
Chapter 3

A degree in English had led Nina into a job at a marketing company. Her colleagues were great, but the pressure had become a bit much. The first few years, younger and more ambitious, had been challenging, but fulfilling. Now, a little jaded, the opportunity to leave the confines of the office had been, for her, the deciding factor. Embracing the move as much as possible, Rory had been given permission to forge ahead.

The properties available in their chosen area ranged from new builds to thatched cottages. The latter seemed to hold a fascination for Rory. At 6 foot, he would surely be ducking under beams all the time. Nina had gone along with the relocation, but a quaint cottage was out of the question.

"Be realistic, Rory. A cottage means tiny rooms, low beams, small windows, so no light, and, well, they are twee."

"They are the ideal. Everyone wants the pretty home in the country."

"Not me. I am willing, happy to move, but the house has to be something that both of us like."

"You'll love being in a cottage. Cosy and warm, a lovely garden."

"No, I won't. I want space."

"What do you want to look for? A modern house?" Rory screwed up his face at the thought.

"No. I've seen a couple of Victorian houses when I've searched. Let me find the details. Look at them and see what you think."

A slow nod from Rory indicated that, on this matter, he was prepared to capitulate. A moment of resignation was replaced by a clap of the hands and an eager smile. Nothing could sour his mood for long.

The house on the edge of town was chosen from a short list of two, compiled by Nina. One was bigger and expensive, so Rory had agreed to the cheaper one. Nina said a heartfelt thank you to her husband for giving in gracefully to her demands. It wasn't until they moved in that he dropped the bombshell.

"This used to be Abby's house."


"Didn't I tell you before?"

"No, you didn't."

"Oh. Well, her family owned it for a long time, until her dad's business went broke."

"You should have told me that."

"It doesn't make any difference. You like the house."

"I suppose not. I would have liked a head's up though."

"Sorry, Nina."

Abby was the girl that Rory left behind. Their teenage romance had ended when he went to university. He had wanted to get out of Fernborough in those days. Years later, once he had qualified as a chartered surveyor, Nina had caught his eye.

They were the opposites attract couple. Rory was tall, dark haired, and of a medium build. Nina was petite. 5 foot 2, blonde and slim. Rory was one of life's natural enthusiasts. Nina thought deeply before allowing herself to enjoy anything. There were lots of fun times despite her, generally, dour nature. A dry sense of humour lurked behind the veneer and laughter, when it came, was full bodied.

Curbing her husband's tendency to get carried away, Nina did, on occasion, allow herself to be caught up in the whirlwind of Rory's adventures. How many times had he bounded through the door, demanded, get your coat, and then whisked her off to a restaurant, or a concert, or just to look at new plants that had bloomed in the nearby park.

Now a resident of Fernborough, Nina knew that the local grapevine would be buzzing. Everyone, including Abby, would know that Rory had moved back to the town. There would be a parade of people who were, just passing, and would knock on their door. Rory had warned her what to expect.

"Old school friends will call around. The guys to see if I've got fat and to get a good look at you. The girls will want to look you over, but that is more about what you are wearing. Then there will be friends of mum and dad who will tell the embarrassing stories from my youth."

"I will open the door to all of them wearing pyjamas and with unbrushed hair."

"Ha. No, you won't."

Rory was right. Nina liked to be well turned out. Hair and makeup always tended to. Carefully chosen outfits. The thought of her answering the door in a dishevelled state was laughable.

Abby would be amongst those to appear, no doubt. Whenever they had visited Rory's parents, they bumped into her. Whether that was by accident or design, Nina couldn't quite decide. The friendly encounters always unnerved her. Warm greetings, enquiries about health, and then the words "Do you remember". This led to a story of when Abby and Rory had dated. A look in Nina's direction to make sure she was paying attention.

Nina hadn't even bothered to mention her discomfort to Rory. He would find it ridiculous and point out that ten years had passed since they were together. He had a point. Taking the higher ground, a smile fixed firmly in place, she would listen to the tales and then give the appropriate response.

There was one more thing. Abby always mentioned how tiny Nina was. The reference to her size was followed by a movement or pose which highlighted Abby's voluptuous body. A thrust of the chest. A hand on her hip. Tough luck, ex-girlfriend. Rory was more than happy with his wife's shape.

They had not even been in the house twenty-four hours before the first visitors arrived. On the doorstep were Joy and Martin's, next door, neighbours.

"Hi Rory, your parents are on their way. We've brought you a homemade lasagne."

Nina sighed before producing a smile and inviting them into the house.