
Night Of Love

What a joke. She has fallen in love... For years Alicia Shaw has had a crush on Blade Waya, only really knowing him through her window. He is evasive and on a mission to find what he lost. While in Phoenix, AZ things get heated with a local gang. Scorching hot, they find out so many hidden secrets. Their lives intertwine in more ways than one, once she discovers who and what they are.

Constance_Writes · Fantaisie
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23 Chs

Chapter Twenty

"So you work for the FBI?" Officer Sebastian Pebbles questions, hands on the black table as he stares into my soul. His whole demeanor is pissing me the fuck off. I just shot a man, I am done playing nice with people. He shot at my partner, I shot him down because there was no way to get a loaded hand machine gun out of his hand. It's as simple as if I would have been told I would be going away in cuffs then the agreement would be mute.

"Yes, I do research," I explain, very confidently. I keep calm and keep my emotions underway because he doesn't deserve a show. I can't cry over this. Trying not to give anything away is easy when you can't say certain things because of the law. If my mama were to find out what I did she would freak out and go off on me.

"You do research, so you know you have a registered gun. Do researchers need that these days? What research did you do that put a bullet into that man's groin?" He leans in close to ask these questions and smirks. With the way he is looking at me, I can tell he is checking me out again. Not all cops are like this, so this one is special.

"Are you from the Middle East?" He asks adding to making the matters worse. He is the worst cop I have ever met and I have hacked their system before and gotten caught.

While he just asked about my ethnicity I am waiting for him to call me a terrorist at this point. The other agent has a badge, I don't mean I am just a civilian with a gun. A lot of undercover workers don't have badges. I am working with no cover trying to shut down the biggest gang.

This man has no respect for women in power and I have a feeling that that is what part of my dream was about the other night. This man, I don't know how or why was in it. He was abusing his power and using it to touch women. The dream of the woman said his name almost. That is where I know him from, he is not a good man. Being in his presence anyone could feel this.  But I can sense he is going to be on a path to change after I tell Jamal what he does. Now knowing the face of the girl, he was affected. I could have Thema draw it and put it into the system to find her, and get his ass in trouble. I have a set of rules, one of them is only snitching when people go against the law and do awful things to others.

"Why do you use your badge as an excuse to touch women?" I ask out my voice full of so much power he leans back completely stunned.

"I-Don't." He stutters, looking at me as if I shot him in the groin. She attempted to say his name in my dream. But I was only paying attention to my demon. I focus on what that dream was about and a video shows up in my mind of him shouting at Melissa. He was saying Melissa, over and over again.

"What about Melissa from the bar?" I ask. His face goes ghost and he looks threatened by me. This isn't the first time in my life a dream came true. These visions come when I want them or when I have something on my mind. Observing a painting and I can tell the whole story behind it. My mind has suppressed these abilities for years, I wonder what has brought them back.

"Stop what you are doing, this is a paid federal worker. You do not question her without informing us." A man in a suit barges in with an envelope.

"It's her paycheck." He winks at me and I open it up and it is eleven grand.

 I stare at it in shock, not knowing they would pay me, never thought they would be paying me. 

"Now that you are present, let's discuss her." The officer insists on trying to reclaim some domence. He fails as the man in the suit gives him a passive look that makes him sit back down.

"She is an undercover agent working in the most difficult situation because she is using her legal identity to take people down. No more questions, she was shot at first she had the right to defend herself at her storage facility. Now she can't be in here long and I would like you to wipe everything. No reports, fix up the man and hand him over to us, we will deal with him." The man adjusts his tie and heads for the door.

"Oh, the name is Director Cameron Armstrong of National Intelligence." He pulls out a shiny badge and the officer's mouth drops open in shock.

"I am so sorry sir, we didn't have all the information. She is free to go home. Anything she needs, Arizona state police are on her side." He hands me his card with all his information. This officer is practically on his hands and knees now kissing my ass.

"Thank you director," I say standing up and getting the cuffs taken off of me, by the awful cop.

"I took a detour from my vacation with my wife. You do good work, I will email you all the warrants you need to look up and monitor. Also, I heard the whole conversation, ''Sebastian Pebbles, your boss will be hearing about it."

He walks out without saying another word. I get all my things from the front desk lady in a bag. I wait about an hour before they give me back my gun. Jamal is outside waiting for me wearing a bandage on his right arm where the bullet nicked him. I can't believe how long today has been. 

"Even the big guy has heard of you." He says pointing to a black SUV. I smile ready to go home and clean up. After cleaning up Jamal, still staying on my couch, looks at me as someone knocks on my door.

"I am going to go see if it is my guy," he says, going to open it.

As he opens it, I hear him say "I wasn't looking for a man named Blade, what kind of Anime name is that?" Jamal asks, wondering why Blade is at my door.

"I'll just leave if she is busy," he says and I rush to the door.

"Here I am, sorry he's a family friend," I say pushing him out of the way. There is a breeze outside that blows at my wet hair.

"There is something I want to ask you." He says and then I hear a shout from Jamal and the sound of a loud thump.

"Damit!" He shouts.

"Wait right here, so I can go check on him," I say with a smile, hoping he won't mind.

I run to him and he is swearing up a storm, towel under his feet as he brushes his teeth with his electric toothbrush. 

He looks at me, sloshes some water out of a Dixie cup into his mouth, and rinses it out.

"I am a top agent and I was just almost taken out by your damn slippery wet floor." He whispers pretty loudly at me as he wipes his mouth on my makeup eraser.

"I didn't expect you to be staying here after work," I say rolling my eyes at him.

"Who's the guy with the fake British accent?" He asks, switching the subject.

"A guy, now do whatever. I need to get back out there with him." I explain to him while putting the towels both In the hamper to wash tomorrow.

Walking back to the door, I apologize to him for Jamal.

"Sorry about that." 

"It's fine, I was wondering if you would like to go out tonight?" He asks and I know I am going to say yes.

"Give me 15 minutes to get ready," I say as I close the door and look at Jamal.