
Chapter 6


"Ma insists she wants me to get married because you finally got tied down. I don't know about you, but I have no intentions of getting married," Matteo grumbled.

"Maybe a woman would do good for your ass," I said with a smirk.

Matteo's biggest fear was commitment. No one knew why, but whenever his mother held conversations revolving around marriage, he fled the room.

I didn't have to look up from my phone to know he had a horrified look on his face. "No, no, no. Don't you dare tell my mother that. She's inviting you and Giselle over for dinner, and I'd be damned if I let you ruin things for me."

I snorted. "What about Enzo? Your Ma isn't pressing him for a wife?"

Enzo and Matteo were one of my many cousins, but I was closer to them than the others. They were the only ones closer to my age.

That and the fact that I pissed my other uncles off when I put a bullet between my father's eyes at a family meeting. I knew I wouldn't be invited to family dinners soon.

"Enzo has flat-out ignored Ma. He doesn't come to family dinners anymore, and she begged him the last time before he came. She doesn't pester him anymore because of that."

"Well, then maybe you should do the same."

"I've been thinking the same, but she'll probably figure it out, and crack down harder on me."

Forget the fact that we were coldhearted killers. Our mothers always had a chokehold on us. Well, mine did before she passed away a few years before my father did. I didn't have that familial responsibility now.


I tightened my jaw when her name drifted into my head. I had no responsibility toward her except to keep her safe, and that had more to do with me than her. It'd be a slap on the face if something happened to her under my care.

Like I'd conjured the woman, she waltzed into the kitchen dressed in a pair of shorts and cropped tank, with a smile on her face. The smile wasn't directed at me, though. She'd rip off her head before she smiled at me.

I couldn't help it. My eyes wandered down her body the same way every man with a pulse and a pair of eyes would.

She filled her clothes with her generous curves, from her tits down to her wide hips and plump ass. She was only two years younger than me, and puberty had hit her hard.

Gone was the squeamish teenager with glasses and braces who wore baggy clothes to hide her body. In her stead was a woman comfortable in her skin.

I cut my gaze away from her before she could notice I was staring. I shouldn't be staring.

"Hi. I saw you at the wedding," she said, holding her hand out to Matteo. "I'm Elle."

"Matteo." He gave her hand a firm shake before releasing her hand. "Heard you got yourself into trouble yesterday."

"I didn't know I wasn't supposed to be at the hospital, but now that my darling husband has clarified that, I won't make that mistake again."

I arched a brow at her when she beamed at me, her hazel eyes twinkling with amusement.

Darling husband? Did she smoke weed, and now she was talking bullshit?

"I'm making a smoothie for my workout session. Want some?" She asked me.

"No," I replied, my tone gruff.

She shrugged as if to say suit yourself before setting to work on her smoothie. I returned my gaze to the papers I was dealing with.

"These are good numbers. Tell Enzo he's doing a great job."

Enzo didn't involve himself in deep Family crime. He was easily one of the smartest people I'd ever met, hence he handled the books. I knew he wouldn't fuck me over and mess with the money. It was a win-win for both of us.

"Tell our uncles we're having a family meeting to discuss the D'Onofrios immediately after dinner." I put the papers back into the briefcase before shutting it and sliding it across the table.

Matteo nodded, grabbing the briefcase. "I'll be heading out now. Ciao, Giselle."

"Ciao," she said over her shoulder without stopping her task at hand.

I expected her to clam up when Matteo left, but she kept on humming and dancing.

I shook my head.

I couldn't deal with her sudden attitude change. What happened to the woman who wouldn't even leave her bedroom yesterday?

The only explanation I could come up with was Adrienne. Heavens knew the things she filled her head with during their day out.



"I came up with a plan last night," I said to Aunt Adrienne.

I put the call on speakerphone so I could talk and complete my workout session at the same time.

"Does it involve Nicholas getting hurt?"

"More like irritated, but anything is better than nothing, right?"

The sun had peaked out in the sky, its warm rays coming down on my back as I did some donkey kickbacks with a resistance band around my ankles. A bead of sweat slid down my chest.

It was fairly warm, and I was considering skinny-dipping in the pool after my workout, but a guard stood by the sliding doors that led to the backyard.

The backyard was big enough for a pool, a jacuzzi, and space to play if we ever had kids. The thought of bearing Nicholas's children didn't sit well with me when I didn't love the man himself.

"Let me hear it," Aunt Adrienne said, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"He said he married me to make me miserable, and my tears only told him he was doing a good job. What if I pretend like I'm not miserable in our marriage? Wouldn't that irritate him? If he's irritated enough, maybe he will send me packing, and I'll be considered damaged goods by every other man my father plans to get me married to. By the end of all of this, I'll have my life back."

"Your plan is fabulous, sweetie, but-"

My heart dropped. "But what?"

"A man like Nicholas must have a lot of self-control. Don't you think he's built a lot of patience while coming up with his plan to make you miserable?" She wasn't wrong. "It will take a lot for him to break off your marriage."

"But I have to try, right?" I couldn't be a helpless princess, or I'd be stuck with him forever. "It's worth a shot."

"Don't mind me, Elle. Of course, it's worth a shot. Your freedom is worth fighting for. If you succeed, you'll have your freedom and future back."

Then I could finally get the kids, a white picket fence, a loving husband, and maybe a few pets.

"Thanks, Aunt. I needed to hear that."

"Anytime dear. If you need anything, I'm only a phone call away."

I ended the call at the exact time the sliding door opened, and Nicholas walked out of the house, dressed in black slacks, and a black button-down with the sleeves rolled up to display the tattoo on his forearm. His shoes gleamed in the sunlight as he made his way toward me, his jaw set tight.

I had to fight back my eye roll. What did I do to piss him off this time around? I almost scoffed at the question I asked myself. My existence pissed the man off!

I sat on my yoga mat, looking up at him. He blocked the sun with his broad shoulders, allowing me to see him without the sun's interference.

"Do you need something?" I asked, the sweetest smile I could muster in place.

"We're attending a family function tonight."

"A function?"

"It's more like a dinner, but my father's three brothers and their families will be there. It's a huge dinner."

I removed the band around my ankles, rolling up my yoga mat. "What time is it?"


I held the mat underneath my arm, grabbing my phone with one hand before rising to my feet, and turning to face him.

"I'll need a dress."

He looked bored. "No one is expecting you to show up naked, Giselle."

His brows bunched together in a frown. "You'll get me a dress."

"Get you a dress?"

"The leaders of the other four Families provide for their wives, correct? I need a new dress. Unless... you're incapable of providing for your wi-"

He cut me off with a glare. "Don't insult me, Giselle. How much do you need for your dress?" He dug into his pocket, pulling out a wad of cash held together by a paperclip.

I snatched the entire wad from his hand. "This will do."

There were certain things you couldn't do to the men in the Family. You didn't snatch money out of a mafia Don's hand. Especially not one of the cruelest Dons of the five families, but Nicholas barely raised a brow at me.

Please, be annoyed. Ugh, why wasn't he annoyed?

He pulled out another wad from his pocket, holding it up in front of my face. "Let me know if you need more."

I took the money out of his hands, standing on my toes to place a kiss on his cheek. I didn't miss the way he stiffened at the gesture.

Yes! Finally, a reaction I was looking for.

"Thank you. I'll go get ready, husband."

I walked past him, adding an extra sway to my hips as I made my way to the door. All the while, I could feel his eyes burning into my back.

Maybe, this was going to be an easy victory, after all.