
New Universe New Me

A guys is sent on a mission on a parallel universe world of Earth to recreate popular impactful movies, TV shows, video Games, Manga and Comics in this new universe fro. his previous universe

James_Smith_6565 · Urbain
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Early morning

"Huh where am I and why does my body feel Smaller than before did somehow shrink with Age I mean I'm 45 years old, " thought Jay as He got up from his bed as He heard a Bing sound ring in his head a feminine voice in his head Loading…1%…33%….67%….100%

"system downloaded Greetings Hello, Host I'm the ultimate Hollywood world system 2.0 I am your personal assistant who will help you get adjusted to this new life and navigate you to your mission," said A Feminine voice

"Hey system can you tell me what my name is," Jay asked in a suspicious tone as He thought about how he got the system

"Right Away Host your name is Jay Cash your height is 5'11 and your age is 36 A second generational wealthy heir," said The system

"Well what do you know I'm not crazy or hallucinating but wait how do you know all that" Said Jay in a serious tone

"sorry host but I'm afraid that I don't know sorry," said the system "Well ok It doesn't really matter anyway so system do you have a name something short, please" said Jay in a bored tone as he thought of his next question "Affirmative No Systems has yet to be assigned a Name as Host calls it" said Jay "Hmm well I'm going to give you a name calling your system all the time is a mouthful" said jay "your new name Will be Aria something short but great" said Jay

"Hey Aria what mission I'm supposed to be on where I'm actually and why am I short like a kid," said Jay to Aria

"The host's mission is to bring back and recreate as many Impactful movies, TV shows, Games, Manga, and comic books from the host's previous world Since the host is in parallel universe 324.5 timelines 3 of the Host's previous universe in his previous life since in Universe 324.5 WWIIl has happened with it starting from 1974 to 1990 but really it ended in 1985 but it wasn't official until 1990 according to Aria's records of this world before the host was born". Said to Aria in a somewhat empty and Blank tone

"The system gives the host the ability to sign in daily and get scripts or information and skills and knowledge from the host's Previous world life," said Aria

"Well that's great but first is there any way for me to retrieve the memories of this body Since I can't remember anything about This world or this body's life before I woke up in his bed plus how I'm I going to approach this bodies parent since this body is 8 years old with the year being 1986 from what I can gather from looking around this room," said Jay

Aria: "Host, there is indeed a function for memory integration. The system can assist you in assimilating the memories of Jay Cash, the original owner of this body. This process will enable you to understand and interact with the world appropriately as well as maintain the continuity of Jay Cash's life without arousing suspicion. Would you like to initiate the memory integration process now?"

Jay: "Yes, definitely. I need to know what's going on if I'm going to live this life. Start the memory integration process."

Aria: "Initiating memory integration. This process may take some time and could be disorienting. Please remain calm and seated as the integration commences."

With the second worst headache Jay's ever felt and that's his previous life included Jay started the process of gaining the memories, emotions, and knowledge of this Body he is in. It turns out that in this universe there are 51 states/countries in the United States with this body being born in the state and country of Simlake a country created by Black people after being freed from slavery that didn't want to stay in the already established countries and states so when some black people found an Island that wasn't founded by other people they built their country/state theirs with this being over 100 years ago according to this body and this is where this body is born the country/state Simlake. Apparently during WWll Simlake was neutral in the war but sometime after it they decided to let people from other countries/states come and live there which is why it is a culture melding pot now with their being refugees from Russia, Mexico, Greece, Japan, and South Korea do to the war that came to Simlake causing a big change in the culture with it becoming a blend of the culture brought by these refugees. Similar has a very unique culture and laws with the Island able to compete with Prime Mexico in size and population but Simlake has a huge amount of of natural resources that have been cultivated throughout the years which is why the people are more physically healthy and fit. Simlake has a lot in common with the United States but it is different at the same time.

Jay: "So thait's what this body remembers ok this is very cool but who can believe that this body is friends with a young Nicki Minaj apparently instead of going to the United States of America Nicki's family came to Simlake with them moving in near This body's family right down a couple of blocks away"

Jay: "But from this body memories it seems like Actors and actresses and celebrities from his previous in this universe are either non-existent, haven't been born yet, or have been born earlier, or have changed professions or simply never became as famous as they were in this universe or even are kids like me Which is what happened to Nicki Minaj in this universe and from this body memory it seems like she still has the same dreams and aspirations that her famous version of herself from my previous life talked about when she was a kid"

Jay: "This body is Mixed being Greek Russian and African Simlake and this body's parents seem to be very kind and loving and traditional but this body's Father runs a sucsuccessful comic book store inherited from his father this body's Grandfather and has a publishing company with a stake in The movie making gig thanks to his Brother who is a B-lust movie maker with his own company and he is this bodies uncle and this bodies Mother being a Nurse and A fashion designer"

Aria: "It appears that you have assimilated a substantial amount of information about this new world and your current life, Host. It is essential to understand the social dynamics, culture, and history of Simlake to navigate through your daily interactions successfully. Your unique position as Jay Cash, with connections to various industries through your family, will undoubtedly be advantageous as you embark on your mission."

Jay: "Yeah, it's quite a lot to take in. I need to figure out how to utilize these connections and my mission to bring back and recreate impactful media from my previous world. But, Aria, I need to know more about this system's capabilities. What else can it do besides memory integration and daily sign-ins for scripts and knowledge?"

Aria: "The system is designed to support you in multiple ways. Besides memory integration and daily sign-ins, you have access to a range of functions, including language acquisition, skill learning, and talent enhancement. Furthermore, the system can track your progress in your mission, provide recommendations, and analyze the potential impact of the media you plan to introduce. It can help you navigate social situations, enhance your creativity, and even offer strategies for business and interpersonal relationships."

Jay: "That's impressive. But right now, I need to act like an eight-year-old and interact with my parents without raising suspicion. Can the system help me adjust my behavior to fit this age?"

Aria: "Certainly, Host. The system can guide you in adopting mannerisms, speech patterns, and behaviors appropriate for an eight-year-old in Simlake. It is crucial to blend in seamlessly to avoid drawing unnecessary attention."

Jay: "Good. I'll need to maintain this cover if I'm going to accomplish anything. But first things first, I should probably go meet my parents and act natural. Let's not forget to sign in today for whatever information or skills I might need. And Aria, keep monitoring the situation and provide me with advice when required."

Aria: "Understood, Host. I will remain vigilant and assist you whenever you need guidance. Let us proceed with today's activities and begin working towards your mission objectives."

Jay, now with a flood of new memories and an understanding of his unique situation in this alternative universe, had a lot to process. He had to balance the life of an eight-year-old with the grand mission of reintroducing a plethora of entertainment mediums from his original world. With Aria's assistance, he would have to navigate this complex dual life with care.

As he prepared to meet his parents, Jay couldn't help but marvel at the surreal nature of his circumstance. Not only was he tasked with a mission that could potentially reshape the cultural landscape of this world, but he also had to do it while living through a second childhood. This would be a delicate act of juggling the innocence of youth with the ambition and knowledge of an adult.

Stepping out of his bedroom to face the new day, Jay kept Aria's advice in mind. He would need to interact with his parents in a manner that was typical for a child of his age in Simlake. He was thankful for the system's support, knowing well that without it, the chances of slipping up would be high.

As he descended the stairs to the aroma of breakfast, the voices of his parents reached his ears—warm and familiar yet novel in a way. They were discussing the day's plans, unaware of the monumental task their son had ahead of him.

"Jay, come have breakfast," his mother Giana called out, her voice carrying the same nurturing tone he had just integrated into his memory.

As Jay sat down his father came through the door to the basement cleaning his hands with a rag

"Hey honey It's all done now I set up your sawing machine and the new washer and Dryer but we might have to call someone to help fix the house I found some mold where the old washer used to be," said James to Jay's mother as he looked down at the table noticing his son

"Good morning, Dad," Jay said, employing the cheerful and innocent tone of a child that Aria had advised him to use. He made an effort to seem engaged and curious, attributes typical for an eight-year-old, especially in front of his parents who knew him well.

"Good morning, Jaybird. How did you sleep?" James asked, ruffling his son's hair affectionately as he took a seat at the table.

"Really well!" Jay replied with a bright smile, though internally he was still processing the flood of new information. It was crucial for him to act naturally and not let on that anything was amiss.

Giana set a plate of breakfast in front of Jay. The smells were both comforting and a little foreign, given his recent memory integration. He took a bite, feigning delight in the familiar yet unfamiliar flavors.

"So, what do you have planned today? Any adventures with your friends?" Giana asked, her eyes twinkling with maternal fondness.

Jay thought quickly, recalling the memories of this body's friendships and typical activities. "I was thinking of going to see Nicki. Maybe we can play some games or explore the neighborhood," he said, referencing his friendship with the young girl who would become famous in his previous world.

"That sounds like a wonderful idea. Just be home before dinner, okay?" James added, taking a sip of his coffee.

Jay nodded, "Okay, Dad. I'll be back on time." He continued to eat his breakfast, silently thanking Aria for the guidance. This system, he realized, was going to be invaluable in helping him navigate through his daily life while he worked on his larger mission.

As breakfast continued, Jay listened attentively to his parents' conversation, interjecting with questions and comments where appropriate, all the while mentally preparing himself for the tasks ahead. With Aria's assistance and the system's capabilities, he felt a burgeoning confidence that he could indeed fulfill his mission without disrupting the life of Jay Cash.

After breakfast, he would go to see Nicki, maintain the facade of an eight-year-old, and later sign in with the system to receive the information or skills necessary for the day. It was going to be a balancing act, but Jay was determined to succeed, for the sake of both his new life and the mission that had been entrusted to him.

After breakfast the was a breakfast rice soup with Orange juice and vitamins jay was about to leave the dining room when he heard his father call him

"Hey Son come with me real quick but you like comic books right I remember that you said you wanted one of those X-men books right well I bought some in bulk to sell at the store but I wanted to see if wanted one before I put them in the store," said James as he leads jay to the storing attic that he uses to store comics and other books before he put them on the sell in the comic book store he own

"Cool, and I do like comic books but Dad do you have any Wolverine books he's my favorite X-men from Marvel," said Jay in an excited tone unknowingly tapping into the emotions of the kid's body he's in

"Absolutely, bud! Wolverine is one of the most popular characters. Give me a second, and I'll find a good one for you," James said with a smile, rummaging through several boxes labeled with various comic book titles and editions.

As James searched for a Wolverine comic, Jay stood in the attic surrounded by stacks of colorful comic books. He could feel the excitement the original Jay Cash would have felt in such a treasure trove. This was a moment where Jay could truly blend in, embracing the interests of his new identity.

Finally, James pulled out a comic with a glossy cover showcasing Wolverine in a dynamic pose. "Here you go, 'The Uncanny X-Men.' This issue has a great Wolverine story. I think you're going to love it," he said, handing the comic to Jay.

"Thanks, Dad! This is awesome!" Jay responded enthusiastically, taking the comic and examining the cover art. He remembered from the memories that Wolverine was indeed his favorite character in this life as well. This also made him think about the current status of comic books as A whole since it is 1986 in his previous life the Christopher Reeves Superman movies would have already been over and from the memories of this kid's body, it turns out it is the same thing in this universe. But also from the kid's body memories, Jay remembers that comic books in his previous life that had a huge impact on Batman like The Dark Knight Returns, Batman: Year One, Batman: The Long Holloween, and Batman: Dark Victory haven't been created mostly Batman The Dark Knight Returns since it set up for the creation of those other Batman books boosting his media influence which gave him the opportunity to get the Tim burton Batman '89 movie which made Batman a pop culture icon but since Batman Dark night returns comic wasn't made in this universe by Frank miller the creator of the comic in Jay previous life there was nothing to save Batman from being canceled forever by DC comics do to his poor comic book sales and Batman the Dark knight Returns was a major influence on the Tim Burton Batman Movies giving it a Dark and Gritty Batman and showing how Batman should been as a character.

James patted Jay on the shoulder and looked at him with a fond expression. "Enjoy, son. And remember, if you take care of them, these comics could be worth something someday."

Jay nodded, "I'll take good care of it, promise!"

As they walked back downstairs, James added, "When you come back from playing with Nicki, why don't you help me at the store for a bit? You can learn how things work, and maybe when you're older, you'll take over the family business."

"That sounds great, Dad! I'd like that," Jay replied, already thinking about how he could use the comic book store to his advantage in his mission. It could be a perfect place to start introducing elements from his previous world's media culture.

With the comic book safely in his hands, Jay headed out to find Nicki, and from what this body's memories are telling him Nicki Minaj's personality traits are the same as they were in his previous life but it seems that in this universe she has even better talent than the adult Nicki Minaj from Jay's previous life which means Nicki Minaj is still an ESFP and ENTJ in personality and traits. Which means ESFP Traits:

1. Energetic Performances: In her music videos and live performances, Nicki exudes a high-energy presence, captivating audiences with her dynamic stage presence and spontaneous expressions, typical of ESFPs.

2. Playful Persona: Nicki often showcases a playful and flamboyant side, embracing bold fashion choices, colorful aesthetics, and witty humor in her lyrics and interviews, indicative of an ESFP's love for excitement and spontaneity.

3. Emotional Expression: She's known for her emotionally charged music, where she openly shares personal experiences and struggles, tapping into her emotional depth to connect with listeners on a visceral level, a trait common in ESFPs.

ENTJ Traits:

1. Strategic Vision: Behind the scenes, Nicki demonstrates strategic planning and ambition in her career decisions, leveraging her talent and resources to achieve her goals, reflecting the ENTJ's strategic and goal-oriented nature.

2. Confident Leadership: Nicki exudes confidence and authority in her demeanor, often taking charge of her projects and collaborations, showcasing her natural leadership qualities and assertiveness, hallmark traits of an ENTJ.

3. Demanding Excellence: She sets high standards for herself and those around her, pushing for excellence in her craft and expecting professionalism from her team, a characteristic of ENTJs who are driven to achieve success and maintain control over their environment. Jay He was slowly getting used to the rhythm of this new life, and with Aria's guidance, he felt confident about the path ahead. The mission to reintroduce impactful media from his original world was daunting, but Jay was starting to see the many opportunities his current situation presented. The comic book in his hand was not just a piece of entertainment; it was a symbol of the cultural bridge he intended to build.

Jay's excitement was palpable as he approached Nicki's house, the Wolverine comic book clutched tightly under his arm. He couldn't wait to share this piece of his world with her, knowing she'd appreciate the vibrant characters and thrilling adventures.

Nicki greeted him with her trademark energy, her enthusiasm matching his own. "Hey, Jay! What's up? What's the plan for today?" she exclaimed with a wide smile.

"I've got something awesome to show you," Jay said, offering her the comic book. "Wanna dive into the world of Wolverine with me?"

Nicki's eyes sparkled with interest as she eagerly accepted the comic. "Yes, definitely! I'm always up for a new adventure," she declared, leading him to the front porch where they could immerse themselves in the comic's pages.

As they delved into the story, Jay couldn't help but admire Nicki's dual personality traits. Her spontaneous reactions and genuine excitement mirrored the traits of an ESFP, while her keen insight and strategic thinking hinted at the mindset of an ENTJ. It was a fascinating blend that made her presence magnetic.

After reading for a while, Jay broached the idea of starting something new together. "You know, Nicki, you've got so much talent and charisma. I think people would love to see you perform. What do you think about putting on a show or making our own videos?"

Nicki's eyes lit up with excitement at the suggestion. "That sounds amazing, Jay! I've always loved entertaining people. Let's make it happen!"

As they brainstormed ideas for their future performances, Jay couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement. This collaboration was the perfect opportunity to blend his knowledge of media with Nicki's natural talent and drive. Together, they could create something truly special.

As they parted ways for the day, Jay felt a renewed sense of purpose. With Nicki by his side, he knew they could achieve anything they set their minds to. This was just the beginning of their journey together, and Jay couldn't wait to see where it would take them.

Jay walked home with his thoughts buzzing with possibilities. The interaction with Nicki had energized him, reinforcing the idea that he was on the right track. The system had given him a mission, and now he was finding allies who could help him bring it to fruition.

As he walked into his father's comic book store later that day, Jay looked around with a critical eye. The store was a treasure trove of stories and characters, each with the potential to captivate and inspire. He realized that this place could serve as a laboratory for testing out which stories from his previous world might resonate here.

James noticed his son's pensive look and asked, "What's on your mind, Jay?"

Jay turned to his father, an idea forming in his mind. "Dad, do you think we could try something new at the store? Maybe we could have a section for fan-made comics or start a small contest for local artists. It could bring more people in and give us fresh stories to share."

James rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "That's not a bad idea at all, son. We could certainly give it a try. It might even spark some new interest in comics around here. Let's talk more about this later, okay?"

"Okay, Dad!" Jay replied, his heart rate accelerating slightly. He could use this initiative as a stepping stone for his mission. By encouraging local artistry, he could slowly introduce elements from the entertainment of his previous world, perhaps starting with storylines similar to those that had not yet been created here, like the influential Batman comics.

For the rest of the afternoon, Jay helped his father around the store, learning the ins and outs of the business. He took mental notes on the customers' preferences and the types of comics that sold the best. This understanding would be crucial for when he was ready to introduce his own ideas into the mix.

As the day wound down and Jay helped close the store, he realized that despite the strange circumstances, he was beginning to feel at home in this world. With the system's help and his own growing understanding of Simlake's culture and history, Jay was slowly carving out a place for himself where he could make a significant impact.

That night, before going to bed, Jay signed in with the system as usual. He requested information on storytelling techniques, marketing strategies for comic books, and any other relevant skills he might need. Aria confirmed the daily sign-in and began the process of imparting this knowledge to him.

"Your daily sign-in is complete, Host. You will find that your understanding of narrative structure and marketing has been enhanced. This knowledge will be instrumental in your mission," Aria informed him.

"Thanks, Aria. Tomorrow's another big day. We've got a lot to do," Jay said, a determined glint in his eye.

As he drifted off to sleep, Jay thought about the future—about the stories he would tell and the changes he would bring to this world. With each passing day, he was becoming more than just Jay Cash, the eight-year-old boy. He was becoming a catalyst for cultural innovation, and he couldn't wait to see what tomorrow would bring.