
New Universe New Me

A guys is sent on a mission on a parallel universe world of Earth to recreate popular impactful movies, TV shows, video Games, Manga and Comics in this new universe fro. his previous universe

James_Smith_6565 · Urbain
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next day

The next day after waking up brushing his teeth, washing his face, and taking a shower Jay talked to Aria in his head as he sat in his chair near his computer in his room

Jay: "Aria sign me in but first let me run something by you real quick and let me get your opinion on this I'm thinking about maybe just maybe I can make Nicki Minaj of this universe also a movie star since in my previous life I remember that she was in some movies and voice acted in some Tv shows but I'll still try to get her to be the queen of Rap like she was in my previous life but I feel this Nicki is more talented than that Nicki from my previous life and it would be a waste if this universe's Nicki didn't achieve her full potential".

Aria: "Sign-in complete. Today's acquisition includes knowledge of video editing and production, as well as insights into the early stages of the internet and its future potential for media distribution the skills of an Intermediate film/movie director and Comic and Manga Artists, and The host has gained the scripts and knowledge of production of the manga, TV shows, and Movies of Halloween '78, Scream '96, He-man series '80s, Dragon Ball manga, X-men: animated series, Batman: The animated series, Batman: The Dark Knight Returns and Batman '89," Aria informed him.

Jay: "This is great now I can go to Wonder Brothers and get famous since Batman isn't doing too well with poor comic sales with the Dark Knight returns I can bring back Batman but first I have to make a name for myself by creating and directing Halloween '78"

Aria: "The Host Jay is advised to talk to the Uncle of Kid's body since he has contributed to the movie landscape of Simlake and he is a successful Movie distributor but first The host needs Signuficent funds for the creation of Halloween"

After this was said to him Jay's excitement came crashing down since he didn't know where he would get significant funds for the movie since from what he remembers Halloween in his past life was made on a budget of 325,000 USD and made back 70 million and he wanted to at least do 125 million which is at least 3x times what it did in the box office in his previous and he wants to make this Halloween with a budget of 400,000 which he doesn't know where he would get. Then it came to him that maybe if he decided to ask his mom and Dad first Jay would be able to get them to support his ideas going downstairs he saw both his parents sitting and watching TV and deciding to get their attention Jay called them

Jay: "Mom and Dad I want to ask you something important and I want your guy's help with it please ask if you would allow me to do it"

James(Dad): "Sure We hear you son go on and tell us what is it"

Samantha(Mom): "Go on honey share with us what you maybe we can make it happen"

Jay: "Mom and Dad I want to make a movie and I want to know if you would let me use my College savings to help fund the movie and if Dad would contact uncle to see if he would help"

As Jay voiced his ambitious proposal, his parents exchanged a glance, their expressions a mix of surprise and curiosity. James set aside the remote control, leaning forward with interest. Samantha's eyes softened, a hint of concern flickering across her face, but she remained open to her son's request.

James(Dad): "A movie, huh? That's quite the undertaking for an eight-year-old. What kind of movie are you thinking about making, Jay?"

Jay: "It's a horror movie called Halloween. It's about this guy who escapes from a mental hospital and goes on a scary spree in a small town. It's a classic from my... uh, from what I've read and learned. I believe it could be a big hit here, too."

Samantha(Mom): "But Jay, that sounds a little intense for someone your age. Are you sure you're up for something like this?"

Jay: "I know it sounds big, but I've learned a lot about it, and I think I can do it with some help. I've even been studying up on movie production and stuff."

James(Dad): "And you want to use your college fund for this? It's a serious investment, son. You know that money is for your future education."

Jay: "I do, Dad. But I see this as part of my education. Making a movie will teach me about business, storytelling, and working with a team. It's a real-world experience. And I think if we do it right, it could even make the money back, maybe more."

Samantha(Mom): "And what about your uncle? You want us to talk to him about this?"

Jay: "Yes, I was hoping he could help guide us through the process. He's got the experience we need."

James and Samantha shared another glance, the wheels clearly turning in their minds as they considered their son's unusual but passionate request.

James(Dad): "Well, it's not every day your kid comes to you with a plan to make a movie. But I have to admit, I'm impressed by your initiative. Let me talk to your uncle first. We'll see what he thinks about the idea and if he believes it's feasible."

Samantha(Mom): "And we'll need to think about this college fund situation. Maybe there's a way to support you without risking your entire future education. We could look into other financing options, too."

Jay: "Thank you, Mom and Dad. I really think we can do something amazing."

James(Dad): "Alright, son. I'll give your uncle a call. Let's have a family meeting about this once we gather some more information. We love your creativity and drive, but we also want to make sure we're making smart decisions for you and your future."

Samantha(Mom): "Yes, and let's keep talking about this, Jay. We'll figure out the best way to support you and your dreams, together as a family."

Jay nodded, his heart racing with excitement and a touch of nervousness. He understood the weight of what he was asking and the trust his parents were placing in him. He was determined not to let them down.

With his parents' tentative support, Jay felt a step closer to bringing his vision to life. He knew there would be challenges, but he also knew he had Aria's help and his own resolve. Going back upstairs Jay began to look for information about the state of the comic book industry since in his previous life 1986 was the original year Batman: The Dark Knight Returns was created by Frank Miller who doesn't exist in this universe or did not become a comic book write and creator in this universe like he was In jay's previous life

Jay's mind buzzed with ideas and strategy as he ascended the stairs to his room. He understood the potential impact of introducing something as influential as "Batman: The Dark Knight Returns" to this world, especially if it hadn't been created here. The ripple effects could boost the comic book industry and also pave the way for his own creative ventures.

Once he reached his room, Jay powered up his computer, the screen illuminating his determined features. He opened the browser and began his research into Simlake's comic book industry, seeking to understand the market dynamics, current trends, and the level of interest in superhero narratives. He typed with purpose, knowing that the information he gathered now could be the foundation for his future plans.

As Jay delved into the depths of the internet, he found that the comic book industry in Simlake was in a state of flux. Superhero tales were popular but seemed to lack the darker, grittier edge that had revitalized the genre in his previous world. There was a gap in the market, a niche he could potentially fill with the introduction of "Batman: The Dark Knight Returns." This could be his chance to not only revitalize the industry but also to establish himself as a groundbreaking creative force.

Jay spent hours collecting data, taking notes, and formulating a plan of action. He would need to approach his uncle with a solid pitch, armed with market analysis and a clear vision of what introducing a Frank Miller-esque Batman could mean for the industry. He would have to be convincing, not just as an eight-year-old with a big idea, but as a visionary ready to influence the cultural landscape.

His research complete, Jay took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the task ahead. He would need to prepare a presentation, perhaps even create some sample artwork or storyboards to demonstrate his concept. He was aware that he might face skepticism due to his age, but he was also confident in his unique knowledge and the support system he had in his family and Aria.

Feeling a mix of anticipation and resolve, Jay shut down his computer and glanced at the clock. It was time to switch gears and assist his father at the comic book store. There, he could observe customers' preferences firsthand and perhaps even test the waters with subtle hints about a darker Batman narrative.

Jay left his room, his mind still racing with possibilities. As he walked downstairs, he knew that each step he took was not just towards the comic book store but towards a future where he could shape this world's culture, one story at a time.

After what felt like days Jay's parents and uncle arrived so they could talk about Jay wanting to make a movie. Being called downstairs into the living room He was greeted by his uncle with a big hug and a warm smile.

Jordan(uncle): "Hey there Kiddo how have you been I haven't seen you in forever and I'm sorry I didn't get you anything for your birthday last year I forgot and I've been busy but I hear you want to make a movie right"

Jay: "Yess your right I do Want to make a movie but I don't have a crew, A studio to help, the money/funds for it and etc. Also uncle I'm not mad about you forgetting my birthday but maybe know you can make it up to me by helping me out with making this movie of it does happen I want to release it on Halloween I Already have the script and everything. But mom and dad theirs another thing that I want to do which is Make A comic book for Dc Comics since after looking online I found that they are holding a talent show for upcoming comics and artists and they said they might even hire some new writers and artists. This is not all though since I know that you dad own a publishing company for books, novels, manga, newspaper and etc I was wondering if you could help publish a manga I've been working on but I guess it wouldn't be called a manga since I kinda fused it with a comic so I guess you can call it a Manomic"

Jordan: "That sounds great nephew of course I'll help you consider it my late birthday present for you from your last birthday"

Jay's parents smiled at the interaction between Jay and his uncle, pleased to see the family coming together to support Jay's ambitions. Jay's eyes sparkled with excitement as he listened to his uncle's offer.

James(Dad): "Well, that's very generous of you, Jordan. We appreciate it, and I'm sure Jay does too. But we still need to discuss the logistics of this whole movie and comic project. Making a movie is a big endeavor, and we need to make sure Jay understands the commitment and work involved."

Samantha(Mom): "Yes, and while we want to support Jay's dreams, we also want to ensure it's done responsibly. We can't just use his college fund without considering the risks."

Jordan(uncle): "Absolutely, we need to be practical about this. But Jay, if you're serious about making this movie and you've got a script ready, let's hear it. What's the story? And tell me more about this 'Manomic' you've mentioned."

Jay proceeded to explain the premise of "Halloween," detailing the suspenseful plot and the characters he envisioned. He described how the horror genre was ripe for innovation in Simlake, and how he believed his movie could capture audiences' imaginations.

Jay: "The movie is about suspense, fear, and the unexpected. It's not just about the scares; it's about creating a story that stays with viewers long after they've left the theater. And for the 'Manomic,' I want to blend the best of both worlds—the detailed storytelling of manga with the dynamic art style of comics. It's a new concept that I think could really catch on."

James(Dad): "It's an interesting idea, Jay. And about the DC Comics talent show, it could be a good opportunity for you to get your foot in the door. If you're serious about this, we can help you prepare your submission. But remember, we need to think about how to finance these projects without putting your future at risk."

Samantha(Mom): "Exactly, we'll need to sit down and draw up a budget, look into potential investors or crowdfunding, and explore other funding options. We can't rely solely on your college fund."

Jordan(uncle): "I know a few people in the industry who might be interested in a project like this. I can make some calls, set up meetings, and we can pitch the movie. As for the 'Manomic,' let's see what you've got, and if it's good, my company can certainly publish it."

Jay nodded, grateful for the support and guidance his family was offering. He knew he had a lot to learn, but he was more than ready to take on the challenge. The idea of his projects coming to life filled him with a sense of purpose he had never felt before.

Jay: "Thank you, everyone, for believing in me. I won't let you down. I'm ready to work hard and make these dreams a reality."

Jordan: "Oh yeah nephew one last thing I need to help you set up your own film crew but you can use mine since I'm pretty sure that they would be willing to help you plus some of them own me a few favors"

Jay: "Oh Ok thanks uncle and thanks you mom and dad but I'm gonna go play with Nicki today and maybe tell her the great news"

As Jay ran off to his room and got dress for outside than he was out the door speeding off to Nicki's house to play

Nicki: "Hey, Jay! What's the word on the street, my man?"

Jay: "Hey, Nicki! You won't believe the idea I've been cookin' up in my brain! We're gonna make history!"

Nicki: "Spill it, Jay! I'm all ears!"

Jay: "Okay, okay, listen up. Picture this: a Halloween scary movie where a Man becomes the stuff of nightmares. But Also this a comic book meets a manga to become a Manomic It's like the ultimate fusion of storytelling awesomeness!"

Nicki: "Whoa, that sounds totally bananas! But how are we gonna pull that off?"

Jay: "Easy peasy! We'll write the script together, then I'll draw out the scenes like a comic book, but with that manga flair, you know? And boom, we've got ourselves a Mangomic masterpiece!"

Nicki: "I'm feelin' it, Jay! We'll be the dynamic duo of creativity, unstoppable like a tidal wave of talent!"

Jay: "Exactly! With your wild imagination and my mad drawing skills, we'll be unstoppable!"

Nicki: "Let's do this, Jay! Get ready to make cinematic history, 'cause Nicki and Jay are takin' over the world, one Mangomic at a time!"

Jay: "Hey Nicki you ever think about rapping I know you like to sing and rap since we forever but also I know you've been practicing acting and I know you have a talent for it and you like it maybe I can get a small role for you in the movie if this all works"

Nicki: "That would be great Jay but I don't know do you really think I have what It takes to be a actor or a rapper I mean I heard that it really ruff to get into the industry like that for a woman"

Jay: "Nicki, trust me, you've got talent oozing out of every pore! You've got the charisma, the confidence, and the style to rock any stage, whether it's rapping, singing, or acting. And as for the industry being tough, yeah, it can be, but you've got what it takes to break through those barriers. Plus, with our movie and Mangomic on the horizon, we'll be blazing our own trail!"

Nicki: "Aw, Jay, you always know how to boost my spirits! Alright, count me in! Let's show the world what we're made of!"

Jay: "That's the spirit, Nicki! Together, we're unstoppable!"

Nicki: "You bet we are! Now, let's get to work and make some magic happen!"

As Jay hears her say this he hears Aria bing in his head as he wonders what the notification is about since he doesn't know what he's done Jay's curiosity was piqued by the unexpected notification from Aria. It was unusual for Aria to chime in without prompting, indicating that something significant must have triggered the alert.

Jay: "Aria, what's the notification about?"

Aria: "Host Jay, you have successfully initiated your first major collaborative project. This aligns with your overarching mission parameters to influence cultural development in this universe. Your adaptation of 'Halloween' and creation of the 'Manomic' concept have been registered as key events. Additionally, your efforts to involve Nicki in these projects have the potential to amplify your impact significantly."

Jay: "That's awesome, Aria! But what does that mean for us right now?"

Aria: "It means that your decision-making and strategic planning are having tangible effects on your environment. As a result, your actions are contributing to the progression of your goals. It is advised that you continue to nurture these collaborative relationships and seek additional allies and resources to ensure the success of your endeavors."

Jay: "Got it, Aria. Thanks for the update. I'll keep pushing forward."

As Jay mulled over Aria's advice, he realized the importance of networking and leveraging the talents of those around him. His uncle's film crew and industry connections, along with his parents' cautious support, were vital pieces of the puzzle. With Nicki's enthusiasm and his own creative direction, Jay felt a growing confidence that they could indeed make a significant impact in both the film and comic industries.

Satisfied with the progress he'd made, Jay focused on enjoying his time with Nicki. They brainstormed ideas for their projects, laughing and bouncing concepts off each other. It was energizing to work with someone who shared his passion and drive.

As the day turned to evening and Jay said his goodbyes to Nicki, he walked home with a renewed sense of purpose. He had taken the first steps on a journey that would challenge him in ways he had never imagined. But with Aria's guidance, his family's support, and Nicki's partnership, Jay felt ready to take on the world—one story, one performance, one creation at a time.