
Continental Ball

After her monologue, Sera glanced and her friend and took in her appearance. Kitty is what most would call purely sinful. She has waist length curly red hair, pale skin with a little freckling across her nose, and big baby blues. She's shorter than most she-wolves and has exaggerated curves in all the right places. Her nickname is the exact opposite of her personality. Kitty isn't docile and cute; she's a firecracker. She's loud, proud, and short tempered. But she knows her limits and is extremely loyal and determined. She's a beta wolf and currently works as one of Sera's most loyal and powerful warriors. Her specialty lies in battle strategies and tracking. Sera then looked to her brother, whom she admires most in this world. He's tall, even for wolves, and stands around 6 foot 10 inches with broad shoulders and thighs sturdier than the trunk of an old oak tree. He takes after their mother, with golden blonde hair and piercing green eyes. His face is chiseled and tan with a little scruff decorating his jaw. The only feature of Axel's that doesn't scream testosterone is his curly lashes that frame his emerald eyes. If the looks weren't enough to drop the she-wolves to their knees then get a load of this; he's a perfect gentleman. Kitty's firecracker character along with Axel's gentle personality both contradict Sera's cold and aloof one. Sera never speaks on matters she deems unimportant and is always on guard against others. The three of them are all very different but they mix harmoniously.

Suddenly, the peaceful atmosphere is ruined by the sound of a loud gasp and Kitty's chair screeching across the floor as she jumped to her feet. "The Continental Ball is right around the corner! Sera you have to come with me! My folks are actually forcing me to go this year. If I don't go, they said they won't sign my entry form for Academy!" Kitty exclaimed. "They wouldn't do that and you know it. Your parents want you to be a Royal Guard more than you do." Sera stated apathetically. Kitty knew she wouldn't get Sera to come easily, so she used her trump card. She put on a pitiful expression and looked at Axel through her shaking lashes. Axel immediately got the hint and said, "Sera, you know how much working under you as a Royal Guard means to Kitty. Don't be so quick to deny her loyalty. Besides, in the case that Kitty's parents aren't kidding, you lose one of your best warriors." Axel spoke slowly and calmly, as if coaxing a child. Sera was flabbergasted at her brother taking someone else's side because he normally gives into all of her whims without question. But not this time, Axel actually wanted Sera to attend the ball in hopes of finding her mate. She turned 18 almost 8 months ago and hadn't made any effort to find her mate. No parties, no traveling; she just stays in the castle, training and studying all day. It's Axel's belief that once she finds her mate, she'll lose her apathetic and uncaring demeanor. Sera glanced between the two of them with an expressionless face before calmly replying, "If she truly wanted to attend Academy, then why is my presence necessary? She could always attend the ball alone." Just as Sera completed her sentence, they heard the sound of familiar footsteps and a warm apple pie scent filled their noses. *knock knock* "Come in," Sera called after the sound. The door clicked open and an older looking woman walked in gracefully with her hands linked in front of her. She had long brown hair with a few greys peeking out and warm hazel eyes. The smile lines and crows feet resting on her face adds to her gentle, motherly appearance. "Princess," the woman called. "His Majesty wishes to speak to you in his study," she stated with a small smile. Sera stood slowly and elegantly, her every move appeared practiced and perfected. "Yes, thank you, Auntie Mack." Sera stated, dismissing to older women known as Auntie Mack. She bid goodbye to her guests and made her way through the extravagant castle towards her fathers study. Sera hadn't had a good relationship with her parents since she was 8 years old, when they discovered her second element after ice; lightning. A year later, they discovered her advanced physic abilities. All wolves have some amount of physic abilities, the most basic being mind link, the ability to communicate through psyches with anyone in the same pack and/ or mates. When they first discovered Sera's ability, she had mind linked a random rogue snooping in their territory. Now, after almost ten years of practice, she can perform feats from compulsion to telekinesis. After realizing her power, Sera's parents no longer saw their daughter as their child, but a tool to gain territory. Sera's training regimen is never ending; they wanted to raise a killing machine.

As Sera rounded the corner to the hallway of her fathers study, she activated her hearing and tried to listen to his conversation, hoping to get an idea of why she was summoned. But, as expected, his sound proofing wards were on and strong as ever. Sera stood in front of the door and raised her hand to knock. Before her knuckles could touch the wood she heard a deep "come in, girl," from the other side. She took a deep breath and opened the door. "Take a seat, darling." Her father, Maxwell Lucas Duval, said with what he thought was a gentle smile. Sera nodded and took in the room while she made her way to the chair across from his. Plush red carpet, dark walls with wooden accents, mahogany book shelves lined with ancient scripts and battle techniques, and in front of the large floor to ceiling window sat a grand desk matching the bookshelves. The study screams wealth and power. This is not the first time for Sera entering her fathers study. He often summons her here; like they were business partners rather than father and daughter.

"Hello father," Sera smiled, "why have you called me today?"

"I felt that you achieved level 5 today. Congratulations, you've made me proud, once again." Maxwell stated while Sera fought not to roll her eyes.

"Yes, I have. Thank you"

Sera watched as her father fell into thought. The gentle smile on his face slowly turning sinister; he was obviously plotting. Sera cleared her throat to get his attention, "Ahem. I'm sure there's more reason as to why you've summoned me."

"Ah yes," Maxwell snapped from his thoughts, "I wanted to discuss the Continental Ball. I think it's about time you attended it." He claimed he wanted to discuss it, but his tone was that of a demand. The Continental Ball is an event held for the elites of each continent. Alphas, covenant leaders, pure blood vampires, even high up humans are invited to attend. And before you ask, yes, all humans are aware of the supernaturals that crawl the same planet as them. The humans inhabit the Wind Continent for the most part, but some humans choose not to live in fear and travel to continents regardless of the creatures that roam. The ball is held on the Wind Continent to avoid problems; human territory is considered neutral ground. The purpose of the ball is to make connections and brag about wealth and power, but they will always claim it's to ward off animosity between different species of sups. Over the years, the ball has gained a reputation of an event that many lucky elites find their fated ones. Their mates.