-kun while walking home from work. One would almost think that you would get reincarnated or something, but to be honest, I actually quite like the silence." She chuckled to herself.

As a former employee at a daycare center, silence is almost like a myth. Day in and day out of kids screaming at you and each other can be tiring, but still, they did it.

Nao Tsubaki was her name. She was merely 26 when she died. Yet, she didnt blame any cosmic deities or her bad luck for dying at an early age. No, she simply smiled with one single thought in her head.

`Ah, it seems my time has come. I hope those kids grow up to become successful in whatever they end up doing.´

She knew she wasnt a saint during her life. Like other kids, she got into plenty of trouble before finally settling down with her then boyfriend.

They had planned to start a family a few years prior, however, finding out she was infertile and unable to give him offspring seemed to be his breaking point. He packed his belongings one night and simply disappeared before she got home from work.

Afterwards she had closed herself off from others.

Trust? She was incapable of giving it.

Social life? Nonexistent.

Love? The thought would make her laugh.

She instead started to watch anime and became a shut-in for nearly a year before she pulled herself together and found her job at the local daycare.

`Even if I cant have kids of my own, I can still help raise the next generation even if only a little.´

But then again, life seemed to have other thoughts. It hadnt even been a full year before she was hit by the truck that ended up taking her life. She did manage however to save a single life that day in exchange for her own. The person walking next to her was also on the course of collission, but she managed to push him out of the way.

That was her last sight alive. The man, with a shocked and frantic expression as he called someone. With the look he was giving her, an ambulance she presumed..... Well, she knew how that went.

The soul shook its nonexisting head.

"It wouldnt do to dwell on those thoughts. Im already dead, and thats fine. Though I do wonder... How did Naruto end?"

Even in death her thoughts went to her favorite anime. And that might also be why lady luck seemed to take notice of her.

The soul suddenly appeared in a dark room. She knew it was a room and not the void instinctually. She also noticed that she had a humanoid shape again.

She rose her hands towards what would have been her face and inspected it. Her entire body was a bluish-white color with a certain shine to it, like an ethereal glow.

She almost jumped backwards when a blue spanel appeared in front of her. There were several blank boxes underneath texts, as if it was to fill in her information.

Name: N/A. (Nao Tsubaki)

Clan: N/A.

Village: N/A.

Wish 1: N/A.

Wish 2: N/A.

Wish 3: N/A.

Wish 4: N/A.

Wish 5: N/A.

She didnt have the opportunity to read any further as a second panel came in front of her.


#As you most likely have figured out, you sadly died. This was not meant to happen as the one that was supposed to have died at that point in time was the man that was saved by you. You were meant to live for 30 more years. And for that, we apologize.#

She was a bit shocked, but decided to read further to see what else they would say.

#We decided to observe your thoughts during the time you were floating around the void, and recently came up with an idea. As compensation for this blunder we will send you to another world.#

Her eyes widened. Another world? They exist? Several thoughts flew around her head, but she kept reading anyway.

#As previously stated, we observed your thoughts and discovered your love for the world of Naruto. On the previous panel are several options such as village and clans. This was done mostly to let you have a say in your own future. Note that when you wake up in that world, you will be 6 years old no matter what choices you make. This is to avoid infancy all over again. Once again we apologize for your untimely death and hope that your next life will be fullfilling. Signed - G.O.D#

She was gobsmacked, no, gobsmacked would be an understatement. If she was shocked earlier, then she was completely mind blown after reading the entire letter. This was something you would only see in anime, manga or fanfictions, but here she was, getting the same opportunity that many could only dream of.

She decided then and there that she would live that life to the fullest and never back down.

She closed the panel with the letter and returned to the previous screen.

Name: N/A. (Nao Tsubaki)

Clan: N/A.

Village: N/A.

Wish 1: N/A.

Wish 2: N/A.

Wish 3: N/A.

Wish 4: N/A.

Wish 5: N/A.

This time however, she managed to read further down and see the final box.

Background info: N/A.

Background? It seemed that she would be able to make a backstory for herself. Probably so that she doesnt just pop out of nowhere, causing more problems to arise from her rebirth.

So she started to fill out the information. She knew that some of her wishes would be considered overpowered, but she justified herself by saying that she still had to work hard for what she wanted.

Name: Nao Hatake.

Clan: Hatake.

Village: Konohagakure.

Wish 1: A personal indestructible underground base that would be only accessible by her. Others if she allowed them of her own free will. It contains a large training area, a large room only containing weapon racks, and a large library. A large living area with kitchen, livingroom, bedroom and bathroom. The fridge would restock itself with whatever she wanted, and the livingroom would contain a modern tv with a self updating system, giving her all the newest movies, tv-series and music. When she arrives in her new body, she will gain a doorknob that will generate a door leading to the base based on where she placed it.

Wish 2: A new bloodline that would originate from her. It would give her all the 7 natural affinities and allow her to manipulate them to create the other elemental bloodlines.

Wish 3: A large chakra pool that could contend with the amount Naruto would have at his highest. (Note: After a bit of training of course.)

Wish 4: Once the base would be generated, the library would contain every jutsu, kenjutsu, taijutsu, fuuinjutsu, genjutsu and kinjutsu. They would be sorted based on elemental, non-elemental, bloodline, and other ninja arts.

Wish 5: The ability to summon weapons from other worlds of fiction. (Note: When a weapon has been summoned, she can no longer summon it. She would need to physically carry it if she wanted to use it.)

Background info: =Many would believe that Sakumo Hatake, The white fang, only had one child, namely Kakashi Hatake, but what very few knew was that he had another son that was born a few years earlier. Ryu Hatake had no interest in becoming a shinobi like his father, and instead opted to become a merchant. He worked hard and eventually managed to build his own shop. Not long after he started dating. He got together with a civillian girl, Yua Izuno, and soon got married. They lived in peace for a while until Yua managed to get pregnant. They took the news with a smile and waited for the birth of their daughter. After she gave birth to their daughter, Nao Hatake, they lived in peace once more for the next few weeks, however, the kyuubi attack soon came, causing Ryu to lose his shop. The kyuubi was sealed, but the Hatake family no longer had a place to live. Yet, Ryu refused to return to the Hatake clan home just like when Sakumo was alive. They ended up living on the streets while they raised their daughter, and soon six years passed. Nao was six years old and alone since her parents couldnt handle it anymore and succumbed to illness the year before.=

She looked through everything and nodded with what could almost be seen as a smile on her lips.

"Yup, thats it. This will give me a good basis to work with as well as the freedom to do pretty much whatever I want." She said before pressing the submit button at the very bottom.

She felt as if something was twisting her stomach as she started to disappear in a swirling fashion. It felt sickening, yet very familiar to her. She decided not to focus on it and instead prepare to start her new life.

A life she will live to the fullest.