
Nine Reincarnation Supreme God Emperor

Synopsis Tian Yang was a normal martial cultivator with the same goal as all the others to reach the peak of the realm and ascend to the legendary God Realm, but one day in his journey through the Mortal World he found a treasure that changed his life. After nine reincarnations, with the help of his past lives, will he be able to reunite with his lovers and fight against his enemies scattered across realms? The cultivation system is split into NORMAL and DUAL CULTIVATION. Each chapter with R18 scenes will have °° on the name. -- R-18 related scenes-- hope you enjoy, by MatMate

MatMate · Oriental
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115 Chs

Chapter 79: The Power of the Green Lotus 

"Little Bao!!"


Little Bao opened her mouth, revealing the deadly fangs hidden below, and tried to devour Tian Yang's head in one gulp.

But something shot out from the young man's belly.

They were long and thick, covered by a strange layer of golden energy.

Their speed was terrifying, and in just a breath, precisely when those terrible fangs were a few inches from the skull, they wrapped around the muzzle of the angry beast, stopping the deadly attack.

But Little Bao, as if possessed by a demon, kept roaring and squirming.



"Little Bao!!!... Damn!!"

The young woman, surprised by those strange roots around her friend, took out her bow and started shooting.

But her target wasn't the roots, but Tian Yang's body, which now was releasing powerful life energy.



In an instant, the young woman sent more than four arrows toward Tian Yang, and each one of them was directed at his heart, like before.

Unfortunately, the young woman underestimated those roots' incredible power, as every single arrow was deflected or destroyed instantly.

Shocked by the incredible defensive power of those tender roots, she became even more concerned about her friend's fate, so she kept shooting her arrows, but this time with even more power.

She even infused her terrifying energy inside of them.









Even if now there was a strange layer around their tips, those arrows were still obstructed effortlessly.

As the battle between the two kept going, little Bao was still roaring towards Tian Yang, with her dark red eyes, which were now even darker than before but with a strange bright spot in the middle.


The fangs weren't the only dangerous parts of the beast.

Her four paws were naturally still free, and their talons were just as deadly.

Even in that abnormal state, the creature, as if to respond to her beastly instinct, unsheathed her claws and assaulted Tian Yang's belly.



Blood leaked plentifully from the wounds, wetting the creature's paws and something strange happened.

Little Bao, mad at the sight of blood, regained a bit of sanity and the red light in the depth of her eyes slowly faded.

"Big Sis?!..." The creature looked around with a perplexed expression.

Elated by the change of situation, the young woman shouted: "Little Bao... don't worry... I'll release you in a moment."

"I don't care why an immortal like you is in this inferior Realm. But even here, some people can kill you..."

Above the young woman, a dense mass of purple, golden clouds began to hide the two glowing moons and emit many brilliant energy particles.

They gently landed on the tips of the arrow and formed a thin layer of purple energy.

Her incantation was ready, but just as her thin fingers were about to release the bowstring, an absurd amount of roots and branches from the nearby plants tangled around every part of her body.

And the young woman, horrified by the forest's strange behavior, could only wait for her end, helpless in the face of this overwhelming power.

The dense clouds above them vanished, but something else slowly formed around the three people hiding the two moons once again.


Worried about his body, current situation, Tian Yang sent his consciousness back to the outside world.

But when he tried to look around, the only thing he saw was nothing.

His eyes could only see a black world.

"What the hell?? Where am I?"

The only light source came from his semi-opened chest, which was still healing from the lethal arrow attack.

But it wasn't enough to illuminate around him, so after a moment, he shouted: "Little flame...Come out!"

The two Heavenly Veins were still arguing like two little kids, but when they heard their Father's voice, both of them came out.

As the light source appeared, Tian Yang could finally see and discovered a thick layer of leafy branches and roots around him, forming a dome.

There were so many layers attached to each other that not even a single ray of the moons could enter.

As he looked around, Tian Yang found out that the dome was more giant than he expected.

Other than the few bushes and trees, which were now incredibly bigger and with a strange form, the only things present inside were the two verdant cocoons.

One was small and stood dozens of steps from him.

The other, on the other hand, was large and inches from his head.

Tian Yang could feel an intense life power from them as if something was gasping hard inside, and a weird thought appeared in his mind.

Not sure of what was this place, and what were those strange cocoons, he asked the only two existences there, actually to the only one who could answer him: "Green Lotus... what happened? Where am I?"

Green Lotus's body reduced her figure to the form of an ordinary flower and landed on Tian Yang's shoulder.

The intense light, coming from her heart, started shining more and more when she heard her Father's words and only after a while responded, in an excited tone: "Do you like it, Father? I did it with my own hands..."

Tian Yang scratched his head and answered dumbfound: "Mmm... You did well... but Green Lotus, Why you did it?"

"Hehe... Father... when you were asleep, that big sister and that stupid big cat wanted to do something bad to your body, so I caught them. Little brother only watched from the side. I did a great job... right, Father?"

Annoyed by her words, the little flame began moving, his ardent body around her, ready to assault at any time.

Luckily, Tian Yang interrupted him in time: "Ok...Ok... calm down... this is not the right time... and you should stop with this nonsense... even I can't feel the depth of her power so... stop it, silly thing."

Demoralized by his words, the little flame sent a vamp of angry flames toward Tian Yang's face and vanished back inside his belly.

Tian Yang didn't imagine such an exaggerated reaction on his part, so he was taken in full by that blaze of flames.


"Hehehe... Father... little brother is quite angry... but unfortunately, Father is right... I'm more beautiful and powerful than him." Green Lotus giggled, watching the funny scene in front of her.

Bewildered by his reaction, Tian Yang cleaned his face from the few residual left from the flames and spoke: "Hmm... Green Lotus. But what about this dome? Why did you confine us here?"

After Tian Yang's question, Green Lotus neared even more to his face, and when her tiny body was only a few inches from his ear, she whispered: "SHHH!... Father... there is something bad out there... it gives me a bad feeling... so I hide all of us here... but, don't worry... Father... where are underground now."

Hearing her words, a creepy sensation run throughout his body.

He couldn't even imagine who could scare an existence as terrifying as her.

Tian Yang sighed, exasperated by this absurd situation, and sighed: "What the fuck is going on..."





Tian Yang felt the ground shake and the dense layers over him fracture a little.

Intense waves of energy flowed inside from those tiny fractures and spread inside the dome, impacting every single being inside.

The young woman and little Bao were surrounded by another defensive layer, so the damage wasn't significant on them, but Tian Yang, who was still healing his injuries from before, felt his body cut by thousands of knives.



Blood flowed out once again, and his bones fractured into tiny parts.

Tian Yang fell to the ground again, but this time his conditions were even more precarious.

Luckily, the tiny root inside his heart perceived his critical status and began to release more and more of that strange power.

But those waves were still there, and their power was still strong.

They reverberated inside the dome, shaking its internal parts continuously.



Tian Yang's body was already beyond salvation, and he didn't doubt Green Lotus's words anymore.

There was really something terrifying out there.

So, he endured the pain and kept his mouth sealed.

And indeed, no more sound came out.

Even the two inside the cocoons were silent like two corpses.

It was as if they already knew what was out there... or maybe they were already dead.





The thunderous noises intensifying outside.

The ground kept shaking and craking.

Luckily the dome, even if it kept fracturing everywhere, was still standing above them, reducing that destructive power.

Inside the dome, the only one probably still tranquil was Green Lotus.

A large quantity of energy kept flowing out from her petite body.

It was thanks to her efforts that the defensive layer was still intact.

With her power, more and more branches and roots kept reforming from those bushes and trees.

As one layer was reduced to a green powder, a new one appeared.

But she was still young, and in the end, her powers were slowly decreasing.





The forces from outside were still strong even after a couple of minutes...

The energies from that tiny body were almost gone, and Green Lotus was slowly losing her calm.

"What can I do?! What should I do ?!... Little brother... help me!!.. otherwise ..."



A few faint sounds came from Tian Yang's belly and Green Lotus, who was already despairing, sighed: "I... Fine... little brother, take care of Father..."

Her form enlarged and became big at least two times Tian Yang's body.

Her wonderous petals with a golden purple point to the tips opened gently, finally showing what was hidden inside the brilliant heart.

Unfortunately, no one could see what was there.

Even Tian Yang couldn't.

The roots carried the unconscious Tian Yang, right inside the heart, close to the being who rested there.

And after the roots left, the petals closed once again... and the bright light slowly faded...