
Nico Di Angelo at Hogwarts

Nico goes to Hogwarts because Hecate and Hades asked him to help Harry Potter to destroy Voldemort. He finds many familiar faces along the way as well as some friends and enemies . How will the Ghost king endure this quest? PS: I promise not to abandon this story I will complete it and I post every four days. DISCLAIMER: I do not on the Harry Potter Universe nor I do the Percy Jackson Universe.

DiAngelo6002 · Livres et littérature
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21 Chs

The Trial and The Return of The Seven

Nico kept a strong facade through the beginning of the trial. He kept his gaze innocent and childish through most of it and changed it to confused when they told the entire room the reasons why he was here.

"Nico Di Angelo you are here today on trial being charged by the use of the Dark Arts and probable alliance with You-Know-Who and the Death Eaters." A person standing beside the judges said while constantly moving his shoulder-length hair out of his face. He was thin and pale with a goatee which, mind you, did not favor his face shape at all.

Nico turned sideways and whispered in Piper's ear. "You know this isn't where I wanted to be when I wore cuffs for the first time."

Piper groaned and murmured in a low voice. "Oh my gods, don't even begin to make a list of your kinks. The Aphrodite cabin is filled with discussions of if you would rather wear leather or lace. And no I'm not talking about clothes."

Both of them were chuckling and before Nico could continue his teasing a voice pulled them out of their conversation.

"Now that his charges have been read we will move on to how you pledge to these accusations, Mr. Di Angelo." The judge at the front said raising her eyebrows almost daringly.

Annabeth didn't glare or look uncomfortable with all the attention but rather kept a professional posture and emotionless eyes. She stood up confidently and started talking in an even voice. "I assure you Honor, that Mr. Di Angelo is innocent to all of these false accusations. Actually, he is a victim of manipulation by Albus Dumbledore since he began his stay at Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft And Wizardry."

The Italian turned his head to look at Annabeth with a confused stare. Almost immediately after she had finished speaking the whole room was filled with gasps of astonishment. Either they were looking at Annabeth with a disgusted glare or were gawking just surprised that she had said such a thing.

"On what grounds do you base these allegations, Miss?" One of the judges said on the far left asked. His glare evident making his blue eyes look sharp but it didn't compare to that of a demigod, of course.

"Let's address the accusation made towards my client." She said her grey eyes challenging anyone to interrupt her. "My client has never practiced the Dark Arts with any type of wand or under any circumstances. It is understandable that you may think so but in America, we use different spells than in the UK. Especially in Mr. Di Angelo's school which is way more advanced than most. For this, I call Mr.Chiron to the stand as a witness."

The doors of the room opened up and in all of its glory, Chiron was in his wheelchair with the rest of the seven behind him as well as Reyna and Will who threw me concerned glances.

"They just had to be drama queens about this," Nico murmured under his breath as he saw in a corner of his eye Percy, Jason and Leo pretend to flip their hair in a soap opera manner.

The sound of multiple whispers bounced around the room at seeing what they were wearing. They weren't wizarding clothes that's for sure but they weren't dressed full-on greek and roman either. Usually, Reyna would be in her purple toga while the others most of the time wore at least a bit of armor like a breastplate or a shield outside of camp if any monster attacked them. However, only some of them had arm cuffs as protection. Nevertheless, what made the wizards and witched hold their breath was the dangerous-looking swords and daggers each of them sported. All of them had their sword strapped on their belt with two daggers which you could see but Nico knew that they had more either on their jackets or boots.

Chiron looked indifferent to the hushed voices and pointing fingers, instead, he wheeled himself to the front of the room where the witness stand was. He stopped the wheelchair in front of it obviously deciding that it was too much the bother to actually go inside the booth.

"Hello," the centaur said in a friendly tone, all of those in the room ignorant of his true species aside from the demigods. "I am Chiron the headmaster of the school that Mr. Di Angelo attends to and I assure you that he hasn't by any means or any of my other students participated in the study of the Dark Arts. You see, we focus on the gifts that every student has instead of common knowledge of magic which we have found led us to very talented wizards and witches. For example, Miss Levesque if you will?"

Hazel took a step forward and her normal shy demeanor vanished instead she said in a poised voice. "I specialized in the study of Earth." Nico watched proudly as his sister raised her arms and made all kinds of precious gems appear in the center of the room; diamonds, rubies, emeralds, and more adorned the previous flat stone that laid before. The whole room gasped in surprise as they disappeared back into the Earths leaving no scar behind. Hazel smiled brightly and shyly retreated back to the group of demigods. Frank grinned at her softly before taking her hand and looking at Chiron as if nothing had happened.

Chiron's lips turned upward. "As you can see we make each student do what they prefer the most and work on that. Just like Mister Jackson who specializes in water," at the mention of his name Percy smirked smugly and made a ball of water multiplying it into dozens of them and proceed to drench Jason in it and with a snap of his fingers vanishing the water leaving the son of Jupiter dry again. "Or Mister Valdez who specializes in fire," Leo help both of his hands in front of him and made them create flames, then putting them back into fists and making the fire die down. "Or Mister Solace who specializes in the art of healing."

Will moved forward to one of the judges. He had a very prominent burn scar covering half of his face which seemed recent. The son of Apollo raised his hand slowly and asked, "May I?" The judge nodded not quite sure what he was going to do but curious enough. Will raised his hand and hovered it over the judge's face while whispering a quick prayer to his father and putting some of his own powers into it. He lowered it already feeling the effects of it healing all of the people in the room watched in fascination as it stitched itself back together and new skin appeared leaving no scar behind. The judge touched his face shocked to find it smooth and a few tears escaped his eyes.

"Thank you," the judges murmured. Will just nodded and smiled softly while taking his place with the demigods.

"I didn't know he could do that that fast," Piper murmured raising her perfectly trimmed eyebrows in surprise.

"Why do you think that I never have visible hickeys?" Nico said with a smirk.

Chiron started speaking once again and declared. "Now, that we have seen various demonstrations of the students in my school I guarantee you all that Nico didn't use Dark magic. He was using one of the talents we have taught him since he specializes in the study of shadows and death. While it is a somber topic to focus on it is what he prefers and excels in." Chiron wheeled himself back to the back of the room where his 'students' were.

Annabeth stood up once again slightly smirking. "We can clearly see that Nico did not make use of the Dark Arts or has ever. Therefore, this accusation is false," the judges looked at one another and nodded faintly agreeing that this was evidence enough to drop this charge. "Now on to the second accusation that Mr. Di Angelo has been unfairly put on trial for. His supposed alliance with You-Know-Who and the Death Eaters."

Annabeth sat down and Piper took her place charmingly smiling at the judges. "Nico Di Angelo couldn't have any form of alliance with these group of wizards since he hasn't even set foot in England ever in his life as for the fact that Muggle devices such as computers or phones were prohibited in Mr. Chiron's school, Olympus Academy. And an owl wouldn't have made it that far to the USA and back to London since it is after all only an animal." A judge seemed to open his mouth a moment to comment on the fact that they could have communicated in another form but before he could utter a world Piper continued talking. Her voice turned sweeter, softer but also more demanding indicating that she was charmspeaking. "This argument is correct and valid. It proves that Nico Di Angelo could have never formed an alliance with the Dark Side." The people in the room all turned into a bit of a hypnotized state. "Does it not?"

The judge who had his mouth opened before to talk had snapped it shut and lazily smiled while nodding in affirmation. The judge at the center shook her head a bit dazed and cleared her throat.

"Yes, well I suppose that those are fair arguments to both of Mr. Di Angelo's charges and now we will vote." All of them raised their wands and blue sparks flew around the room before settling in front of the judge who nodded as if seeing something in them. "It seems that the voting is unanimous and you have been cleared of all charges congratulations."

The demigods smirked smugly while Nico thanked Annabeth but instead of facing him, she started talking. "Your Honor, if you'll let me I would like to discuss the fact that my client is a victim of manipulation by Albus Dumbledore."

Some judges looked interested while the others rolled their eyes probably thinking that since Nico had already been proven innocent they should just leave it at that.

"And by why accounts do you base this allegation?" A redheaded judge at the right asked curiously.

"We have found paperwork that incriminates that Albus Dumbledore's reason to accept Nico Di Angelo at his school was because of his talents, particularly his focus on death. He wanted Mr. Di Angelo to raise his sister, Ariana, from death. This can be clearly shown-"

Suddenly the doors of the trial room opened dramatically and a figure dressed in complete black entered the room. His pale skin contrasting greatly with the color and his eyes maniacally surveying the people in the room. Besides him was a beautiful woman in a floral dress and golden hair in soft waves a concerning glance on her eyes. The man was livid.


hope you liked it and I hope you have an amazing day as the amazing person I know you are!

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