

Playing an ordinary game online to a world that is old and forgotten, exists under the scope of the world as we know it today, a world that has lasted for centuries.

Domswisu · Fantaisie
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127 Chs


I reached my house about 7 pm. made myself bacon wrapped chicken for dinner that I prepared the night before with rice and broccoli. After, I took my shower to clean the basement smell and grime off me feeling the roughness of my hands as they seem always to get after work. After the shower, I looked myself over in the mirror flexing certain body parts. Then put on my boxers walked over to the couch turned the TV on to watch some of my shows that I had taped the night before. I stopped watching TV walked over to the computer and signed in on Utherverse. Not even five seconds on I started to get PM'd (private message by other players in the game) when I noticed one of them was Daria.

"Hello my little Rose and how we are this splendid day," I said.

"I am well Sir I hope all is well on your end," Daria asked.

"Outstanding as always," I said

Daria is also going to be going to Costa Rica for this gathering of the family. (The family is a group of people that take the same last name. for instance I was just Tagem but now my name is Tagem NewBlood).

She was telling me that she was almost finished packing, tickets ready to print and cannot wait to meet everyone for real in Costa Rica. She explained that she will be a day or two later then I will be there because of an emergency at work but promised she will be there.

Daria and I had become friends because of the family that she belonged too. The NC family is a Vampire family that has different fraction within itself. Daria is in the DNC as for myself I am in the NewBlood Family. The difference between Daria's family and mine is that mine is a free flowing family. I have only five members in my family compare to Daria's family, which will run to fifty people at some points of the game. I meet Daria by accident at one of the NC family outings. I knew her little sister in the family which was the one I was going to see when I meet Daria. Ever since then we had a connection that is active to this day.

The funny thing about it all was the leader of my family Vixen is one of the Queen's in Daria's NC family. Queen Vixen CNC had been a good friend of mine long before she even joined the NC family. It also turned out that Daria a sister on the online world as well, meaning she was made vampire by the same mother as Vixon within the NC family.

I know there is a lot of information right there. DNC, NC, CNC are just fractions of the same family in the game.