

Tell me, what is a girl's standard when they're finding their ideal man? Is it for looks? Good in sports? Rich? Famous? Career? Smart? What if he has it all but lacks in character? Would you still fall in love with someone who never gets contented of having just one girl in his life? Is it possible, that someone like Rhed Sandoval can still change into someone whom you never imagined he would be? What if, he did? But that's also the beginning of him experiencing how bad Karma strikes. Can he deal with it? Can he survive it? Will he be able to learn his lesson?

SakuraRobyn · Politique et sciences sociales
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My name is Rhed Sandoval, 25 years old, who comes from a very rich family. My father owns a big real estate company while my mother owns some luxury hotels and resorts inside and outside the country. With these kind of status there's no doubt that I can get anything that I wanted.

But apart from being rich, not to brag, but I am also gifted with good looks and nice body.

I am talented because I can dance, sing and act. I am also good in sports especially basketball; in which I've won a lot of MVP awards.

I studied in a well-known school since I was in kindergarten until college where I took up Business and Management studies. Actually it is not the course that I wanted, I really wished to be a popular lawyer someday but my father wants me to take up a course that is related to business because all of our business will be pass down to me.

I really don't know if I can handle that kind of pressure but in the back of my immature mind, I felt proud and arrogant; that someday I'll be at the top, bosing everyone around as I give my orders and commands.

I am everything any girl could ever wished for. But there's something that I lack, I know that

I am smart but I'm too lazy. I keep failing on my subjects because of my lack on interest in studying. All I want to do is play basketball and sleep during classes. It's not that I hate studying but I easily get bored and cannot even focus on every subject even for a matter of seconds.

What do I do on my free time??

That's a good question.

I am busy doing something that I really enjoy other than basketball.

Are you curious?

Okay. I'll tell you.

I love playing games with other people's feelings, or rather I love breaking every girls heart. Fingers in both hands and feet of maybe 20 people is not enough to count how many hearts I've broked during my school days.

That's true! I'm not kidding.

I received a lot of cursing with matching slap, kick or even worst punch! But I don't mind any of that because their tears are worth the price.

How did I do that?

It's easy.

I court them, let them feel that I really want them but actually I don't. And because girls can easily fall in love on someone who has good looks I always had the upper hand.

You can also say that I'm really good at this, and every girl who said yes to me expires.

They only last three weeks and then I'll broke up with them and find another new victim. That's how it goes everytime, me; collecting jar of broken hearts and thinking the whole time that it was fun.

If you'll ask me why?

I don't really know..

I just don't like being in a serious relationship. Girls are demanding as hell! I don't want to hear their screeching nags, dealing with their unreasonable attitudes and never ending dramas. They are so hard to understand, so hard to please and never get contented of what you can only give.

If you are asking if there is a history of what have forced me to be like this? Sorry to say, but there is none. My parents scolded me when they've found out what I've been doing but that doesn't stop me from doing what I thought was fun.

Now, the big question is why am I writing my story If I'm the one who hates dramas. That is because I want to share what happened to me that changed me into something more.

From a fucking idiot into a responsible man real quick that I never knew would be possible.

How will I start this?

Maybe, I'll just describe myself again..

"If there's a king for Idiots, I'm sure that I'm the one! There's no doubt about that!"

I can't describe how idiot I've been all this time that made me realize how foolish I've become!

I never imagined that Karma will striked the hell out of me!

Are you all curious?

Are you all wondering now, what happened to me?

If Yes?

Lets start this fucking story ...

It all happened when I was just a second year college student...


TO BE CONTINUED . . . . . .


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
