
First Encounter: part 2

Sera's POV:

I swear my jaw would have dropped if I wasn't so adept in keeping a poker face. He's tall, even for our kind. I'd guess 6'10"; definitely close to seven feet. Dark brown hair that tapers up his head into longer, fluffy locks. It's pushed back in a messy way and one rebellious strand falling on his tan face. Arched brows, leading to dark lashes that make me slightly jealous. Those amazing lashes frame the most striking part of his face...his eyes. Double irises; gold fanning into deep red like molten lava. My eyes got caught in his for a little too long as it felt like all the oxygen was sucked from my lungs and my heart would beat out of my chest. Goddess, that was cheesy, but it's how I felt.

Continuing my investigation, my eyes roamed over his straight nose, down to his defined cupid's bow that points like an arrow towards his kissable lips. His otherwise perfectly clear skin is shadowed by stubble that runs along his sharp jaw.

My investigation ended at his neck where I got mesmerized, watching his prominent adam's apple as it bobs up and down. Now that I had stopped staring, I became aware that he was doing the same. I could feel his gaze following my every movement, from the rapid rise and fall of my chest to the fluttering of my lashes. I could feel it all. I bit my bottom lip, pulling it through my teeth before releasing it and licking the slight metallic taste from it. Something I do when I'm nervous, which is rare.

I was snapped from my thoughts by the sound of his low growl. I craned my neck upwards to observe his face once more and found his eyes locked on my lips. My nervous actions must have set him off somehow, I concluded.

It was then that I realized we had been standing in the middle of the dance floor without saying a word. The momentary haze of meeting my mate for the first time cleared slightly as I glanced around to see if any eyes were on us.

Luckily, no one seemed to notice our meeting like they did Kitty and Caleb's, so I turned around and spoke to him over my shoulder, "Private booth?"

He simply nodded and stepped past me to lead the way up the stairs and down to hall to the booth that Silas and I exited not long ago. I took the key fob from the tray the butler was holding and stepped inside. I heard the click of the door closing and tried to walk to the couch across the room but immediately found myself pinned against the wall.

Both my hands clasped tightly above my head in one of his. His other arm snaked around my waist. I could feel his muscular torso pressed flat against my back trough his expensive suit. My breath quickened as I felt the sparks that danced on my skin in all the places we touched and breathed his alluring scent; like smoke and cedar wood with cinnamon undertones. He smells like a warm, spicy beverage on a cool day after a storm. Oddly specific, right?

I tried to speak but I couldn't even hear a coherent thought in my head, never mind voicing any complaints. Accessing the situation, I can't think over my wolfs panting and howling so I immediately locked her in my subconscious. I can't speak because I'm too busy holding my breath so I decided to breath first. I took a long, deep breath; surprised at how serene I felt with his scent enveloping me and his large body cornering me.

'The mate bonds affects are stronger than I thought'. This conclusion came from the fact that I've never liked being touched. In fact, I'd go as far to say I hate human contact. But this touch, his touch, doesn't make me uncomfortable in the slightest. I feel at ease, as if I could finally catch up on the much deserved sleep I haven't had in years.

Pulling myself together, I spoke, "Normally people would exchange names first." I couldn't help it. Sarcasm is a defensive mechanism for me as it actively redirects my embarrassment.

I heard him take a deep breath before letting out a low chuckle. The sound of which made my knees go weak and if not for him holding me, I'm confident I would have fallen.

I felt him take a step back and release my hands but he continued holding my waist. I was honestly grateful he didn't stop touching me completely as I was already missing his warmth.

He used the hand on my hip to spin me around and face him while he gazed down at me. "Hello mate, I'm known as Prince Draven Micheal Woods of Devils Moon. I'm happy to finally meet you." He said in his sultry voice and I almost felt my knees give out again.

'Get it together Sera!' I scolded myself internally.

"I'm Princess Seraphina Devi-Rose Duval of Purple Eclipse." I announced, doing a happy dance in my head that my words came out correct.

Though, my victory was short lived as I noticed his panty-dropping smile vanished after my introduction. His grip on my hips loosened as he took multiple steps back as if I disgusted him.

Anger. I was angry at the loss of warmth from his hands and eyes. His face was now devoid of any emotion as he stared at me like he never touched me. Like he didn't want me.

"Is there a problem?" I asked lowly. Rage seeping out of my words as frost covered my vision. I saw the light blizzard dancing around me as a cool breeze flowed between us. The floor beneath me turning into a thin sheet of ice. My control was slipping but that was the least of my worries.

'Is he seriously going to reject me?'

I laughed at my pitiful self in my head. I'd never longed for a mate like most she-wolves, but I never thought that my mate might reject me. Call me cocky, but I can't think of a single reason he'd not want me. Hell, I've only spoken one sentence.

So why? Why did he back away from me? Why is he glaring at me like that? And most importantly, why does the thought of him leaving hurt so bad? In my state of panic, my mask broke and I accidentally voiced my concerns.

"Why?" One word. I said only one word, but my voice cracked. I sounded as if I'd cry at that moment but my senses came back to me when I saw the guilt and panic that took over his expression. It made me happy that my sadness had some affect on him.

'Pathetic'. I scolded inwardly myself once again. I've never needed anyone and I sure as hell don't need this rando's validation. I shouldn't care if my emotions have any affect on him. Mate or not, it doesn't matter because everything I'm feeling is fake. A forced bond; a decision made by a higher entity.

My control was back and the ice hissed as it thawed. He just stood there, looking concerned but not saying anything. His hands gripped in tight fists at his side.

I scoffed and made my way towards the couch. I sat with my legs crossed and leaned my head back as I closed my eyes.

'Emotions are draining'. I thought as I recalled why I fake most of mine.

"If you're unwilling to tell me the problem, you may take your leave." I said with my eyes still closed. But, deep down, I really wanted know what was bothering him. If it's an issue with me I could consider fixing it.

"Hahhh," I head him sigh before he sat in the chair across from me. I peaked one eye open to appreciate the regal sight before me. He sat with his back straight and his arms resting on either side of him on the arms rests of the chair. His presence is demanding and at that moment I thought I'd do anything he asked me to.

We sat in silence for a few seconds, sizing each other up. After what felt like an eternity, he asked, "Are you aware of the scouts your alpha has sent to my territory?"

My face was blank but what he asked shook me to my core. Father had already started his plans. Soon, he'd order me to lead the men I've trained into battle. Father never told me directly that he wants me to slaughter enough Devils Moon pack members until they surrender their land. But I'm no idiot and I always knew he was training me for something; I just didn't know what.

Now I know, he's going to order me to annihilate my mates pack.