
Chose Nicko

I think it would be best to choose Nicko as my bodyguard. I think he will be patient enough with me and maybe easy to snake away from. But there is just something about him. I want to know what he is thinking for some reason and he is very handsome. Maybe we can be more than friends some day. He is just so beautiful.

"I would like Nicko to be my bodyguard if he doesnt mind" I said nervously.

I look over to my right and look up at him. He is looking down to me with his purple eyes. Thay glow brighter and I think I see stars.

"Ofcourse I would love to be your bodyguard." He says with a soft smile.

Roman let's go of my arm finally and pouting.

"I wish you picked me. We would of had so much fun." He whines and continues pouting.

I place my hand on his shoulder. He pulls away, backing up. He starts crying and runs over to the door at the head of the table. Opening it as quickly as possible and slambs it behind him as he storms off. I feel bad, I look at the floor and sigh. I didnt mean to upset anyone....

"Dont worry about Roman. He is just a spoiled little one. Some day he will understand that you two can still have fun without him being your body guard" Zephenia said to me and nods slowly.

I nod back showing that I have heard him. I cover my mouth with my hands and yawn into them. I haven't slept all night and its morning. I start falling asleep in the chair. Nicko nudges me gently. I open my eyes and look up at him.

"Come on let's go to bed and get you some pjs. You must be so tired from your travils to get here." Nicko said gingerly and helps me stand up.

He takes my hand and leads me to the door across the room. On the opposite side of the door at the head of the table. I look back and wave sleepily too tired to say goodnight. Nicko picks me up like a baby and we leave the room before anyone could say anything.