
Next To You | Jungkook FF

A architecture college student who is appointed to re-design the house that her mom is working for, which ended up falling in love with the son's owner.

Ally_Toms · Fantaisie
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11 Chs



"Ms. Kim Yn."

A stern looking young man walking towards us as he glance at me with

a very strong aura. He greeted both of his parents and turned his

direction to us. I pursed my lips as I remembered the incident at the

school earlier. He fixed his posture and said,

Mr. Jeon:

"It's great that you're already here."

Mrs. Jeon:

"Where's you sister? I thought-"


"Hiii world!"

A high-pitched voice echoed through the hall as I widen my eyes

to see a familiar face. I've seen her before I just forgot where.

She went to her parents and hugged mom. I was surprised

because she was close to my mother.


"Auntie! Where's Sowon-ie?"


"Oh she couldn't come here. How are you? It's been a long time since you

didn't sleep over to our house."

Sleepover? How didn't I notice her in our house? Dang! there are things

that I don't know.


"Ohhh i'm very sorry, i got too busy with all the stuff my dad gave everyday."

Mr. Jeon smiled as Mrs. Jeon did too. They both know how hardworking

their daughter is. Meanwhile, Jungkook has been surprised with all the

sudden things happening.

Mrs. Jeon:

"So, this is my daughter Somi and she didn't the view of the house.

I'm very sorry Mrs. Kim, you had to deal again with the designs."

Mrs. Kim:

"It's fine, as long as the amount matches the needs for this designs."

Mr. Jeon:

"Jungkook, you will be working with Yn for the designs, since you both

are architecture students."

I nodded politely as I act professional in front of him. Jungkook glance

at his father and to me with a smile and back to his stern look.

Does he have a kind of bipolar thingy?


"I am really glad to work with you Ms. Yn."

He said with a smile as I do the same in a professional way.

This is work Yn-ah. You just have to work and you'll gonna be paid.

Dining room

Next day

We were eating breakfast with Sowon and our parents. Sowon's phone

started to ring as we diverted our eyes towards her.


"Who the-"

When she saw the caller ID, she immediately turned her mood into

a happy one. Then we continued eating.


"So, Yn, we'll be going to the house from today on to start the work."

I nodded at her statements and dad started to speak.


"Hun, have you told her about the structure of the house?"


"Don't worry, i'll be with her."

I smiled at dad and he held my hand.


"you don't know how proud i am to have you both."


"Thank you dad!"


"So, i'll meet you later! Okay! bye!"

Jungkook living room

I roam around the house as I stop at the master's bedroom.

Masterbedroom Jungkook

I sketch out my thoughts about what suits for men's type of

bedroom. The door swang open as I divert my eyes to the entrance.


"Hey, uhm, how long have you been waiting?"


"Oh, not that long."

I said as I continued my sketching. He sat beside me as he peek through

the sketch.


"I'm not a kid, okay? why do we need those?"

He said, pointing at my sketch. I looked at him in confuse look.


"I'm a grownup Yn. you should think about something adult."


"I'll try another one."

I tried sketching it again, erasing all the drawings I drew.


"You should make it something, manly and cool and dark."

This guy is getting into my nerves. I sighed and pursed my lips

think about something what he says.


"I'll go out and check the others. Make sure to show me something

when i go back."

I rolled my eyes off him without him noticing it.

Why would he be this rude when he was kind to me yesterday?

Few hours later

Mom had gave me lunch and I had to eat quickly while I think about what

design. I mean, I should take this seriously because we're being paid

for our work and we need to do our job efficiently.

I shoved one big spoonful of rice to my mouth as I look for some

dark pastel colors for the room. I heard some heels tapping against

the granite floor.


"What do you think you're doing?"

I looked up to see Jungkook standing with his annoyed look on

his face.


"I'm sorry, i needed to eat, my stomach-"


"So did you have it?"

I was taken aback by his sudden words. why is he even rushing?

What i heard yesterday was different from today. I thought

we were going to work on this together.

I sighed deeply and stood up, showing him what i sketched.

He took it from my hands and scanned through it.


"What the? Is this what you got?"


"Are you blind? or what? you know what, your mom told me that

we will work about this and you agreed to it. You also need to

give me your opinions and suggestions."


"That's your job!"


"Are you kidding me? do you want me to tell your mom about this?"


"Okay okay! Fine, just don't."


"I won't spend the whole day sketching your bedroom. Your house

is huge and I also have to help my mom to design the kitchen,

the balcony, and other places in this house."

He was blankly looking at me. I approached him as he stepped back.


"Do you have any problem about the sketch regarding to your room?

Cuz, if none, i won't spend so much time dealing with this and

that attitude of yours."


"Mr. Jeon Jungkook, i'm doing my best on this. I don't want to fail

my mother expectations. If my ideas doesn't matches yours then

why don't you decide your own designs since you're also a

architecture student?"

I rolled my eyes and was about to leave when he spoke,


"Remember, I am the owner of this house!"


"I know that, and remember I am the who designs your house."


"Yn, this is just the first day, and you give me that kind of attitude."


"I treat people fairly. I do my best in all the work i do. This is just the

first day, and we have more days and weeks to work with each other.

So, please, let's do it professionally. Hmm?"

Jungkook thought that Yn was a little feisty and decided to

be more stern and bossy. He pinned Yn against the wall.


"W-what the-"


"You know what? why don't-"



I heard my mom shouted from the living room. I quickly pushed off

Jungkook making him stumble down to the ground.



I stick out my tongue to him and rolled my eyes, heading out of the room.


"You'll definitely get it, Yn."