
72. Breaking up

''Interesting...'' Liu Mei just sipped on her tea when she heared rumors. ''If they want to play that way, let them. Its not like I will die hungry in this palace. Close the main door. From this moment no one is to enter, not even Emperor. Send a message that I will retire for a bit and celebrate the rain and prosperity for people. He should go not bother about such insignificant woman.''

Then she looked at Hua Roulan. ''Kill anyone who comes close to this place. I do not care even if its shadow guard on his side. No one will have permission to get close to my place. I am locking myself down for a while.''

She smiled brightly. ''Let's see how they plan to play against me. I am waiting for great play.''

Xiao Ran nodded and made orders. Suddenly the whole palace was under warning as suddenly a bunch of people appeared around her palace to protect her.

Emperor roared in fury. ''They said what?!'' He threw a large ink block and nearby people that were kneeling scaring them witless. His voice became ice cold. ''Oh, it seems you people have your plans as well. Good! Let's prepare for Rehoicing Ceremony. Bring all the monks from the mountain, even the old man, and bring those people. No wrong said. Officially invite them to enter the palace and join the celebration. Call all the ministers in our government with their families to join the celebration and call all the Noble Ladies to join.''

A small servant suddenly approached shaking like leaf on strong wind and presented the scroll. ''Imperial Noble Consort sent a message...'' He chocked as he knew the content of the message but had to do it as Liu mei was his mistress.

Emperor opened the scroll and paled. Then he looked at Liu Shen and General Hua and waved with the scroll towards them. ''Who is the meaning fo this?''

Lord Liu stood up from his seat and bowed deeply towards Emperor. ''She heard auspicious news about someone bringing great prosperity to our country and chose to pull back in name of people. She said she will celebrate the happiness of the country in her walls and not let anyone be bothered about her existence. After all, it was not her who saved the country than someone else.''

his voice was neither bitter or cold. Calm and collected and.. estranged. He didn't even look at Emperor anymore while he spoke.

Emperors heart thumped. With a whisper, he spoke further. ''She is my wife and I will never let her go. Tell her that, ever!''

Liu Shen nodded and rose his head to look at the Emperor. ''Imperial Noble Consort Liu knew that you wills aid that. She said it is fine. One year is not long. She will watch. But she said as well another thing. the promise she made is real. The complete promise... I have no idea what is she talking about but she ordered that no one should get near her place, including you, Your Highness.''

Few ministers jumped and started screaming...

''How does she dare!''


''She is just a woman in the back yard she dared to speak to Emperor like that?!''

More and more ministers jumped to yell and scream while old nobles became quiet and just stood calmly on the side with the bowed head but straight back.

Emperor felt for the first time terror rising in his heart. So far he always got what he wanted. After all, he is the Emperor. Even if he knew that her heart and body was his, but can he captivate her soul? He knew if he makes the wrong move now, his least problem will be to save the country as it was stable and had strong ground, but if he loses her...

All rulers had that stroke of greatness and selfishness. He wanted her whole but knew that at the same time he had to think about other things. A tiny bit of anger grew in his heart and he just chuckled. ''Good. If that is her wish, then so be it. From now on Imperial Noble Consort can pray as much she wants. Let's see how long she can handle this situation. It seems her naming got her into her head. Good, good then let's take the Imperial of the name. I am lowering her status to Noble Consort. But she can keep her place. After all, I gifted to her.''

Liu Shen didn't even wince as he spoke those words. ''Thank you, your Highness, for your appointment. I shall then let her know about her new appointed name.'' Without even ounce of bitterness, he bowed his head and while he was still bowed backed out the Grat Hall leaving him with a furious expression.

One of the lower Ministers in the Ministry of Rites had to comment. ''His Honor Duke Liu seems to have to big head since ou gave him his noble name again...'' But stopped as he suddenly felt death glare from all sides, including Emperor.

''Are you saying that I am foolish Emperor that do not know anything? Or are my Edicts meaningless, again?'' he sat down on his chair while everyone including General Hua kneeled and lowered their heads to the floor as they could feel darkness emanating from his body. ''I guess people easily forget how unreasonable I am when I don't kill person every few days. Sixt Minister of Rites, Meng Lu is to be sent to the southern regions to protect our sea of sand. I think a bit sun will help you defrost some of your brain cells that as it seems didn't get enough heat these days.''

He waved his hand and few guards jumped, knocked the dazed minister out and dragged him outside while Emperor stared at them with a huge smile. ''Usually, my ancestors would say that they don't care what is going on in your mind and hearts, but in such times, I do. I don't trust either one of you. Including old Nobles. So all of you now get out my eyes and come back for the celebration. That's it... now SCRAM!''

As they left even the nobles from old families had pale faces and that was a clear sign that no one was pared. The new Ministers were actually even more petrified as they saw the state of old Nobles. If he lowers Imperial Noble Consort appointment even before the appointment, what he will do with their daughters.

With heavy expression, Emperor sat on the horse and was about to go towards the Palace of Forgotten Sun. But when he got close and saw all the soldiers surrounding her walls h stopped.

''She really closed the doors?'' He looked at the huge warning sign on her door and shook his head. ''Is she really like that? Does that mean she actually never had me in her heart?''

He wanted to be next to her, right now. Wanted to explain the complexity of the situation, but he knew as well her stubbornness. In his heart rose anger. Unintentionally he spat out words that he regretted for a long time. ''Just a woman, how does she dare?''

But then saw Hua Roulan standing in the open door and Liu Mei behind her as well with frozen expression. He could see that she was about to smile and invite him in but as he said that her eyes suddenly clouded and became cold and expressionless.

She came out and bowed deeply to the ground. ''This WOMAN gives greeting to your Highness. As I am just a woman then let's do as I said before. From now on, live your life as you planned and forget my existence. In one year I will be gone anyway.''

He stepped forward but saw her quickly retreating while Hua Roulan stepped in front of her protectively. He wanted to lash out but saw crazy light passing her eyes and not only her eyes. All her servants suddenly surrounded Liu Mei and slowly pushed her back.

''You are my woman for eternity. Nothing can change that.'' He roared but saw her stopping and looking at him with completely empty eyes.

''I supposed to be the woman that is to save this country from drought. But as I am not all the Edicts so far mean nothing. They are annulled. If we can speak legally, I was just someone who shared your bed. Don't fret too much over it, after all her royal Highness the future Empress might get angry. Your promises and words are like a paper boat in the big river. Gone long ago or swallowed by the tides of the political sea. Me and you... Are nothing. That name... hahahaha. No thank you. You can keep it for noblewomen like those noble girls. I am after all someone who already had another man in my life and by any normal logic shouldn't be even close to this place. Your Highness, let's break our sheep fate. It was not meant to be. One year... it's too wasteful. On both sides. Goodbye.''

She turned her head and the sudden sound of the door banging close resounded like a huge gong throughout the palace leaving some people happy but most scared.

Why scared?

Because they knew him. He became softer and smiled more. His bloodthirstiness became non-existent since she came, but if she leaves, this place will be the city of scary ghosts.

Even the twins knew that fact and became pale as they found out. ''We need to speak to her. She can't leave now. If she leaves and he becomes again the unreasonable Emperor like before... we are all dead.''

But Lei Li scoffed. ''Why are you scared? If she leaves we will have a chance to rise...''

He Ying and He Jiao shook their heads. ''You are a fool. For us becoming even Noble Consorts, skipping whole procedure and going so high is do to her. Even if she became Empress she wouldn't slight us, as she is such a person. But if that princess becomes his woman, what do you think how long we will be left unscathed?''

But stubbornness could be seen on Lei Li's face. ''Why would he choose some foreigner as his Empress if he has us?''

the two girls from He family just shook their heads and walked away from her while she went to meet someone who could conspire even more than she could.