
Ninja Toast

Food has always been a delicacy to humans. Follow ninja toast in his endless journey of trying to find himself and answer his conflicted questions of life and meaning.

Renee_Bean · Fantaisie
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13 Chs



In front of the bread was his brother. Memories of him and his brother flashed before his eyes. Memories of always having his back and seeing his brother lead the loaf.

*Flash Back 2 days prior*

"Brother! you're so lucky you lead the loaf. everyone faces you for guidance" said the young slice of bread

Brother Slice "I know little brother but ive seen from the previous loaf in the trash that the bread eaters don't like the butt of the loaf"

The young slice didn't believe his brother for nothing could damage his pride in his loaf.


Laying before him was his brother laying in a pile of his crumbs. His middle slice was being devoured by a mouse with a deadly stare. It loudly hissed at him in a way letting him know he was next.

"little Brother leave me! save yourself *caugh* live for me" said the dying bread.

With anger and tears coming from his eyes soaking into his soft core he couldn't leave. quicky he read the area and saw a weapon. The mouse was finally finishing the bottom half and distracted. The mouse felt a sharp pain on his side and he peered over. To his surprise a toothpick was lodged in his rub cage. *squuuuueeeaaaaakkkk*

"That's for my brother!!!!! get off of him!!!! The young slice pushed the toothpick deeper. The mouse hissed at the young bread and used his tail to knock him away.

The young bread flew and hit the wall and started loosing consiuseness. As his eyes slowly closed due to fatigue and injury all he could see was his brother's eyes staring at him while being eaten. Luckily the longer he focused he could see that his brother's eyes were now empty. The only life line he knew slowly faded along with his vision....

*crunch crunch*