
NieR: Automata Hope

After 2b, 9s and A2 were rebuilt and revived by their pods there was nothing left for them to do. YoRHa is destroyed, humanity is extinct and all that's left were the Resistance and the machines. But they discover something that'll spark up hope in rebuilding. (I didn't play the game but I do have a gist of the story so I apologize if I get any information incorrect.)

eddiechang24 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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34 Chs


3 days later

Creed's POV

My back hits the wall hard and I collapse onto the floor. My face was bruised and I had a busted lip that was bleeding. I look and 2B approaches me, picks me up, throws me over her shoulder. I yelp when my back slams against the floor. 2B gets on top of me and starts pounding my face over and over again. I tried fighting back but she grabs my arm and breaks it. I scream in pain and she grabs my other arm and breaks that one too. She continued to punch my face until I wasn't moving. I coughed out blood and 2B grabs the back collar of my vest and drags me across the floor and onto the staircase. We get to the roof where we always train until we get to the edge. She grabs me by the neck and lifts me off the edge and puts me out of the roof, if she lets go then I fall to my death. I look into her red glowing eyes and her expressionless face. But then she smiles and I didn't understand what was going on with her.

"2-2B?" I whispered

"Goodbye Creed." she replied

She let me go and I fell down and then I screamed and sat up.

'It's just a dream.'

Avery bursts open my door and looks at me all sweaty and shivering. She was wearing a plain white shirt with shorts just like me.

"Creed?" she called out

"Sorry, d-did I scare anyone?" I stuttered

"Yea you fucking scared me but no one else." she replied

"So-sorry." I apologized

"What happened?" she asked

"Just a bad dream." I replied

I took a deep breath to calm myself down and sat up on my bed.

"I, I was fighting 2B." I started

Avery takes a seat next to me on the bed.

"She's obviously better than me at fighting so she beat me up endlessly, broke both of my arms and then dragged me to the roof where we always practiced. Then she grabs me by the neck and lifts me off the edge of the roof and my legs are dangling in the air. Then she smiles and says, 'Goodbye Creed' and drops me and I fall down to my death and I wake up." I explained

Avery gently elbows me in the arm and laughs just to comfort me.

"Calm down, she won't kill you consciously." she said

"No I forgot to tell you this but before you distracted 2B three days ago, she talked." I said

She raised an eyebrow at me in confusion.

"She said, give back Nines. And then she said must kill Creed." I continued

"She was conscious?" asked 2B

"I don't know if she was conscious or not but she spoke." I said

"Well she did want Nines which proved 4S' point that the virus makes the androids think that we're the bad guys." said Avery

"Yes that does." I replied

Avery slaps me across the shoulder and gets up.

"It's just a dream, we'll save her before she kills you." she said

"I don't know about that." I replied

"Well, you're not dying on me just yet." she replied

My eyes widen as if I was just blessed by her.

"Go back to sleep." she said

She leaves the room and closes the door behind her. I lay back on my bed and look up at the ceiling. After 15 minutes of just looking up I got up and looked at the sword 2B got for me. I picked it up and held it in both of my hands firmly. I couldn't lose 2B no matter what, not like this. I pulled out the sword and looked at the designs on it, very well detailed and beautiful.

"No matter how bad I am at sword fighting, I'll always try my best." I whispered to myself

I sighed and got dressed and went to the middle of the village where there was enough space to practice. I got into my fighting with my sword in front of me.

"Angle and timing." I whispered

I closed my eyes and thought back to the hard intense training with 2B.

"If you can do this form you'll be able to take down a machine with ease."

2B's words whispered through my head so I slowly started doing the form she taught. I took it slowly at first but then as every movement passed by, the faster I began to go through the form. By the end of the form I was sweating and panting but I kept my fighting stance with my sword in front of me.

I began to swing my sword around just like how 2B swings her sword around I style. I was able to do the basics but whenever I tried throwing the sword up and then doing a spinning hook kick and catching it as it falls back down, I would always lose the grip of my handle causing me to drop it.

I shook my head, packed up my sword and my gun and walked out of the cave. I knew the risk of getting caught but not a single android patrolled near the cave for the past 3 days. So I exited the cave and walked around the cool night sky. I walked a bit far from the cave and sat down on a tree and looked up at the stars.


I didn't have my Pod with me since he was maintaining 4S at the moment.

'I wonder if 2B is looking for Nines right now.'

I looked back down but once I looked down, red glowing eyes were right in front of my face and I jerked up and I opened my eyes realizing that I was sleeping. The sun was rising and I sighed in relief so I got up and walked back into the cave. I got to my room and set everything down onto the floor but I put my sword on my bed and left the room to wake up the others