

Isabel woke up still drunk, an urge to throw up awakened her. She stirred, but an iron bar tied her up. She panicked and wanted to scream, but ended up moaning because her head was like being drilled.

"You okay?" The voice was familiar. She totally forgot what happened last night.

"Oh, I guess I'm still dreaming." She smiled widely, staring at his too-attractive face. She could stare at him the whole day.

"I'm just lucky waking up in another wonderful dream." She placed her elbow on the plush mattress and supported her head with her hand, confidently stared at his gorgeous face. Hash eye went wide when she crawled closer and got on his top. Clothes hanged loosely because it's too big for her.

"What's wrong with you?" Hash asked, but he instead places his arms over his head, enjoying the view.

"Giving you an opportunity to get laid," she answered, lowered her head, and kissed his lips, which made Hash chuckle.

His abdomen vibrated in the process. Her lips were sweet and tasty. He can't help but held her waist so he could get her closer. A little sigh escaped her when Hash's hand found its way inside her clothes.

He changed the position, and she was now underneath him. His kisses ran from her mouth down to her neck. He was pulling down the clothes he put on her last night.

"Your highness, your breakfast is ready! It's meat, fruits, and milk." The chef's assistant announced his breakfast.

"Leave it there, I'm busy eating something, he murmured in her ears." He heard her giggle.

"Your majesty, I'll eat it your breakfast, I'm starving." Isabel mimics the address of his servant.

He couldn't stop nibbling her ears.

"Let me have my breakfast first." But before he could go back to what he was doing, he heard her stomach grumble. Made him laugh so much.

"Bring my breakfast in!" And he put back her clothes in their proper places.

Hash blocked the attendant's way so he won't see Isabel in his bed. He didn't want everyone to see her. He couldn't decide what to do with her either, not just yet.

Isabel won't get shocked if she finds out that she has died being drunk. Well, it's not bad for death, not bad at all.

Having this lavish breakfast with this eye candy beside her, she had a very romantic afterlife. She smiled widely as she chugged the fresh milk of god knows which animal they extracted it from.

"So, your highness, are we going for a date today?" She asked animatedly because she's Snow White and just woke up from the dead and he was the prince that was very charming.

"No, you are staying here in this tent because I'm going to war and besides, guys should ask girls for a date, not the other way around." Hash wiped the grease around her lips with a cloth. She didn't know that there were murders and death here in the afterlife.

"Oh, I can still die? That's cool." A comment about death so casually puzzled Hash a bit, but before he can react, they heard another call from his men outside the tent.

"Your highness, everyone is ready in the conference room." Isabel didn't realize she could understand the Novalian language, so she's not aware that the soldier spoke anything other than English.

"Conference room?" She had her brow raised on him. What kind of heaven did she land in?

He fixed himself up so he would look more presentable.

"Stay here, don't wander around." He said, and sealed her lips with a kiss very briefly.

"Where could I possibly go? I had a hangover, even if I want to I can't" She said it's a wonder why she brought the hangover afterlife.

"Hm, alright, don't go drinking without me next time, and wait for me here" He gave her a final squeeze and exited his royal tent with a smug on his face. That smug was plastered all over his face the entire time he's meeting with his men.

In the royal tent, Isabel's head was killing her, so she decided to lie down and try taking a nap. When she woke up, she finds herself in the facility's hospital. Alex was sitting beside her, typing something on a computer. She looked like a typical corporate secretary with glasses on.

Alex told her they had a search party because of a missing patient. Isabel went missing a few minutes after she got into the bathroom the other night. They found her lying near the beach in a fetal position.

"Why am I in a hospital?" She asked did she had an injury or something? She checked her head and body.

"You were poisoned by alcohol," Alex said simply. Her monotone voice was like that voice-over on a train station, almost robotic.

"Damn!" She missed Hash already. Does it mean that she only got to meet him in between life and death, was his place something like a purgatory?

"You said you found me near the beach. Did you see my backpack?" Alex shook her head, not even looking at her, still staring at the monitor. She forgot to mention that Isabel was wearing strange ancient clothing.

"Shit!" she murmured. Her iPhone and iPad were there. She secretly hit her head several times. In her head, the waves might have carried deep her backpack into the ocean. It meant that she had to start over, and she might not have enough time to redo it. She hesitated to ask Alex if she could have another device to record her having fun. She bit her nails undecided. When Alex was about to leave, she toughened herself up.

"Um, is it possible for me to get another camera to record myself?" She had to document herself having fun.

"I will try to discuss with my supervisor. I'm not sure if recording yourself along with the facility are allowed." She looked sorry, but her tonality has no empathy whatsoever.

Isabel got used to it, but there was a hint of resistance from Alex every time they're having a conversation. She's not sure. Maybe it's just her perception of something.

She hasn't studied intuition that much, so she's not sure if this feeling belongs to that genre.