
New Worlds' Extra: Dream Forge Legacy

Even the main character starts at the start line. imagine if you were suddenly thrown in the unknown world, only to realize it was a novel that you were writing. the cover isn't mine i took it from pinterest if you are the creator and don't want me to use it please massage me and i will gladly take it off

WriteOnovel · Fantaisie
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24 Chs

Outside of Academy [3]


Astral Profile


Name: Cian Eldwood

Age: 18

Rank limit: B-

Nexus Affinity: Ether Glow ★★★☆☆{13.5% left to evolve}

Nexus Affinity Mastery: F-

Nexus Affinity Abilities:

-Mesmerize (Active): When employed, the "Mesmerize" ability enhances the user's beauty and can momentarily distract opponents for 1-5 seconds, based on their mental resilience. It activates automatically when facing serious danger, diverting attention away from the threat. mana cost: 5

-body coating (active): This ability envelops the user's body in white flames, leading to improved regenerative capabilities and elevating their defense by one minor tier) mana cost: 0.25 every second

Overall Rank: F+

Strength: F

Defense: G+

Stamina: F+

Endurance: F-

Agility: F-

Intellingence: ???

Charm: E-

Mana Power: E

Mana Control: F-

Mana Capacity: E

Bloodline Abilities: {locked}

Soulbound Abilities: none

Skills: none

Martial arts: {locked} (grows with you and helps you with your training)

Silent god of white energy (can be changed) {can be only used when you are in guaranteed lethal situation}


Rising from my slumber at 7 am, I took a bracing cold shower before indulging in a delectable breakfast. Teeth freshly brushed, I headed straight to the train station, fully aware that this marked the final day of my rest period. Determinedly checking my astral profile, I murmured softly, "Seems like the unrelenting two weeks of training have paid off."

Stepping off the train, I found myself immersed in the vibrant shopping district. My immediate priority was acquiring a suitable swimsuit, essential for getting the perfect hand-to-hand combat technique, a pursuit that necessitated a venture into the river. Nexoria, my current realm, held a trifecta of intriguing phenomena – dungeons, rifts, and gates. Dungeons, both physical and mental, offered distinct challenges. Physical dungeons housed monsters, culminating in a final boss encounter, while mental dungeons were akin to labyrinths brimming with puzzles and enigmas dungeons also have their own personality.

Rifts, on the other hand, were like cosmic fractures, granting access to alternate realms. Entering a rift could reveal entirely new worlds, sometimes inhabited by civilizations but more often exhibiting unique landscapes like sky islands, quaint villages, or untouched forests. Unlike dungeons and gates, rifts didn't close and were exceptionally rare. Only sentient races, not animals, could traverse these portals.

Gates bore semblance to dungeons but were cloaked in an aura-specific element. A fire gate, for instance, only permitted entry to fire-affinity users. The inner sanctum of such a gate would likely correspond to its element – in the case of fire, it might lead to a volcanic setting.

My attention shifted to the task at hand, and I navigated the shopping district to secure a swimsuit. Opting for practicality over extravagance, I made my purchase. The upcoming dungeon I intended to conquer was tailored to puzzles and illusions, and my current knowledge granted me a significant advantage.

As I arrived at a river that meandered through the natural surroundings, I changed into the swimsuit, packing my belongings within the dimensional ring. In this aquatic setting, I adopted an air of anticipation, bracing myself for the challenges ahead. With a swift change, I submerged beneath the water's surface, the river's depths now my domain.

The elusive cave that marked the entrance to the dungeon was my goal. Struggling against my dwindling breath, I encased my head in a protective barrier, allowing me a few precious moments more to explore. My determination surpassed the constraints of the mundane world.

And there it was, the entrance to the dungeon. I had didn't describe of the interior from my novel, leaving me genuinely excited to experience it firsthand. Crossing its threshold, I was transported to an entirely different realm. The scene that greeted me was a nocturnal landscape, and I found myself moving with purpose.

Unexpectedly, a figure brandishing a gun materialized before me. His intentions were clear as he demanded, "Drop everything you have." I recalled the rules – within dungeon, death mirrored reality, making every choice a matter of life and death. Understanding resistance would lead to my demise, I complied, surrendering my possessions.

A blue screen materialized before me, posing a question: "How many rules does Dream Forge Nexus have?" It was an inquiry tailored to the current moment, an answer that remained elusive as the contemporary people of Nexoria were unfamiliar with the entirety of the rules. My response formed, "In total, there are 1468 rules."

As I contemplated my response, a peculiar sensation engulfed me. Something was amiss – I should have already transcended this realm, back in the real world. My thoughts faltered, mired in an abrupt realization.

Waking up, I stretched my body with a sense of anticipation. Today marked the first day of my 11th-grade school year, and I was determined to make it count. My resolve was clear – I would attempt to make at least one friend and stand up against the bully who had tormented me for too long. Today was the day to change my narrative.

After a quick session of brushing my teeth, I donned my school uniform and set off for the school. The first class on the schedule was physics, a subject I relished. Entering the classroom, I surveyed the scene – there were a total of 28 seats, organized in pairs, and I found myself seated alone. The isolation was palpable, a stark reminder of my outsider status.

However, I refused to give in to defeat. I steeled my resolve, reminding myself that I couldn't abandon the pursuit of making connections. I would approach someone after class, I promised myself, and take that crucial step towards friendship. But amid my thoughts, an unusual sensation stirred within me, a strange premonition that something was off.

My focus shifted as the teacher called upon me to explain a question to the class. Nerves tingling, I stood up and proceeded to elucidate the intricate details of the problem and its resolution. To my dismay, the reaction was far from positive – the expressions of my classmates soured, a mixture of disdain and scorn. The class ended, leaving me vulnerable to my tormentor, Eric.

He wasted no time in cornering me, his aggression manifesting in physical violence. Though I mustered the courage to resist, my efforts were in vain. I was powerless against his might. Then, an unexpected gunshot rang out, jolting me from my disoriented state. The scene before me was surreal – a group of assailants had infiltrated the school, instigating a rampage.

Chaos ensued as the group targeted anyone who hadn't managed to flee. In this dire moment, I seized Eric by the leg, preventing his escape. Inexplicably, one of the assailants spared me and commended my actions with a chilling "well done." As I looked around, the school was enveloped in cries of agony. Amid the chaos, I realized I was the sole survivor in my classroom – the reason being my failed attempt to flee with Eric.

The weight of my actions crashed upon me with overwhelming force. I was a killer, a fact I couldn't deny. Confusion, anger, sorrow, and a twisted sense of happiness swirled within me. And amid this turmoil, a curious calmness overtook my senses, a half of me seemingly unaffected by the horror that had just unfolded.

My emotions spiraled out of control as I wrestled with the implications of my actions. Soon, the authorities arrived, escorting me to the hospital. I was the only survivor from my classroom, and the school stood as a grim testament to the horror that had transpired.

After a fitful sleep, I awoke once more in my room. The date was 21 August again – a disorienting revelation that left me perplexed. Had I truly returned to the previous day? The surreal nature of the situation was difficult to grasp, but I couldn't deny the evidence before me.

Driven by a desire to change the outcome, I contemplated not attending school, foreseeing the impending invasion. Four hours of agonizing anticipation later, the news confirmed my worst fears. I grappled with guilt, questioning why I hadn't reported my foreknowledge to the authorities. But the fear of suspicion outweighed my moral compass.

Sleep eluded me as the weight of my guilt and confusion pressed upon me. When sleep finally claimed me, I found myself back in my room on 21 August. The cycle had begun anew, the loop persisting. Desperation pushed me to contemplate various possibilities – schizophrenia, dreams, or the inexplicable time loop that seemed to bind me.

As I pinched my finger with a knife, the pain confirmed the reality of my situation. There was no escaping the relentless repetition, and my heart sank as I realized I was truly trapped in this endless loop of time.