
Nico Di Angelo at Hogwarts

Nico goes to Hogwarts because Hecate and Hades asked him to help Harry Potter to destroy Voldemort. He finds many familiar faces along the way as well as some friends and enemies . How will the Ghost king endure this quest? PS: I promise not to abandon this story I will complete it and I post every four days. DISCLAIMER: I do not on the Harry Potter Universe nor I do the Percy Jackson Universe.

DiAngelo6002 · Livres et littérature
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Nico flinched at the sound of his dad's exclamation and (although he would never admit it) let out a high pitched squeak that made Piper and Annabeth turn to look at him weirdly with a raised eyebrow.

Hades' footsteps as he neared the judges were sleek and silent almost as if he were floating, which he probably was since his cloak covered them so no one would notice if we were not touching the ground. Persephone at seeing Nico let out a sigh of relief.

"Nico, my dear! Your father and I were so worried." Persephone said while taking in Nico's appearance frowning at the cuffs on Nico's hands. "What are those?! Who would dare put cuffs on you?" With a flick of her wrist, the cuffs released Nico's hands and he stretched his arms in front of him smiling slightly at the feeling.

"It's quite alright," Nico said chuckling at Persephone his voice turning softer at looking at the person who taught him how to play the piano, kept him company whenever he felt alone in the underworld and insisted that he eat properly whenever she saw him too skinny. Yes, his relationship with Persephone had definitely improved tons. "My innocence has been proven and I was about to be released anyway. Although I can't say that I miss those demonic contraptions on my wrists." He glared at the cuffs on the ground.

The wizards and witches in the room seemed to finally realize what was going on and one of the judges stood up abruptly. "Who are you people?!" the judge questioned accusingly. "Who are you to interrupt a formal trial being held at the British Ministry of Magic?!"

Before Hades could answer the rest of the demigods beside Nico shook themselves out of their stupor and bowed on one knee. Together they said as if rehearsed, "Lord Hades, Lady Hecate."

Hades looked too busy glaring at the judges to acknowledge them so Persephone raised her hands slightly and said, "Rise." All of them stood up again and a few took their places beside the gods protectively. After all, the safety of the gods comes first. It was embedded in their DNA. Except maybe when Percy stabbed Ares in the heel but that was a totally different situation.

Annabeth looks at the situation and tries to resolve it with her quick thinking. Standing up and looking at the judges she begins talking once again. "Your honor on behalf of Lord Hades and Lady Persephone I would like to apologize," she said making Hades turn around and opened his mouth to probably say that he wasn't sorry about anything but before he could voice his opinion Annabeth had resumed talking. "They both are Nico's parents and I'm sure you would understand that it is quite a shock to find out that your son transferred to a magical school and instead of receiving his education he is currently being questioned for being in alliance with a wizard who has terrorized the magical community and your son's headmaster was looking to exploit Nico's talents. I'm sure that Lady Persephone and Lord Hades will retreat to their seats since they understand that Nico will end up in a magical jail if they do not do so and he may not return back to camp."

Hades and Persephone understood the double meaning between Annabeth's words and nodded at her before going on to take the seats with the rest of the wizards which immediately parted like the sea and gave up their own seats at Hades' glare. The judges looked apprehensive but nodded to one another deciding to overlook the matter.

Annabeth sat back down and Piper stood up with a sweet smile. "Now onto the second matter at hand. We have various pieces of evidence as well as witnesses that prove Dumbledore's real motives for accepting Nico into his school." Pulling out various parchments she neared the judges' table and laid the papers on the center. "In here are various of the papers that we found on Dumbledore's personal journal explicitly stating that he wanted to abuse Nico's powers and talents to revive his sister which he killed in the past."

Numerous gasps of surprise were heard across the room. The judges' eyes widened at reading all the information in the parchments it was evident Dumbledore's ulterior motives.

Annabeth stood up once again facing the judges. "We also have witnesses such as Minerva McGonagall and Severus Snape that will be willing to testify to Dumbledore's obsessive behavior with Nico."

Nico could only watch at the wizard's and witches' shocked expressions and those of disappointment. The Golden Trio sat on a corner of the room with their jaws hanging open not quite believing all this and trying to process it.

The main judge in the front shook her head from side to side. "It's okay Ms. Chase this is more than enough evidence to incriminate Albus Dumbledore but I don't understand what you want us to do. He died in the war there is no way for him to face any consequences."

Hades who was behind Nico grumbled under his breath. "Yeah right. I'll see that that man faces some consequences, all right."

"We just ask one thing of the Ministry," Annabeth said. "Let us all go. The students from Olympus Academy, Lady Persephone, Lord Hades, and Nico Di Angelo go. We will be gone. But you will in turn not look any further into any of the magic used by Nico in the war nor will you question Lady Persephone's and Lord Hades' titles or how they got here. Because, after all, it was the government's fault for not seeing the how headmaster of the only British magical school obsessed over one student and endangered many more. It's the least you could do."

For good measure, Piper stood up and said in what can only be described as charmspeaking, "You will let us go and won't question anything. Won't you?"

"Yes, of course," the main judge said. "It is after all fair."

Hade didn't need any more context he was getting out of here with his son, wife, Chiron, and the other demigods. No reason to stay in this disgustingly magical place. And he was gonna have a talk with Hecate about sending his son to places with awful fashion sense too, like gods, those robes were so out of season. Without further ado, he opened a portal made of shadows and all the demigods entered Nico being the last one he was about to enter too until he heard a voice.

"Wait, Nico!" Harry called out with Hermione and Ron beside him. "Are we going to see you again?"

"I don't know," Nico said. "But gods I hope not, no offense but all this magic thing is a little overwhelming."

And with that, the son of Hades was out. Never to be seen again in the magical world. At least not their world… but he did meet some others. Maybe it was time to visit Anubis.

AN: I have decided to end it here because I really have no other ideas to exploit this. They already defeated Voldemort so technically his mission was over. Thank you all for those who stuck until the very end. I was thinking of doing other Nico crossovers like with the Egyptian thing, and other universes. If you have any idea on any fanfic you want me to write don’t hesitate to contact me. Hope you liked it, have a great day, and stay safe!

Check Out my Wattpad account: @DiAngelo6002

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