
The end (1)

[I recommend the sharp little knife's ninth Star Gate. It's a new Platinum book with guaranteed quality!] Students who are interested can go and take a look~


Three days later.

Order was restored in Jiang Xiao's star Warrior world.

The ocean Army was sent to Jiang Xiao's world of calamity and shadows. Well ... Or rather, he was sent to the so-called 'strange ball'.

The battle on land and sea finally came to an end with Jiang Xiao's intervention.

As for the land side that belonged to the human camp, they had also learned their due lesson from the counterattack of the ocean Army.

In fact, it wasn't just the entire ocean Army that had been sent into the strange planet. Even the star beasts in China's Tinder cities had been sent into the strange planet.

No one could stop this from happening under such a level of "natural disaster."