

Playing an ordinary game online to a world that is old and forgotten, exists under the scope of the world as we know it today, a world that has lasted for centuries.

Domswisu · Fantaisie
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127 Chs

Chapter 98

Catherine forcefully pulled Samantha hair back so she could watch the view that was now unfolding in front of her. Daria placed herself into a position letting her fingers rub between her legs making sure all-in front of her could see.

For every time, Samantha was at the point to cum Catherine would slap the puffy lips between Samantha's legs. Several times as the cry's filled the room Daria divine body would quiver as she slides ever so slightly up and down on me watching Catherine hand make the delightful sound of pain.

After twenty minutes or so Catherine stopped, the red marks that were no longer able to define as handprints littered over the breasts of Samantha as they glowed red. Samantha's pudenda bright red and wet from her not being able to control her body caused her more pain. Samantha's face told the story of fatigue, surrender, and pleasure.

Daria was entirely satisfied with the performance and my phallus leaving me inside her long after I had erupted. She loved the feeling of shrinking phallus inside her. How the once hard member slowly shrank knowing she was the cause of it laying back on me as we watched the performance of Catherine.

After several hours of Catherine interrogation of Samantha, all the info that was needed was inspired out of her. Proudly Catherine sat leaning up against Samantha with a sly cat-like smile. Write before Catherine was about to speak. I asked the question that was on my mind. "Catherine, how did you find Samantha so quickly?

" Please forgive me, my King." She reached for her small bag in the corner of the room taking out a card. "I acquired her number before we left the plane so I just called her and asked when she will be back in the country. By good luck, she already had returned from the United States and with a quick response we grabbed her at the same hotel that we had met before. A quick snatch and grab I presume you would say, Sir.

"I see." Putting out my hand for her to continue with what she was going to say.

"It seems that Samantha" Catherine placed her hand on Samantha's knee making her shiver from the touch. "Is a daughter of one of the demon lords." That the bite on your shoulder is the transfer of a poison they produce when they mate. Now we know that demons only have about one child in their lifetime and for that reason there are few found. The women of the demon guild oversee of the families. They have higher standings in the families than the men have. The one thing the men in the demon family seem to have been the capacity to sense the feelings of others. The males behold the truth or feeling of people in the room with them.

Now explaining why, I can feel my girls' feelings running through the right side of my body, but I kept this to myself. This could be a big advantage I thought.

Stacks continued "It also seems that our little pet here has had the child already."